Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This page, Kuriza's Empire, is property of KidVegeta.

Kuriza's Empire

December 24, Age 762 (unofficially)




Northern and western territories

Main Members:

Icer's Empire
Yuki's Empire
Haimaru's Empire
Katchiguri Force


Kuriza's Empire is a portion of the Planet Trade Organization that is ruled by Kuriza, the son of Frieza. Following his father's disappearance on Namek in Age 762, Kuriza was unofficially put in charge of his father's planets. However, it wasn't until his father, King Cold, and Cooler all died on Earth over the next four years that he was officially given control of his father's old planets. Soon after Cooler's death, the Planet Trade Organization civil broke out. Kuriza was one of the major players in that war, even annexing Yuki's Empire for a short while before he was forced to surrender to his grand uncle Icer. Thereafter, as a prince, he ruled a portion of the Planet Trade Organization that consisted of most of the planets his father had once ruled over.


Kuriza's Empire formed shortly after news of his father's disappearance on Namek. However, he did not actively control a large portion of space until Cooler left for Earth in Age 765. Once Cooler died there, Kuriza took over all of the planets his father had previous ruled over.

Known members[]

Subjugated species[]

Planets controlled[]

KidVegeta's factions
Planet Trade Organization factions King Cold's EmpireCooler's EmpireHaimaru's EmpireFrieza's EmpireKuriza's EmpireNitro's EmpireYuki's EmpireArcterial's EmpireIcer's EmpireKatchiguri ForceThe PlantainsAbo and Kado's Elite ForcePlanet Trade Organization Rebels
Earth factions Z FightersCapsule Corp. Security ForceMasamune/MasamuneSolipsist ColonyMakare's BandIboinoshishi SchoolRed Ribbon ArmyRed Ribbon Army RemnantNew Red Ribbon ArmyChàoxing GonMorizakura-gumiChildren of ChaosSons of PiccoloRed Dragon BrotherhoodDragons of the DawnShallot's crewNight SnakesWolfe's WingsWhite TigersNegative Utilitarianism LeagueShunko OnsenStarchasers
Alien/other factions First Generation GodsSecond Generation GodsDamani DominionVenyi AcademyCorvos LeagueElder CircleMajin MaraudersMajin CultPriests of AmoonThe Faceless WarriorsKonatsian ProtectorsSaiyan EmpireTigahl EmpireFaerin EmpireGalactrix ArenaSlagg's CrewIce BreathersObliteration NationTuffle governmentZhukin's tribeNappa's tribeDogom's tribeVegeta's tribeZorn's tribeParagus' tribeCreissa's tribeNindagoDemon Realm Royal FamilyExperimental VanguardCrimson EmpireZalama's TriumvirateTelnauki EmpireHealth at Every ConsciousnessThe Pink TacoMohane EmpireBichibichi's