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This page, KidVegeta's Theogony: From Silence to the Greater Kais, is property of KidVegeta.

KidVegeta's Theogony details the creation of the universe seen in the Dragon Ball. Due to the nature of this universe (what with gods of creation and destruction existing), the explanation will follow the standard mystical methodology employed by Toriyama. The creation, therefore, will not be from a big bang or other natural occurrence, but through the intervention and machinations of the immortal gods. This story will be written in poetic prose, mimicking elements of epic poetry, dramatic narration, and theogonic account.

Important Things

The Thirteen Divines

The first twelve of these characters were born from The Nameless Being. The thirteenth was born from the Chaos that the twelve felt in their hearts. While all represent idealisms, emotions, and natural states, they are not confined to these things. For example, all characters have intelligence, even though Iceaus is the god of intelligence. It just means he the recognized avatar of said field, and tends to represent it by himself. Of the original twelve, all odd numbered divines are male and all even numbered are females. Heisis is genderless - though it is often represented as a female-dominate hermaphrodite.

  1. Maltrion - God of time, invisibility, prophecy, immortality.
  2. Zentryx - God of air, sky, wind, life-force.
  3. Iantos - God of creation, life, light, obsession.
  4. Sethys - God of death, darkness, forethought, jealousy.
  5. Icaeus - God of intelligence, wisdom, language, discord, curiosity.
  6. Dapherion - God of divine law, order, sound, harmony.
  7. Soranos - God of anger, rage, revenge, greed, loyalty.
  8. Valcia - God of beauty, love, lust, consequence, envy,
  9. Pythe - God of war, honor, power, bloodshed, wrath, fire.
  10. Thessia - God of flight, trickery, prosperity, revenge, laziness, cowardice.
  11. Nylos - God of luck, youth, fear, blame, health, water.
  12. Haseidene - God of doom, decay, insanity, pain, gluttony, shame.
  13. Heisis - God of chaos, pleasure.

Other Divine Beings

  1. Silence - the original existence of the universe. Silence gave way to the Nameless Being. After the Nameless Being split into 12 parts, its power greatly waned, though it was never extinguished.
  2. The Nameless Being - the first corporeal being. It split itself into 12 beings upon realizing the bleakness of its existence. It is unknown for how long this being existed before sacrificing itself.
  3. Chaos - Embodied through the god Heisis, Chaos is a force that drives all emotion and destiny in the galaxy and makes all of it thoroughly unpredictable. Chaos was created when the Nameless Being was born. Like Silence, Chaos is not a pervasive force in the universe, as most of it is bottled up inside Heisis.

The Five Planes of Existence

  1. Mytos - The 1st plane. This is where the Thirteen Divines live. This is the only plane to have elder time, so nothing can die within it. Regular beings are unable to reach this plane.
  2. Helcio - The 2nd plane. This is where the Shima and Keishin lived and was the first plane created for housing beings aside from the gods. As of the time of Dragon Ball, this is the only uninhabited plane.
  3. Other World - The 3rd plane. This is where beings that are touched by Sethys go. While they do not age or die within this place, there is no elder time preventing them from dying.
  4. The Universe - This is the 4th plane. This is the universe that houses almost all beings. Almost all of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and the stories in the KidVegeta universe take place on this plane.
  5. Underworld - This is where the demons and Makaios live. It is is the smallest plane.

The Breaking of Silence

In the beginning, there was Silence

and it covered everything, completely.

Silence was stillness and Chaos was not yet born.

From Silence was born a nameless being whose boredom and loneliness

was almost as suffocating as Great Silence, which surrounded it.

In time, the being began to split itself into more beings.

Each split was done in pairs, with one female and one male,

and they were immortals.

As each pair came, Silence waned, and the burden of its presence diminished.

First were born noble Maltrion and his twin sister Zentryx;

then Iantos and Sethys; Icaeus and Dapherion;

afterwards, Soranos and Valcia; and Pythe and Thessia;

and Nylos, whose appearance was the envy of all, and Haseidene.

But as Silence had broken to allow for the nameless being,

so too had it broken to allow the Twelve Divines their existence.

Yet not all was harmonious.

The Twelve soon felt the presence of another rising from them

and they dispelled the uncertainty with revulsion and disgust,

for soon they came to see it manifest as a being their equal.

And the Gods were scared.

Heisis was its name, and it held no gender. In perversion of

the Divines' twin births, it was alone; and it held Chaos in its grasp.

Noble Maltrion saw from Heisis' birth the ruin of everything.

And though he told his fellows, and they distrusted Heisis,

they could do nothing, for they could not match its force.

Even as the Gods created their heavenly abode, Mytos,

they could not stop Heisis from following them.

But all remembered Maltrion's prophecy and kept anxiety in their hearts.

The Gods were not agents of good or evil, though they feared their own peril.

As each God fulfilled a purpose, the perversion of good and evil

never reached Mytos, and the great landscape was untainted by those who walked it.

And the land of Mytos was lush and bountiful,

and many trees and rivers permeated its vast lands.

Always was there day, and within it, Elder Time was born.

Upon the archway at the centre of the lands, between two great and tenacious mountains

stood an inscription of Maltrion's prophecy, laced in gold.

Lo! it is said: In the end, it shall be that

Heisis will take its true place as the offspring of Silence and fill the universe with

its overbearance. And so shall all whither and die from a suffocating and deathly Chaos.

Icaeus Steals the Gift of Life

In Mytos, where time is still, the Thirteen

feasted and basked in the splendor

of their creation.

But Icaeus, whose words are crafty,

and who lived in the North, in Finuin,

grew bored of his easy life.

He came one day to his brother, Iantos

who had created all

trees, rivers, and lands and in Mytos.

Icaeus brought to him two

trees he had uprooted and spoke

with words soft and deliberate:

"Iantos my brother, greatest of our family,

look now at what I bring you. These

trees are strong and tall, but

they do not breathe or see or talk.

They do not know and do not feel,

for they are not like us."

Then spoke Iantos,

"And what would you request of me,

my brother, Icaeus?"

And Icaeus beseeched his brother

to breathe life into the trees

and make more beings.

This, his brother rejected

and would not listen to his brother's

counsel any longer.

Then Icaeus went to his sister, Sethys,

who held power over death and foresight.

And she too was bored.

For nothing in Mytos died or grew old;

and Sethys despised her brothers -

Maltrion, whose elder time let nothing wither,

And Iantos, whose creative powers were never used.

So with Icaeus, Sethys brought her brother Iantos

much wine and food and bade him celebrate.

As the night wore on, Sethys was careful

to continue refilling Iantos' cup

whenever it was emptied.

By midnight, her brother had consumed

more than an entire barrel of wine.

Then, by the light of their great bonfire,

Sethys and Icaeus tied Iantos to a tree,

and forced him to breathe life into

the two trees Icaeus presented him with.

And so he did; Iantos, the obsessor,

created the first civilization.

From the two trees, he created two creatures

one male, and one female,

who were shorter and darker than the Thirteen,

and whose powers were greatly inferior

than the divines.

They were known as the Shima.

Then Iantos became ashamed at

what he had done, and sought to

hide the species he had created.

Iantos created Helcio,

a realm below Mytos, where the Shima could live.

In Helcio, elder time held no power, and many things

aged and died.

The Shima, though created from divinity,

were not immune, and lived

only several hundred years.

With glee, Sethys, messenger of death,

descended into Helcio and her

cold presence was ever on the

Shima's lips.

For when they bred, she would take from them,

never allowing their population to grow beyond twelve.

Thus, the Shima would never be better than the divines.

And so her jealousy for life was

satiated and she could fulfill her role.

But the souls of

those she killed could not

remain in Helcio, so

Iantos created yet another plane

for the dead to rest at.

This he named Other World, the third plane, and Sethys

held almost no power there.

While most of the divines did not go to Helcio,

Icaeus did. He enjoyed the

company of the Shima.

Icaeus, the cunning agent, spent his time

teaching the Shima and giving them language.

But once Icaeus had told the Shima all

he knew, he grew bored with them as well.

He asked Iantos once again to create life

but his brother refused.

Maltrion and Thessia protected

their brother, and did not

allow Icaeus to return to him.

So Icaeus stayed in Helcio, the second plane,

and created life by himself.

He was not the god of Life or Creation,

and his works were shameful and incomplete.

He took two rocks and struck them

together, and from the sparks were

created the Keishin.

These creatures were clothed in red,

and their eyes burned with desires of

discord and knowledge.

They rejected the Shima, and the

two waged war over Helcio.

Pythe, the god of war, watched over

the species' fight and relished

their bloodshed.

Haseidene and Soranos likewise

released their powers into Helcio

and watched the Shima and Keishin battle.

But Dapherion, whose face was a pure as water,

was appalled at Icaeus' creation and

called a council of the remaining divines.

They spoke of the trickster and his cunning

and knew that he would make a mockery of all of them,

even noble Maltrion.

So Iantos was tasked with creating another plane -

one which was not so close to Mytos -

where all of their powers

could be placed into.

And so Iantos, life-breather,

created the universe, and he

put much into it, so that

it was filled with planets and stars

and gas and space.

And into this fourth plane, Iantos

dropped many seeds of life,

one for each drop of blood

from the Shima-Keishin war,

into the universe.

And there was much that

was created from this.

Then, the twelve took to the universe

and spread their powers within it.

But Heisis, who had remained quiet

merely watched its brothers and sisters,

and it knew that not yet was it the time for

Heisis, born of chaos, to enter into the universe.

The Fall of the 13 Divines

The Daman

The Waning of the Old Gods and The Rise of Early Kais

The Devastation of Otherworld

The Kai Distinction

