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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, King Cobra, is the property of Nikon23.

King Cobra
  • キングコブラ
  • Date of Birth:
    Before 761 Age
    Date of Death:
    761 Age
    Dragon Ball SF Chapter
    Appears in:
  • Dragon Ball SF
  • Family:
  • Unnamed Spouse (wife)
  • Cobra (son)

  • King Cobra (キングコブラ) was the King of all the Tritekians on Planet Tritek, and the father of Cobra. He appears in Dragon Ball SF, when he is mentioned by his son.


    King Cobra's name is a pun from a snake known as the King Cobra.

    Early Life[]

    Before the 761 Age, King Cobra was the King of his entire race on Planet Tritek. He and his mate had a son, who was named Cobra.

    Dragon Ball Z[]

    Vegeta Saga[]

    Although he does not make an appearance in Dragon Ball Z, the Triekians are mentioned by Nappa during the Vegeta Saga, and were confirmed to be quite very difficult for even the Saiyan to handle.

    Dragon Ball SF[]

    Cobra Saga[]

    King Cobra is finally mentioned by his son Cobra in Dragon Ball SF. Frieza desired for Planet Tritek to become a part of the Planet Trade Organization, but King Cobra refused his offer to join him. A war soon broke out on Planet Tritek, as Frieza sent the vegeta and nappa to invade the planet. King Cobra and the Tritekians tried to rebel against this threat, but in the end, King Cobra is eventually killed in battle by vegeta. before king cobra's death, he makes his son, cobra promise to avenge the tritekians at all cost.

    Fighting Techniques and Abilites:[]

    • Ki Blast - the most basic form of ki.
    • Flight - the ability to fly with the use of ki.


    First Form:[]

    the most basic form of King Cobra. however it is never seen.

    Super Tritekian:[]

    King Cobra is capable of transforming into this form of a Tritekian. king cobra is also capable of staying in this form rather then transforming.
