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This article, Mano Koa (Creeperman129), is the property of Creeperman129.

"I shall prove to you that my skill and strength can surpass you! Do you hear that, Ke Akua o ke Akua? You shall face your end here! I will no longer be an Atlantean, but the one true Akua! You should have ignored our gifts, fool. For now your greediness shall be your demise."-Mano Koa threatening Kibito Kai

Mano Koa
character image
A Quest for Booty Character
Vital statistics
Birthplace: Atlantis
Power level: Without Buu's help: 800

With Buu's help: 1,450,000,000

Homeworld: Earth
Species: Atlantean
Gender: Male
Date of Death: Age 776
Height: 20 ft
Rank: Captain of the Atlantean Guard
Personal Weapons Systems
Combat Gear/Armor/Uniform: Starfish Shurikens

Swordfish Blades

Giant Squid

Chronological & Political Information
Allies: Mano Kahuna
Enemies: Kibito Kai



Mano Koa is humanoid, with features resembling that of a great white shark. He wears white clothes quite similar to that of ancient Roman garb, alongside an orange headband. His face, arms and legs are dyed a bright red, with the rest of his skin - aside from a white underbelly, being a dark blue.

He holds two large swordfish blades and starfish shurikens on his belt and has a giant squid tied onto his back.


Mano Koa is a warrior by heart, motivated solely to fight and impress Ke Akua o ke Akua, by any means necessary. However, while being drunk off of Buu's power, Mano Koa's already unwavering desires were pushed to their limit, leading him to think he surpassed every being in the universe.


Before A Quest For Booty[]

When Mano Koa was a little boy, he reportedly saw a vision of "Ke Akua o ke Akua", the Atlanteans' god among gods. From that point onwards, he trained relentlessly from that point onwards in hopes of surpassing this power. This eventually led to him becoming the captain of the Atlantean Guard.

A Quest For Booty[]

Mano Koa's first and only shown appearance is within "A Quest For Booty". He is first shown scouting the perimeter of the city of Atlantis with several soldiers, eventually finding several pieces of Majin Buu scattered around the area.

Feeling the spheres were gifts from "Ke Akua o ke Akua" he brought them back to his elder, Mano Kahuna. He sat as his leader performed a ritual with these balls, apparently summoning their god among gods. In reality, it was Kibito Kai, attempting to regain the bits of Majin Buu peacefully.

Believing him to instead be their revered god, Mano Koa challenged Kibito Kai to a fight. However, he was interrupted by Buu, who fought the warrior for his own amusement. This continued until Buu had the idea to imbue the Atlantean with his own power, leading to Mano Koa having the strength to fight evenly with his god among gods.

Believing this to be yet another gift from the diety, the shark man began to fight Kibito Kai. As the duel carried on, Mano Koa became overconfident in his newfound power, leading him to think he could take over the universe. However, before he even had a chance to try such a thing, Buu became bored with helping the mortal as the fight droned on, leading to Kibito Kai killing the man with his "Shin Gekiretsu Shin'ou'hou".


While is the greatest warrior the Atlanteans have seen and quite a skilled warrior in his own right, his power is paltry to any of the Z Fighters by the time he's introduced. However, with Buu amping him up, he is able to keep up with Kibito Kai at full power.


  • "Mano Koa" means "Shark Warrior" in Hawaiian