Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Komat, is the property of MandarinB.

Komat is the child of the low-class warriors Vacato and Pankin. He's better known for being the twin sibling of Suna, and is her first opponent in the Saiyan Placement Trials. Unlike most Saiyans, Komat seems to have an interest in developing techniques and battle technology rather than personally fighting.

He is a secondary character in Dragon Ball: Uprising. His name, as well as his sister's, is a pun on the vegetable Komatsuna.


Komat is a full-blooded Saiyan and so as a result he shows all the normal traits of a Saiyan his age. He has short black hair, and pretty much looks like a male version of sister. He also shares a great resemblance with his mother.

At the start of the Placement Trials Arc, Komat wears standard issue black and brown Planet Trade Organization armor.


At the start of the Placement Trials, Komat is a cheery young boy who doesn't really take the matches he's supposed to participate in very seriously. He's friendly to pretty much everyone of the participants, but this doesn't stop him from also joking around about how they'll slip up in their own fights. After Kaido's victory over Kohl, Komat was more concerned on what Kaido would call his attacks rather than Kohl's safety. Finally, in his own match, he was more focused with making himself and his sister look cool rather than actively seeking out victory.
