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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

The following page shows readers all sagas and their respective chapters/episodes featured in MajinGogito's fanfiction, "Dragon Ball T: Retributed" (previously known as Dragon Ball Z: Legend of Tharos). As of now, there are currently 13 scheduled sagas and 215 chapters in store. Note that any of this can change in the future, at the creator's expense.

Daikon Saga[]

This saga introduces all of our characters and features the early childhood and training regimes of Saiyans, Tharos and Prince Daikon. It also shows dealings between characters like Basil and his Elite, King Onio, and the icy Arcosian, Sir Brizzard.

Chapter List

  1. Prologue
  2. Promises and Royalty
  3. The Grizzly of Onio (pt. 1)
  4. The Grizzly of Onio (pt. 2)
  5. Survival of the Furriest
  6. Only Saibamen?
  7. Tharo VS Daikon! Bragging Rights?
  8. Arti-FULL-cial MOON
  9. When Brizzard Asks...
  10. It Isn't a Suggestion
  11. The Fate of the Saiyans in a Child's Hand
  12. Child's Play
  13. Break Through the Limit
  14. If Only I Was a Super Saiyan
  15. It Can't Get Worse Right? (season finale)

Genocide Saga[]

This saga covers the continued growth and development of Daikon and Tharos. It shows us how differently both operate and although they have different duties, both seem to catch the eye of Brizzard. This saga covers everything from Daikon's royal duties to Tharos' persistence to prove his worth and Brizzard's plan to destroy Planet Onio slowly.

Chapter List

  1. What Six Months Could Bring
  2. The King's Lie
  3. Broken
  4. The Prince Gots to Duty
  5. Rememberance
  6. Time Will Tail
  7. The Prince's Pride
  8. A Cold Night on Planet 73
  9. Leave Me and My Saibamen Outta This
  10. Tharos Unleashed
  11. So Be It...
  12. Mister Sir Brizzard
  13. Scallions and Battalions
  14. Death Beam
  15. A Pinch of Basil
  16. When Stars Collide and Worlds Fall Apart (season finale)

Planetary War Saga[]

This saga picks up where the last left off and shows Tharos landing on a faraway planet that seems to be in the middle of a revolutionary war influenced by the Galaxy Trade System, Brizzard's sole organization. Dealing with the reality that is his life, Tharos also has to continue his training, decide what his place is on this planet, and figure out what the hell happened to Planet Onio all while coming to terms that he may be the last of his wiped out race. It mainly focuses on the few years after Onio's destruction and Tharos' relationship with the Upar government and rebellious comrade Appru.

Chapter List

  1. The Colder Side of Our Universe
  2. Upar Upar and Away
  3. No Brizz
  4. The King's Fighters
  5. Treason
  6. Nothing is What it Seems
  7. My New Favorite Set of Armor
  8. Gorilla Warfare
  9. Zenkais, Zenkais, and More Zenkais
  10. When My Day Job and My Spy Job Cross Paths
  11. Detachment
  12. Soup a Saiyan?
  13. Duties, Cruelties, and Fooling Me
  14. Same Job, New Tyrant
  15. Icy Arrangements
  16. What You Taught Me
  17. The Upar Revolution Pt. 1 (season finale pt. 1)
  18. The Upar Revolution Pt. 2 (season finale pt. 2)
  19. A Fallen Appule (season finale pt. 3)

Master Gildu Saga[]

This saga covers what transpires of Tharos' escape from the captured Planet Upar. Upon landing on a new, mostly barren and void world, Tharos meets an ancient alien with much more to show for himself than he wants to let off.

Chapter List

  1. Unrested Revolts
  2. OTR
  3. The One They Call Master
  4. Featherweight
  5. Tharos' Rematch
  6. The Perkiest of Sets
  7. Nostalgical
  8. The Room Where Time Slows
  9. My Inner Monster
  10. Scouter No More
  11. The Answers One Needs
  12. Electrifying Energetic Power
  13. A Hera-ione from Upar
  14. Brizzard Lives (season finale pt. 1)
  15. More Ready then I Have Ever Been (season finale pt. 2)

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber Saga[]

This saga covers Tharos' training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber after Brizzard is shown to be alive. This saga goes up until Brizzard calls forth his Death Recon.

Chapter List

  1. Into the Chamber
  2. Rolling with the Punches
  3. 100 G!
  4. Me, Myself, and My Saibamen
  5. Ascension
  6. Gildu's Secret
  7. Guilt Trip
  8. Recognition (season finale)

Brizzard's Death Recon Saga[]

This saga shows Tharos and his accomplices battle against some of Brizzard's most powerful forces once Tharos' location has been tracked from Planet Upar. Amongst these forces are none other than Prince Daikon, Tharos' former best friend turned cold bounty hunter.

Chapter List

  1. Spacial Recognition
  2. Five Hidden Fighters
  3. Avo I'm Okay Tho
  4. Suped Er Saiyan?
  5. Avenge the Fallen! Mallei's Up Next!
  6. Gildu's Full Power Wave
  7. The Friend of My Enemy or the Enemy of My Friend?
  8. Appru's Rebirth (pt 1)
  9. Appru's Rebirth (pt. 2)
  10. Son of Jeice... Jamber's Turn
  11. Jeiced'
  12. The Last Recon Member Revealed!
  13. Tharos VS Daikon
  14. The Cold Taste of Revenge
  15. Daikon VS Tharos
  16. Two New Allies! The Journey Continues! (season finale)

Super Saiyan Saga[]

Following Prince Daikon's revelation that Brizzard had been the one to destroy his planet, he and his two comrades, Tharos and Kanta, venture to a nearby GTS base that has been off the grid for months only to find out just why it is. Facing against Iced, the envious and estranged brother of Brizzard, they are in for a confrontation that will test the new groups ability to work together and push through their limits.

Chapter List

  1. An Old-Fashioned Training Session
  2. Off the Grid
  3. Icy Concoctions
  4. Another Arcosian?
  5. Tharos VS Iced
  6. Terrible Thirds
  7. Captive!
  8. Son of Kings, Daughter of Outcasts
  9. Enraged
  10. Fiftyfold
  11. A Super Escape!
  12. Melted Ice (season finale pt 1)
  13. Another Ice-Jinn Brother? (season finale pt 2)

Planet Namek Saga[]

This Saga covers Tharos', Daikon's, and Kanta's escape from the deserted planet to Planet Namek. There, they meet Dijon, a Namekian with a HUGE secret. Goes up to the group's leaving to arrive on Planet Brizzard 1.

Chapter List

  1. Namekian Communications
  2. Untamed and Unadulterated Rage
  3. Namekian Bounty Hunter!
  4. A Super Namekian!
  5. Transcending the Super Saiyan Form
  6. The Friend of my Foe
  7. The Namekian and his Bounty
  8. No More Namekians!
  9. The Angerless Super Saiyan
  10. Sub Zero's Transformation
  11. Green and Gold
  12. Ascension
  13. Uncrowned
  14. Galick Cannon! Flakamo Explosion!
  15. My Brothers' Killers (season finale)

Arcosian Saga[]

This saga Tharos and his Elites' journey to Brizzard's homeplanet up to their departure to Earth and Daikon's ascension to Super Saiyan.

Chapter List

  1. The Devil's Iceland
  2. Not the Only Super Saiyan?
  3. Captivated
  4. The Fusion Dance
  5. Meet Dairos... the Failed Fusion!
  6. Sir Brizzard Spotted!
  7. Tharos' Elite
  8. Daikon's Revenge
  9. Brizzard VS Tharos (Pt 1)
  10. Brizzard VS Tharos (Pt 2)
  11. Brizzard VS Tharos (Pt 3)
  12. Tyrant's Laughter, Rage of the Saiyan Prince!
  13. Anger Unleashed! Super Saiyan Daikon!
  14. Return of Dairos
  15. Fusion Downfall
  16. Two Super Saiyans, One Goal
  17. Onward to Earth!  (season finale)

Planet Earth Saga[]

This saga covers the Elite's journey to Planet Earth. Once there, they decide to live regular lives as Earthlings until Brizzard alerts them that he is sending an opponent to the planet. Goes up to Android Infinity's landing on Earth.

Chapter List

  1. One Small Step for Saiyankind
  2. New to the Neighborhood!
  3. A Gravity Machine
  4. Adventures at Orange Star High
  5. The Golden Savior
  6. Earth's Guardian
  7. Not The First Super Saiyan I've Fought
  8. Night of the Blood Moon
  9. Who is Gym?
  10. Outlasting the Outpost
  11. It All Hit Tharos at Once
  12. Redemption
  13. Piccolo's Request
  14. The Infinite Threat Approaches! (season finale)

Android Infinity Saga[]

This Saga covers Tharos and his Elite becoming more accustomed to Earth and when Android Infinity, one of Brizzard's pawns, threatens to destroy their new homeland, along with the help of some of Earth's forces, they battle the mechanical menance.

Chapter List

  1. Identity Crisis
  2. The Z-Warriors of Today
  3. Mechanical Terror
  4. The Battle for Earth Starts
  5. The Ascended Super Saiyans
  6. Brawn over Brain
  7. Infinite Crisis
  8. Android's Awakening
  9. Daikon Wounded!
  10. My Father's Murderer
  11. The Next Stage! Birth of a Super Saiyan 2!
  12. Grey-haired Saiyan?
  13. Destroy the Earth!
  14. Earth's Greatest Loss
  15. A Voice From Above! Father is That You?
  16. Father-Son Flakamo Flash!
  17. Uhhh Do I Get an Upgrade?
  18. Brizzard and the Confidence That Comes with Having All of His Power (season finale)

Training Saga[]

This saga begins after Brizzard tells the Elite to train since he wants to fight worthy opponents. He then gives them a year to train before he hunts them down.This saga goes up to Brizzard's relanding on Earth to begin the final battle.

Chapter List

  1. The Saiyan They Call Gohan
  2. Korin's Tower
  3. Kaji's Katana
  4. Thank Kami for Senzu
  5. Elite Methods
  6. A Mini-Tournament
  7. Super Saiyan vs Super Saiyan 2
  8. Pride of the Saiyan Prince! Reach the Next Level Daikon!
  9. Galick Smash
  10. Old Man Go
  11. Frozen Return (season finale)

Final Battle Saga[]

This saga covers the final battle between Brizzard's army and Tharos' Elite. This is the final saga of Dragon Ball Z: Legend of Tharos .

Chapter List

  1. Hell Freezes Over
  2. Brizzard and his Creation
  3. The General... Buunior
  4. You Might Have My Father's Blood...
  5. But You Are Far From Him.
  6. Counterattack! Daikon's Attack
  7. Mystical Katana
  8. The Ultimate Namekian
  9. Dijon VS Dadori
  10. Super Saiyan 2 Much
  11. Full-Powered Death Beam!
  12. Tag In
  13. Buunior's Ambitions
  14. The Chocolate Kamehameha
  15. 100% at Long Last
  16. A Battle Heard Light Years Away
  17. Last of An Era
  18. The Next Stage
  19. Blonde and Uncontained
  20. Flakamo Electro Explosion!
  21. Might of the Super Saiyans
  22. Earth's Mightiest... Fallen
  23. Daikon Enraged!
  24. Power Beyond Comprehension
  25. Ultimate Supernova! Back to Sender
  26. Cold-Blooded
  27. Buuzard Comes to Life.
  28. Four Can Play?
  29. The Fused Warrior! His Name? Tharikon!
  30. Clash of Fusions
  31. Buuzard's Fission
  32. When All Else Fails
  33. Super Saiyan God! The Supreme Spirit
  34. One More to Go!
  35. Brizzard's Last Resort
  36. Spirit Bomb?
  37. Warmer Days
  38. Epilogue.... Five Years Later (series finale)


Braised in Oil (a mini series telling of Basil's origins starting from the start of his military career up until the birth of Tharos, as well as also showing King Onio's business on Arcose in the middle of the first two sagas)

Who Needs a Hera? (a DBZ movie showing a Saiyan outcast who escapes her world in hopes of sparking revolutions against the GTS and corruption, but when she lands on Planet Hera she is in for far more then she thought. The story of Kanta, Tharos' half-Saiyan half-Heran accomplices, mother and just what she went through to ensure her offspring would have no worries.

Misled (a special showcasing what happened to Daikon between the destruction of Planet Onio and his reunion with Tharos as well as twinkles of Android Infinity's origins and early eradication years)

DBT: What If (a mini series giving small retellings of the story had small parts been changed)
