Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Lados, is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.


Manga name Rados
Debut Dabura and Psidevilman Saga
Appears in
Race 1/2 Angel-1/2 Elf-Type Kōhito
Gender Female
  • Keela (Fusee)
  • Vados (Fusee)
  • Lados (ラドス; Radosu) is a EX-Fusion born of the union between Keela and Vados.



    Lados facial features are inherited from Vados while she retains Aquamarine skin colour, and long white hair that reaches 20 inches. The cuirass worn by her fusees is now has zip done the middle; which she keeps open with a soft green top underneath, and soft green bands that cover her entire forearms. Her cuirass jacket has a black spiral on the left side, and orange circles on the right. She has a grayish magenta sash, and knee long a-line skirt with knee high gold-coloured stiletto boots with white soles. She has a white circle on her right boot, and a black spiral on her left boot.


    Lados is confident in her fighting skills, and she is respectful to others. She is protective of the Time Patrollers especially Dori, and Champa. She can also be blunt, and coy sometimes as as she tells Psidabura that his size is causing her to be small enough to go through his attacks.


    Being the fusees of Universe 6's most powerful Angel, and Universe 1's most powerful Kōhito; she is exceptionally powerful. She was able to overcome the heighten defences of Psidabura, and even forced him on the ropes.


    • Flight - The ability to fly with ki
    • Ki Blast