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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Ki Sense (MajinGogito), is the property of MajinGogito.

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Ki Sense
Manga name Chi Reading
Debut Daikon Saga
Appears in Dragon Ball Z: Legend of Tharos
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast DLC
Inventor many fighters
Users many fighters
Class Sense
Color none

Ki Sense, also called Reading Ki, is an ability that allows the user to sense ki and power levels without the use of a Scouter or other device. It is used by a lot of characters in the Dragon Ball series. 

Ki Sensing allows the user to sense the location, life force, or power level of anyone. If a power source is stronger or closer, the higher the sensation of the Ki Sense will be. Some beings can hide or supress their ki level, to make others unable to sense their energy. If a ki is very powerful, it will be able to be sensed afar by people trained to sense ki, which is shown when Brizzard is able to sense the power of Super Saiyan 2 Tharos, despite being many galaxies away from Earth.


Dragon Ball Z: Legend of Tharos[]

  • Tharos- At first, Tharos is unable to sense ki without the use of a scouter, but later on in the Master Gildu Saga, while training with Master Gildu, he is taught how to use the ability after his scouter breaks from measuring Gildu's power in his transformed state. He later uses it to sense the power of Brizzard's Death Recon.
  • Master Gildu- Master Gildu is shown having the ability to sense ki when he is first introduced. He uses it when he senses the power level of Tharos once the boy lands on his planet, battle-damaged. Once healing the boy, Master Gildu senses Tharos' potential and decides to train the boy.
  • Prince Daikon- Daikon, like Tharos and many other Saiyans on Planet Onio, was unable to sense ki without the use of a scouter until later after his reunitement with Tharos, when Tharos taught the technique to his friend. He also came up with a more advanced version of the Ki Sense, where he can track down objects and people by sensing their ki and also heightens his senses to the max, which he dubs Ki Vision.
  • Dijon- Dijon is shown to be able to sense ki and determine whether its good or evil. He uses this ability throughout the story to sense the power of many individuals, notably Tharos and Prince Daikon in their Super Saiyan forms.
  • Brizzard-

Dragon Ball Full Potential[]

  • Goten
  • Trunks