This article, Kibi, is the property of Nikon23. |
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Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Appears in:
Kibi (吉備) was a evil Kashvar wizard that was responsible for turning his only son, Ark into his ultimate creation in a attempt to take over the entire universe, along with his ally Chocolay. he is first seen inDragon Ball SF.
Kibi's name is a pun from Kibi, which is also known as Millet Flour.
Dragon Ball SF:[]
Early Life:[]
Like all of the Kashvars, he is very skilled in dark magic. in his adult life, he and an unknown mate have a Son named Ark. At some point he meet Chocolay and with his dark senzu beans and Kibi's dark magic, they were succesful in turning Ark into a powerful tyrant capable of destroying the entire universe.
in the 75 Millino Before Age, Kibi and Chocolay atatck the scared world of the kais with ark, however ark is deefated by Beerus and seal into a orb and hurled into space. and Kibi is killed the 15th generation supreme kai.
Ark Saga Through Ark Jr. Saga:[]
Years later, Chocolay manages to resurrect Ark, however he is eventually defeated by the z fighters. his grandson, Ark Jr trys to gain revenge but he eventually becomes a ally of the z fighters.
Fighting Techniques and Abilities:[]
Flight: The ability to fly with the use of Ki.
Sealing Spell: A spell capable of sealing Ark into a seal orb, for transportation and releasing him.
Barrier: The ability to make a protective barrier around the user.
Teleportation: A magic spell that can be used to travel from planet to planet.