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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Krillin 17, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Krillin 17

Kuririn Jū Nana-Gō
Manga name Kuririn 17
Alternate names Krillapis
Android Krillin
Cyborg Krillin
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Human-type Earthling-Biotechnical-type Android Hybrid
Gender Male
Status Alive
Height 5'2"
Occupation Martial Artist
Allegiance Team Yamcha
Dragon Team
Classification Fusion
Affiliations Krillin (fusee)
Android 17 (fusee)

Krillin 17 (クリリン17号 Kuririn Jū Nana-Gō) is the EX-Fusion of Krillin and Android 17


Krillin 17 is about 2 feet taller than Krillin but still shorter than Android 17. Krillin 17 possesses the Metamo-Ring on his left arm and has Android 17's hair, jawline, and nose while possessing Krillin's eyes and eyebrows.

Krillin 17 wears a white uwagi over a green shirt with words "RANGER" on his left sleeve, in place of the Turtle School symbol is the MIR symbol and larger print of the symbol on the back. Additionally, he wears a pair of white jeans, blue gloves, black boots that clasp together, and a tan coloured obi tied in a knot at the left of his waist.

He also possesses Krillin's build and Android 17's skin tone.


Krillin 17 possesses Android 17's calm and pragmatic nature while also possessing Krillin's ingenuity and talent for ki-manipulation. It would seem that Krillin's personality is slightly more dominate than Android 17's as he tends to display Krillin's brave and resourcefulness traits more than Android 17's child-like attitude as he took his fights more seriously and refused to play along with Ruccola's antics.


Krillin 17 is a classed as an S-Rank warrior which puts him above A-Rank warriors but below G-Rank warriors. He is able to overwhelm both Ruccola and Great Ape Sesamy.


  • Hikou - The ability to fly without ki.
  • Energy Attack - The basic form of ki for Cyborgs and Androids.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of Ki for Earthling and Non-Android lifeforms.
  • Power Blitz - An energy attack used by Android 17
  • Android Barrier - An energy barrier technique and signature move of Android 17's.
  • Kamehameha - The signature move of students of the Turtle School. Krillin 17's fires a green-white energy wave at his opponent.
    • Infinite Kamehameha - Thanks Krillin 17's infinite supply of stamina and energy; Krillin 17 is capable of firing a Super Kamehameha without end to pressure his opponent.
  • Thunder Razor - A combination of Krillin's Flash Destructo Disc and Android 17's Super Electric Strike. Krillin 17 positions his hands in a similar stance to Super Electric Strike charging electric-charged energy in both hands before separating his hands generating a thin blade-shaped stream of energy as green electric spark around it before launching it at his opponent resulting in a thin spinning blade-shaped ki-slash. As soon as it reaches his target he clenches his fist prompting the energy blade to discharge electricity around it - preventing his opponent from dodging the attack.
    • Blistering Thunder Razor - A stronger version of Thunder Razor as a two-handed energy blade capable of paralysing his opponent temporarily and causing shock damage.


Don't take this section seriously as I only added it for content sake.

  • Japanese: Mayumi Tanaka & Shigeru Nakahara
  • English: Sonny Strait & Chuck Huber