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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Kuludug, is the property of Hyper Zergling.

Featured in Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series:
Adjective Kuludugan
Parent star type G-type main-sequence
Orbital characteristics
Satellites 1
Physical characteristics
Equatorial surface gravity 11.8 m/s2
1.2 g
Surface temperature
Mean 289 K
16 °C
Surface pressure ~100 kPa
Composition >70% nitrogen (N2)
~20% oxygen (O2)
Sentient Species Mrovian (before destruction)
Sentient species 1 population ~110 million (at its peak)
Number of major cities 3 (at its peak)
Technology level Type 2.9 civilization

Kuludug is a Mrovian-controlled world serving as one of its territories.

Planet description[]

Kuludug is very Earth-like, possessing similar temperatures, gravity, and atmospheric composition.


Long before 700 Age, the Mrovians discovered Kuludug and colonized it. Before 766 Age, Guirrom was appointed the Admiral of the battle group of the colony.

In March 766 Age, Nitro sends a large invading force to Kuludug, initiating his plan to conquer the Mrovian Republic in order to obtain their technologies. Guirrom initially leads the defense of Kuludug against Nitro's invading forces. Unable to hold off against the Planet Trade Organization's overwhelming numbers, Guirrom contacts Salhior for reinforcements. By the time the Lance of Mrov arrives with additional Mrovian warships, Litri, one of Nitro's stronger soldiers, mentally corrupts several dozen Mrovian warriors to fight on the side of the Planet Trade Organization. Salhior dispatches Cuber to deal with Litri, and the Saiyan kills his target before the enemy's abilities can cause too much damage. After killing Litri, Cuber tells Guirrom to withdraw her warriors from the largest gathering of Planet Trade Organization soldiers before wiping out the opposing army with a Super Explosive Wave. All enemies, except for Lunuma, within several square kilometers of Cuber are killed within the blast. Lunuma underestimates Cuber, due to the Saiyan repressing his power. Cuber initially toys with her briefly, evading all of her attacks, but then destroys her scouter by powering up to his full strength. Lunuma attempts to escape, but Cuber intercepts and kills her with a Bolide Finish.

When most of the invading forces are pushed back, Nitro himself arrives, prompting Salhior and Guirrom to begin evacuating the planet. Although the Mrovian weapons shoot down Nitro's ship, the Arcosian lord wipes out a large amount of Kuludug's defenses in one sweeping energy wave. Cuber immediately rushes to fight Nitro and is outclassed, beaten to near death by Nitro's physical strikes and Crazy Finger Beams. Before Nitro can finish Cuber off, the Lance of Mrov teleports Cuber back into itself. Nitro gives the Mrovians a chance to join his empire. With the survivors evacuated, Salhior refuses Nitro and orders to have Kuludug destroyed. The surviving Mrovian ships all fire upon the planet with their Sterilizers and then jump away from the system.
