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This page, Ledas/Statistics, is property of KidVegeta.


Gokushenron Article of the Month Award

This page, Ledas/Statistics, was the Article of the Month for August 2015! Congratulations!


It sucks, but it's cool
リイダス, Rīdasu
Detailed Information:
Appearances: Dragon Ball: The Great War (cameo)

Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten (First appearance)

How To Act Like a Professional Mercenary

Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Planet Trade Organization

Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten

Dragon Ball: Heart of the Dragon

Not So Far


Bean Daddy

A Quest for Booty

The One with Several No Good Rotten Space Vermin

Dragon Ball: Cold Vengeance

Dragon Ball: Heart of the Dragon

The Great Sushi-Eating Contest

The Monster and the Maiden

The Space Taco Bandit

Dragon Ball Z: In Requiem (cameo)

Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Other World saga[1]

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast DLC

Nicknames: Monkey, Ape, Kid, Leeds
Species: Saiyan
Gender: Male
Birthplace: The Royal City, Planet Vegeta
Birthdate: June 7, Age 733
Birth Power Level: 417
Maximum Power Level: B- Tier
Personal Pronouns: ぼく, わたくし, おれ, 麿まろ
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 77 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Rank: Super Elite (Age 733 - Age 737)
Soldier in Frieza's Empire (Age 737)
Soldier in Cooler's Empire (Age 739 - Age 745)
Student at West City Middle School (Age 774)
Member of the Starchasers (Age 776 - present)
Organizations: Frieza's Empire (Age 733 - Age 737)
Cooler's Empire (specifically The Plantains) (Age 739 - Age 745)
Starchasers (Age 776 - present)
Favorite Food: Kiwis, shumai
Favorite Vehicle: Model-14 Gravity Training Unit
Hobbies: Training, spending time with friends, traveling
Family: Lascon (grandfather)
Layeeck (father)
Cyleria (mother)
Ryori (friend/roommate/husband)
Yuki (mate)
Chari (daughter)
Olivien (son)
Nir (son)
Lauto (ki brother)
The Benefactor (ki brother)
Mrs. Fanshi (caretaker)
Vegeta (best friend)
Chaiva (FWB)
Cuber (fusee)
Beelzebub (comrade)
Okinaro (comrade)
Linessi (comrade)
Naemi (comrade)
Vizzer (comrade)
Theodosius (comrade)
Voice Actor: Destructivedisk

Characters killed by Ledas[]

Joint kills are not listed.

Prince Vegeta Saga

  • Dozens of Saibamen, throughout his training.
  • Various planets, and inhabitants on them, several billion credited to Ledas alone.
  • 1 mysterious alien pursuer during the "Always Remember Your First" chapter.
  • Saiyan Pod Commander.

Lauto Saga

  • 6 Planet Cooler 92 soldiers, upon landing on the planet.
  • Several dozen natives during the gladiator matches.
  • 3 Alien Rebels during the assault on Planet Cooler 92.
  • 57 Alien Rebels during the assault on the vanadium mining rig.
  • Lenomi.

Stomping Grounds Saga

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Planet Trade Organization

  • Captain Ajira.
  • Captain Ajira's team.

Planet Earth Saga

  • 2 petty criminals.
  • Several houses, unknown occupancy.
  • An entire town of people.
  • Mr. Kyokatoshi.

Reunion Saga

Fulfillment Saga

West City Saga

A Quest for Booty

Dragon Ball: Cold Vengeance


All of Ledas' shown battles are listed below. The winner's name is underlined and bolded in each battle. Fighting against named individuals, Ledas has a win percentage of 62.7%. His win/loss ration is 52/31 against named individuals.

  • Ledas vs Planet of Aliens (PVS: LIF)
  • Ledas vs 3 Saibamen (PVS: JS)
  • Ledas vs Prince Vegeta (PVS: JS) (no victor)
  • Ledas and Prince Vegeta vs 7 Saibamen (PVS: JS)
  • Ledas vs 6 Saiyan children (PVS: ALPNHA)
  • Ledas vs Layeeck (PVS: ARYF)
  • Ledas and Prince Vegeta vs Planet of Aliens (PVS: ARYF)
  • Ledas and Prince Vegeta vs 5 Alien Warriors (PVS: ARYF)
  • Ledas and Prince Vegeta vs Planet of Aliens (PVS: LF)
  • Ledas vs Lascon (PVS: WAAF)
  • Ledas vs Saiyan Pod Commander (PVS: SIA)
  • Ledas vs Payar (LS: LAL)
  • Ledas vs Meloon (LS: WS)
  • Ledas and Aprido vs PC92 Natives (LS: TOED)
  • Ledas vs Meloon (LS: BM)
  • Ledas vs Lieme (LS: BM)
  • Great Ape Ledas vs Payar and Lieme (LS: BM)
  • Great Ape Ledas vs Banas (LS: BM)
  • Ledas vs Lieme (LS: NT) (no victor)
  • Ledas and Payar and Banas and Lieme and Meloon and Guva vs Planet Trade Organization Rebels (LS: YSL)
  • Ledas vs Planet Trade Organization Rebels (LS: TDIHSP)
  • Ledas and Saibamen vs Planet Trade Organization Rebels (LS: TDIHSP)
  • Ledas vs Lenomi (LS: AMOP)
  • Ledas vs Payar (LS: MHOD)
  • Ledas vs Mullpy's soldiers (SGS: HM)
  • Ledas vs Mullpy (SGS: HM)
  • Ledas vs Cooler (SGS: TKAG & ABMIHE)
  • Ledas vs Grif (SGS: ABMIHE)
  • Ledas vs Konatsu's men (SGS: ISD)
  • Ledas vs Konatsu (SGS: ISD) (no victor)
  • Ledas vs First Legion (SGS: Agoraphobia)
  • Ledas vs Anango (SGS: Agoraphobia)
  • Ledas vs Second Legion (SGS: Agoraphobia)
  • Ledas vs Konatsu (SGS: Agoraphobia)
  • Ledas vs Nepar (SGS: ET)
  • Ledas vs Nepar (round 2) (SGS: ET)
  • Ledas vs Sika and Sarpack (SGS: FR)
  • Ledas vs Digranite (SGS: FR)
  • Ledas and Guva vs Digranite (SGS: TMHTG)
  • Ledas vs Aprido (SGS: FA)
  • Ledas vs Lieme (SGS: Ascendancy)
  • Ledas vs Payar (SGS: Ascendancy)
  • Ledas vs Payar (round 2) (SGS: Ascendancy)
  • Ledas vs Payar, Lieme, and Meloon (SGS: TEATHS)
  • Ledas and Guva vs Banas (SGS: TEATHS)
  • Ledas vs Captain Ajira and her soldiers (THOTDAFOTPTO: TOTGA)
  • Ledas vs Two Human Thugs (PES: TO)
  • Ledas vs Vegeta (PES: CC & MFV)
  • Ledas vs Piccolo (PES: LAA)
  • Ledas vs Mr. Kyokatoshi (PES: LAA)
  • Ledas vs Supreme General Silver (RS: LOADB)
  • Ledas vs Kindler (RS: TCOA)
  • Ledas vs Kindler (RS: Blink)
  • Ledas vs Dewberry (RS: Blink)
  • Ledas vs Dewberry's Soldiers (RS: Blink)
  • Ledas vs Prince Vegeta (RS: SD) (no victor)
  • Ledas vs Vegeta (RS: BOMB) (no victor)
  • Ledas vs Goku (RS: BOMB) (no victor)
  • Ledas vs Vegeta (RS: Visionary & Testament)
  • Ledas vs New Red Ribbon Army Soldiers (RS: MM)
  • Ledas vs Captain Green (RS: MM)
  • Ledas vs Supreme General Silver (RS: MM)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (RS: MM)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (FS: RV & HN)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (FS: TDTN)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (round 2) (FS: TDTN)
  • Ledas vs Screechers (FS: YM)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor vs Screechers (FS: YM)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (FS: Mephistopheles) (no victor)
  • Ledas vs Screechers (FS: Mephistopheles) (no victor)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (FS: WTALSHASG)
  • Ledas vs The Benefactor (round 2) (FS: WTALSHASG)
  • Ledas vs Trunks (FS: SL)
  • Ledas vs Vegeta (FS: SL)
  • Ledas vs Towa (AQFB: TOWEGRAS)
  • Ledas vs Naro (DBCV: ATHYRIO)
  • Ledas vs Kirka (DBCV: ATHYRIO)
  • Ledas vs Yuki's Soldiers (DBCV: ATHYRIO)
  • Ledas vs Yuki (DBCV: WITE)
  • Ledas vs Yuki (round 2) (DBCV: WITE & SNS)
  • Cubas vs Yuki (DBCV: IWHBYD)
  • Ledas and the Z Fighers vs Kid Buu (DBIR: TOG)
  • Ledas vs Chaiva (DBCV: TOEA)


All of Ledas' titles are listed below. These are the various titles given to him throughout his life, not just in Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten.

  • Super Elite - A title of High Saiyan Blood bestowed upon Ledas at birth. He takes great pride in this title.
  • Planet Trade Organization Member - Ledas was officially put into the Planet Trade Organization at birth. He was thought to be killed when Planet Vegeta was destroyed (as seen when he looked up his own name in a Planet Trade Organization database years later), though he was later re-added to the system in Cooler's region. Ledas was the only Saiyan to be a part of Cooler's section of the Planet Trade Organization. After Ledas later battled Cooler and was assumed killed, he was listed as dead in the databases once again.
  • Member of The Plantains - Ledas was a part of this organization from his arrival on Planet Cooler 92 until Banas took him to the Stomping Grounds to be judged as a traitor. Ledas was removed from The Plantains after he was assumed to be killed by Cooler.
  • PTO Traitor - A false title given to Ledas after Banas lied to Cooler and said that Ledas was a Planet Trade Organization Rebel.
  • Protector of Earth - A title bestowed upon several warriors including all of the Z Fighters and Ledas for their heroic battle against The Benefactor. This title was given by Cardinal to all of those who participated in his tournament in the final chapter of The Forgotten.
  • Mrovian Champion - A title bestowed upon Ledas and Cuber for their work against Yuki in Cold Vengeance.
  • #1 Hecka Long Tail Cool Boy Extraordinaire - A title bestowed upon Ledas by Chaiva after she beheld his hecka long tail.

Tail Removals[]

Every instance of Ledas' tail being cut off is listed below:

  • 1st time - On Ledas' first mission with his dad in the Prince Vegeta Saga, Layeeck was forced to cut off the boy's tail. This was because Layeeck and his team needed to transform into Great Apes to clear the planet. As Ledas had not been trained in his Great Ape form at the time, Layeeck couldn't risk having him transform. He later restored Ledas' tail himself by creating a power ball for a few moments.
  • 2nd time - Ledas' second tail removal came in the Lauto Saga when he transformed into a Great Ape to fight the other members of The Plantains. He was able to easily defeat all of them except for Captain Banas, who cut off the boy's tail after a short skirmish. Ledas later regrew his tail by creating a power ball for a short amount of time.
  • 3rd time - Ledas' third tail removal came during the Stomping Grounds Saga. When he fought Nepar for the first time, he barely escaped alive. He was severely wounded by the creature and lost his tail in the process. He later created a power ball to restore his tail after healing himself. Of note is that Ledas did not know that his tail had been removed until after he had been healed in a rejuvenation tank.
  • 4th time - Ledas' tail was removed for the final time in the Planet Earth Saga. Cardinal and the New Red Ribbon Army had been searching for the Saiyan in the city, and as such, they had been shooting off blutz waves throughout the place. Because of this, Ledas was transformed into a Great Ape for a short period of time. Yajirobe later cut off Ledas' tail for destroying his car, thinking the ape was Vegeta. Ledas later restored his tail, though it was not shown on-screen.

West City Saga ⚔ competition[]

First to bust loses. Loser must then perform oral on winner.

June 774 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 Total
Ledas 1 n/a n/a 0 1 0 0 0 0 n/a 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 n/a 0 0 1 0 1 7
Ryori 0 n/a n/a 1 0 1 1 1 1 n/a 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 n/a 1 1 0 1 0 17
July 774 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 Total
Ledas 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 n/a 1 0 n/a 0 1 0 1 n/a 1 1 0 n/a 1 0 9
Ryori 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 n/a 0 1 n/a 1 0 1 0 n/a 0 0 1 n/a 0 1 9


  1. Ledas is scheduled to appear in this story, but this story hasn't been written yet, so it is not a fact yet.

KidVegeta's Alien Characters
Frieza's Minions ZarbonThe BenefactorKing VegetaQueen KusaPrince VegetaNappaParagus ZornLasconLayeeck CyleriaLedas
Cooler's Parlimentary Minions GuvaBanasPayarLiemeMeloonApridoLedas
Cooler's Stomping Grounds Minions DigraniteKonatsuAnangoMullpySikaSarpackGrifNepar
Other Aliens VerlateLautoCubasYukiKirkaNaroZhukinCreissaAmanitoNivalusVirosSolitarnVitandiExitaliaLenomiChariOlivienNirAudacciSoba

List of Techniques
Ledas Playful GalickSuper EliteKyorra FlashHoming Finger BeamsExtermination RainFeralRazor BlastKyorra RageLightning StrikeUnrelenting Energy BurstAdaptive BarrierBurning SwathImage SlashIce CannonDire HowlParticle BeamThe AdjudicatorDisciplined RushHard Energy Shield
Layeeck Kyorra Flash
Prince Vegeta Homing Finger BeamsPlayful GalickGalick BurstVengeance CannonShining Flash
Nappa Proto-volcanic Explosion
King Vegeta Royal GalickDispersing Blast
Frieza Aura of FearFrenzy Mist
The Benefactor Aura of FearImpalement BeamExtermination RainEchoing EffectDreadful AbsorptionLocke's RuseFrenzy ShotFrenzy MistRed WindPlanet BusterHoming Energy BallSavage ImpactDeath Blaze
Guva Razor BlastElegant FinisherExtermination RainOffensive BarrierEnergy ScattershotImage Slash
Banas Razor BlastExtermination RainEnergy ScattershotScattershot BeamSwift ImpactIce Breaker
Payar Aura of Fear
Lieme Lieme's GambitExtermination RainRazor BeamPrecision WaveSwift Impact
Meloon Reckless OutburstExtermination RainEnergy ScattershotScattershot BeamUnrefined Wave
Aprido Extermination RainEnergy Scattershot
Cooler Extermination Rain
Lauto Body SwitchEnergy Ripper
Lenomi The Trickster Burning Energy Disk
Digranite Afterimage WakeThe RipperMark of ShameEmpty SlicerExtermination Rain
Konatsu Star BeamExtermination Rain
Anango Focus BeamExtermination Rain
Mullpy Crazy CutterExtermination Rain
Sika Burning FlameExtermination Rain
Sarpack Burning FlameExtermination Rain
Nepar Disintegration Beam
Grif Private Grif Proudly Presents: Grif's Motherf***ing Stasis Bomb
Tien Dodon Cluster
Verlate Energy PillarHermetic BarrierSoul SwitchMoment of Despair

Characters in Dragon Ball: Heart of the Dragon
Zalama's Triumvirate AudacciThe BenefactorMajin Sesami
Starchasers LedasBeelzebubLinessiOkinaroVizzerNaemiTheodosiusTarble (temporary member)
Starchasers (second generation) ChariBullaRikyuAndroid 11Android 12OlivienNirCasua
Champions of Mrov CuberChaivaKailonYukiSalhiorAysuida
Planet Trade Organization IcerJahuTanarilo
Planet Trade Organization Splinter Faction KurizaAranyaKracchusPukcoDhuakCommander LingonMaster Sapras
Venyi Academy Master JaboMaster Sharu-KanMaster LevionMaster CaktirMaster QonoMaster Kyomu TachiMaster XutolMaster Hotal
Telnauki Empire HaimaruRaimieAdmiral NectarianEmpress Tliccu Nakki
Kingdom of Melirion King MalusQueen VeniderrePrince JariPrincess AranPrince Ryn
Cardinal's Team CardinalJiaNhobusaOscalpanoDr. Usuba
Space Rabble NishiMaimasMushinSomen
Universe 12 The KeeperDr. KommonMyaku