This article, Lieken, is the property of Saddokhan26. |
Lieken is a Saiyan born on Planet Kinako, HIs parents were killed by a mysterious Namekian named Tambour. Immediately following, he achieved the Super Saiyan form, where he beat the Namekian to what he thought was death. Following this, he left the planet as he had nothing holding him there.
In the first Saga, Lieken wore Black and Gray Saiyan armour with yellow accents. When he leaves planet Kinako, he finds an alien planet and finds an outfit which could stretch with his body, and more importantly his great ape form. He continues to wear this for the rest of the show. He has spiky black hair, and grey eyes. When his suit is destroyed, he keeps repairing it.
Lieken is not very bright. When he arrives on Earth he is very alien from earth culture, he carries around his sense of Saiyan pride, but doesn't let himself get too in over his head.
Lieken's parents arrived on Planet Kinako with his sister Cress after escaping Planet Vegeta, due to not believing in the Saiyan's harsh ways. There was one thing, they didn't know was that the planet itself was alive, So when the baby Lieken was born, his life energy was altered by the planet itself. When Lieken was 13, his sister Cress who is 3 years older than him decided to leave the planet. At 16, Lieken had surpassed his parents. Later, a Namekian seeking the strange properties of the planet arrived. He introduced himself as Tambour. Lieken tried fighting the Namekian in his great ape form, but he was defeated. He murdered Liekens parents right in front of his very eyes. Lieken's fury was unleashed causing him to go Super Saiyan. Lieken had beaten the Namekian to what he thought was death. After that, Lieken used his parents pod to leave the planet. He made a couple of pitstops and picked up a new outfit, which he could wear in his great ape form. His pod starting malfunctioning so Lieken made a crash landing on planet earth.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Nova Burst - A Powerful ki attack. He pulls one hand back, charging a purple attack which he blasts.
- Aura Beam - When he charges his energy up enough, he can fire a large beam from his aura
- Ki Whip - Lieken can make a whip out of pure energy. He can use it as a regular whip doing lots of damage.
- Base
In base form, Lieken has Zenkai boosts, and his hair his black.
- Great Ape
In this form Lieken turns into a giant ape, with red eyes and brown fur. He gets a 10x multiplier in power using this form.
- Super Saiyan
His hair turns golden and spikes up, and his eyes turn a greenish-blue. His muscles pump up somewhat and he gains a 50x boost.
- Super Saiyan 2
In this form, Lieken's hair turns golden and his hair spikes up again. But this time it is in more thinner strands. He gains a 100x boost.
- Super Saiyan 2 Rage
This form is Super Saiyan 2 but with Liekens heavily altered energy coming into play as well. This grants him strength stronger than SSJ2. It turns his eyes and energy fully red. Keeping the hair the same as Super Saiyan 2 though.
- Super Saiyan 3
In this form, Lieken loses his eyebrows and his hair gets longer, around to his knees. He gains a 400x times boost.
- Golden Great Ape
Lieken had gone great ape, but then he ascended to Super Saiyan while in that form. He had a 500x boost in this form.
- Super Saiyan 4
After, Lieken went Golden Great Ape, he unlocked Super Saiyan 4. His hair grew in length, his body grew red fur all around and he gains a 1500x boost in this form.
- Super Saiyan God
During the fight with the God of Destruction Horus, Lieken had gained God Ki. He turned into a Super Saiyan God. In this form, his hair stayed the same but his eyes and hair turned red.
- Super Saiyan Blue
In this form Lieken's hair looks the same as it does when he is in Super Saiyan, although his hair and eyes are blue. This form is a 50x multiplier from SSJ God.
- Super Saiyan God Full Power
He gained this transformation after pushing Super Saiyan God to its mental and spiritual limit. His eyes lose his pupils, and his hair turned a mint colour. It also spikes up and lengthens up noticeably. He gains a 75x boost from SSJ God.
- God Great Ape
This form is a 100x multiplier of Super Saiyan God. He looks the same as he did in Golden Great Ape, but now his fur is red.
- Super Saiyan 5
God great ape leads to Lieken unlocking SSJ5. His fur and hair turns into a grey form. His skin turns reddish and he gets a 1500x from God Great Ape.
- Ultra Ki Form
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