Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Lero, is the property of MandarinB.

Lero is the only child of the renowned war hero Zukini. He was once a candidate for the Saiyan Royal Guard, as well as a participant in Age 737's Saiyan Placement trials.

He is the main antagonist of the story Dragon Ball: Uprising's Placement Trials Arc. His name is a pun on the vegetable Celery.


Lero is full-blooded Saiyan, and so as a result he shows all the normal traits of a Saiyan his age. He is a bit shorter than his fellow Saiyan children, and his hair can best be described as a mohawk.

At the start of the Placement Trials Arc, he wears the standard white and yellow armor of the Planet Trade Organization. He also wears a yellow band around his arm, which once belonged to his father before the war hero's untimely death.


At the start of the Placement Trials, Lero is a brutal and dishonorable young Saiyan, eager to live up his father's legacy. This need to be better due to a father figure makes him more alike to his rival Kaido than he probably wants to admit, although during this arc that is their only similarity. Ultimately, it is his dishonorable and brutal tactics that lead to his victory in the previously mentioned trials.
