Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Majin Luppa (U93), is the property of Brudikai222.

Majin Luppa is one of many beigns of the Majin race from a diffenrent universe. Originally from universe 53 it was completely destroyed when disruptions in her universe's timeline went unchecked. She fled with help from Chrona aka the Supreme Kai of Time. She lives in conton city training in Brudikai's own Lion School of Mix Martial Arts. She is is a full time student and #1 fan of Brudikai as he and his team got more and more popular.

Majin Luppa

Luppa in her time patrol uniform

Majin Luppa
character image
Dragon ball PD Character
Vital statistics
Birthplace: unknown
Power level: 311,342,221
Homeworld: Earth
Species: Majin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: Age 923 (before her universe was destroyed)
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information


Candy beam- she can use the candy beam but unlike most majins hers can be shot from her hands.

Erasor cannon- She learned this from Brudikai after begging for 5 hours

Majin Kamehameha

Gak cannon

Ki Ultimate Buu buu Bomb- she blows herself up ony to reform later

Melee Ultimate: Mystic Ball Attack