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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Lucille Jenkins (Heart of a Warrior), is property of Steelspur111.

Lucille Jenkins
Lucille Jenkins
Detailed Information:
Appearances: Dragon Ball Z: Heart of a Warrior
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Earth
Birthdate: May 19, Age 714
Date of Death: N/A
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Family: Christopher Jenkins (husband)
Nion (daughter/creation)

Lucille Jenkins, often referred to as Mrs. Jenkins, is a Human in Dragon Ball Z: Heart of a Warrior. She is featured in the first and second sagas, being introduced in the third chapter of the first saga.


Lucille is tall and busty. Her brown hair flows long, down to her shoulders. She dresses like a usual human, wearing various designer t-shirts and jeans whenever she's out. She also wears her lab coat when she's working. She often wears glasses in an attempt to look clever.


Mrs. Jenkins serves as the more caring alternative to her husband. She is kind-hearted and enjoys spending time with her family. Though she shares her husband's goal in revenge, she does not want to proceed if it risks endangering Nion, whom she sees as her daughter and truly cares for her, while her husband does not. Her intelligence often puts her at odds with Chris, who sees himself as the superior intellect in their relationship. She is often dismissive of his insults towards her. She is also very submissive towards him, knowing that he has the guts to do things she could never do. Her loyalty to her husband and her love for Nion serves as an eternal conflict within her.


Dragon Ball Z: Heart of a Warrior[]

Secrets Saga[]


  • Her naming comes from a Daisho Con event, where Christopher Sabat jokingly stated that Vegeta's last name was "Jenkins".