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This page, Legutholo, is property of KidVegeta.

Conservation status
Endangered (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Yebebbunae
Genus: Batagho
Species: B. legutholos
Binomial name: Batagho legutholos
Common name: Legutholo
Species characteristics
Average height: 6'0" - 6'6"
Average weight: 195 - 260 lbs.
Eye colors: Brown, black, red
Body color: Brown
Average lifespan: 130 years for males, 135 years for females
Consumer type: Carnivore
Ecological role: Tertiary consumer
Current population: 52,904
Gender ratio: 49.8% male, 50.2% female

"A species with much potential, but little ambition."

The Legutholo (Batagho legutholos) is a sentient bipedal mammal native to Passein. They range across their world except for the poles, where it is coldest. Their settlements range from large cities to smaller towns, and most of the world is interconnected through roads and long-range communication. Most civilizations exist near sources of water. They primarily hunt their native fauna, favoring their sea animals, although certain plants also provide necessary nutrition for their diet.

They were a staple species in Frieza's Empire until when in Age 701, a space-badger infestation resulted in the deaths of all natives on the planet. As a result, the species has been listed as endangered, for while there are still tens of thousands of soldiers who live off-world, their species' long-term survival remains in peril.



Modern Leugtholos evolved as early as 700,000 Before Age. By 300,000 Before Age, they had become sophisticated enough to have developed agriculture, small city-states, language, and trade. A volcanic explosion in 274,000 Before Age killed off 83% of the species, reducing them to a more primitive state. By 50,000 Before Age, their species had somewhat recovered, although their technological advances were not quite as impressive as before. Still, tens of millions of Legutholos lived across Passein in dozens of different city-states. Their species did not often war amongst one another. While conflict was rare, so too were beings of great strength, so any time a powerful warlord dictator emerged, it was difficult to stop them (usually such kingdoms were overthrown several generations later when the bloodline's power had waned). By Age 1, the species was moderately space-faring, though they rarely left their solar system, instead mining asteroids and putting up outposts on nearby planets and moons. Both of their moons were inhabited by Age 1.

Intergalactic Usage[]

The Legutholos were conquered by Frieza in Age 621. Thereafter, they were added to his armies and many moved permanently off-world to fulfill their duties. Passein remained an important planet for the Planet Trade Organization, being a source of rare metals for mining, as well as functioning as a strong military outpost where soldiers of many different species, particularly the Legutholos, were trained for battle.

In Age 701, a space-badger infestation caused widespread destruction, eventually leading to the deaths of all PTO soldiers and Legutholos on the planet. Years later, Cui was sent to rid the planet of its infestation, which allowed for it to be re-populated. Had not several tens of thousands of Legutholos went off-world (including to Passein's moons), the species would have been rendered extinct by this outbreak of vermin. As such, in modern times, there were fewer Legutholos in Frieza Empire and Kuriza's Empire than when they had been conquered. They remain an active part of the Planet Trade Organization, though no member sans Lingon is particularly noteworthy as a warrior.


Legutholos live across the entirety of their homeworld. They are most often found near bodies of water. As Passein doesn't have a huge amount of ocean space, this means that most cities have been located in the same general areas of the planet throughout the past 700,000 years. While the species divides itself into small city-states, each city can hold millions of people. Over the years, these cities have expanded outwards and upwards in an attempt to house growing populations. It is common for there to be countryside towns outside of the cities, but it is less common for the towns to be isolated from major cities, as the trade routes are important for wealth and growth, and fresh water is a scarce commodity not easily available far inland. The towns focus on agriculture and produce much of the food for the cities. Most city-states are led by a single ruler, a king or emperor or the like (each one styles themselves differently), and about thirty-five percent of these city-states also have a less-powerful legislature to assist the monarch.

Inside the cities, the architecture is stone-based, and there are rarely buildings rising higher than eight stories. Legutholos do not travel much for the most part, spending their entire lives in the city they were born in, unless they are traders, in which case they will visit many nearby city-states (upwards of 300 miles away), or off-world miners/explorers. Those who live on the moons, or those who live in outposts across the solar system travel the most.



Legutholos are tall, brown-skinned bipeds. They tend to have short, wispy hair, large eyes, and move slowly. Males and females alike may grow beards, and whether or not it is common to see females with beards depends on the culture of a specific city-state. Their hair turns white with age, and their faces become extremely wrinkled as they enter the second half of their lifespan, making them look older than they really are to other species. They have four fingers and four toes. Their noses are slits on their face. Members of this species have long droopy ears that are often adorned with jewelry. They wear bright robes - reds, greens, and yellows primarily.

As predators, they have sharp teeth. One's teeth will regrow whenever they fall out, no matter how old the Legutholo gets. They have good stamina, being able to run for long periods of time. This is not to say they are by any means quick. Tiring out their prey is the chief strategy used by Legutholo, as they are able to outlast almost every creature on their planet if a chase is on. Boys and men tattoo their bellies with an insignia of their town or city upon reaching adulthood. Legutholos have crimson blood.


Legutholo babies are usually born one at a time, with a gestation period of close to 11 months. Twins, triplets, and higher groups of babies have been observed, but all are relatively rare. Legutholos are raised by both parents usually and will remain with their parents throughout their lives. Once Legutholo offspring become old enough to earn money, they will begin to care for their parents (taking their parents' home or moving into a new home with their parents are roughly equally as common). By the age of 20, Legutholo males and females are expected to start earning money and may be kicked out of their parents' house if they refuse to do so. This custom leads to a small percentage of the youth (2-5%) being homeless wanderers of the streets, begging for money. This species puts a high emphasis on earning a living through skill or trade, and thus they are nearly as greedy as the Faereth on average.

Female Legutholos sexually mature at a slightly younger age than males - at roughly 19-20 years. Males begin puberty on average at around 20-21 years of age. It is taboo for males and females to form permanent bonds with each other before the age of 30, though if a pair are deeply in love, it is not uncommon for them to engage in a years-long courting ritual before permanently bonding (which is akin to marriage) at around 30 years of age. More common is for the males and females to have many short-lived flings throughout their lives until around 45-50 years of age.


Most Legutholos are calm, slow-thinking individuals. They are not highly emotional beings, though they are deliberate and greedy. A strong work ethic is imposed upon them at a young age, and almost all youth grow up to become salary-oriented, with higher-paying jobs earning more prestige. It is rare for Legutholos to murder, to assault, or to rape. Thieving is common, as is scamming. The most common issue that will bring a Legutholo to kill another is if they find their partner is cheating on them with someone else. In that case, they are justified in taking the lives of both their significant other and the person they were cheating with under Legutholo law.

Legutholos are conniving, but not necessarily deceitful. They are loyal to their parents and mates, but that feeling is much less strong with friends. While a betrayal by a mate, or by bloodkin can result in justifiable murder, the same is not true of any betrayals made by friends, such as stealing money or a job. Legutholos bury their dead and spend weeks, sometimes months, in mourning for them if they are bloodkin or their mates. Shrines will often be erected inside the home to those who have passed away. Incense burning (sometimes producing a mild hallucinogenic effect to those who inhale it) is also common. The Legutholos had various polytheistic religions in place before Frieza conquered them, but once the Planet Trade Organization took over the planet, these temples were all taken down. It is likely that the Legutholos still worshiped their various religions in private, however. Their intellectual capabilities are about on par with humans, though they are far less aggressive of a species.


Females become sexually mature at age 19-20 on average. Males become sexually mature on average at age 20-21. They are not expected to start raising families for several decades following their maturity, and indeed, it is taboo for members of the species to mate for life before the age of 30 (for they are seen as being too young to do so). There are various courting routines, the specifics being different from city-state to city-state, but most involve the male presenting the female with an expensive gift (usually a garment of some time). If the woman is impressed, she will take it. If she takes it and does not want to engage in sexual activity with the male, that is seen as taboo, and she may be publicly shamed for it. Women sometimes court men if they are especially enamored, but this is not the norm. It is not culturally taboo to do so, but because the males are the more dominant of the two genders in sexual advances, it is merely less common.

If a female becomes pregnant, the pair will become bonded for life, usually. This is not true if the female is especially young, or was raped, in which case she may decide what to do with the fetus (to abort it or to raise it). When the female becomes pregnant, the pair will usually move into a house together and care for both sides' parents from then on if they can financially manage it. Because finances are a big part of this equation, most Legutholos do not have children until they are around the age of 50, when they usually have a secure income as well as money saved up.

Homosexual behavior is documented, but relatively rare at 3% for females and 4% for males. Such pairings are not taboo in most city-states, but sometimes the parents will not financially support their children in these cases, as they desire grandchildren.

Diet and feeding[]

Legutholos are carnivores, and usually get their meat from the oceans where shore fish, deep fish, and larger aquatic leviathans are often hunted. They will also hunt land animals, but this is slightly less common and more costly. Additionally, agriculture has been a part of Legutholo culture for hundreds of thousands of years, being the reason why city-states were able to form in the first place. Legutholos do not eat many plants, as they are primarily carnivores, but some of their required nutrients come from their planet's native flora. Those who do not get these nutrients can develop diseases similar to scurvy from Earth. Legutholos eat on average two meals a day - breakfast and dinner - and eating times are a sacred moment for the family to bond together. It is taboo for a Legutholo to eat alone, unless necessary due to their job.

Legutholos can go about 10 days without eating, and about 2 days without water.

Longevity and mortality[]

Females live for on average 135 years; males live slightly shorter lifespans at 130 years on average. The longest recorded age for a female is 192 years. For a male it is 188 years. Older Legutholos, around 90-100 years of age, usually lack the stamina to continue working, so if they do not have money saved up, or a family to support them, they will be thrown out onto the streets to die. This occurs to roughly 0.5% of the population.

The infant mortality rate is 15%, though that rate climbs to 20% if the mother is giving birth to twins or more children at once. The average lifespans for males and females are about 3 years into old age for each gender. It is somewhat rare for Legutholos to live longer than 150 years. That is considered, in their culture, a long life. Due to the lack of warring in this species, most Legutholos reach at least 100 years of age, though disease, genetic defects, and accidents play a moderate role in lowering the average lifespan.


Legutholos are relatively advanced as a species, being capable of space travel and moderate colonization. Their ships are not as fast, durable, or powerful as those created by the Faereth and Jolea before their conquering by Frieza, but they are respectable enough. They use nuclear and solar power for the most part, and electrical devices have long been a stable in most cities. There is less technological prowess in the rural towns. It goes without saying that wealth is a contributing factor in how easily accessible space travel is for a Legutholo. Additionally, as the Legutholos were never much of a warring species, their technological advancements in terms of weaponry is extremely basic. While they are capable of creating high-powered weaponry, there has been little emphasis put on this area of technological expansion at any point in Legutholo history. This made them an easy species for Frieza to conquer.

KidVegeta's Alien Species
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