Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Majin Goku vs Majin Vegeta, is the property of GekuTheSaiyan.

This battle begins with Majin Vegeta fighting Goku. After Babibidi finds evil in Goku's heart he uses the spell on Goku.

Majin Goku: wrah......WRAH!!!!!!!!!

Majin Vegeta: Kakarot! We're on fair terms now. Big Bang Crash!

Majin Goku: Ki Blazer!

Majin Vegeta: * teleports behind him then karate chops him into a mountain *

Majin Goku: Ngh.....I thought you wanted a fair fight!

Majin Vegeta: Not Like this! You're supposed to be good!

* SSJ2 Gohan flies in *

SSJ Gohan: DAD! Stop This! * Trunks comes in *

Majin Goku: You don't tell me what to do!

SSJ Trunks: Dad we'll help! * attacks *

Majin Goku: You're a pain. * kills Trunks *

Trunks: Dad...............kill......him.........

Majin Vegeta: Trunks..................MY BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! * goes SSJ3 *

SSJ3 Majin Vegeta: KAKAROT! PREPARE TO DIE!!!!!!

SSJ3 Majin Goku: I was gonna say the same, Vegeta. Kamehameha!!!!!!!

SSJ3 Majin Vegeta: FINAL FLASH TIMES 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SSJ3 Majin Goku: What?! Gah!!!!

In another wasteland.................. * Gohan fights Buu *

Babidi: Too Bad...........Buu's gone...........

Piccolo: You are too! Demon's Hell Flash!

Babidi: Do it Buu! * dies actually *

At the fight.........

SSJ3 Vegeta: It's......it's gone!

SSJ3 Goku: Alright best buddy!

* both fly off to the lookout *
