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This article, Kenju Zu 剣術 (DBK), is the property of Angeloading.

Kenju Zu

(けんじ) (ゅつ)

Anime name Kenju Zu
Manga name Kenjuzu
Debut Dragon Ball Keisho 継承 | EP 1
"New World"
Appears in Dragon Ball Keisho 継承
Race Human-type Earthling
Gender Male
Date of birth January 27th, Age 979
  • 157cm (5'2") "kid"
  • 172 cm (5'8") "teen"
  • 185 cm (6'1") "adult"
  • Weight
  • 51 kg (112 lbs) "kid"
  • 68 kg (150 lbs) "teen"
  • 81 kg (179 lbs) "adult"
  • Address W 7 NTHWST . | West District
    Occupation Martial Artist
  • Crane Style Dojo
  • Z-Fighters
  • Affiliations
  • Unnamed parents
  • Master Iguru (mentor)
  • Brasierre (wife)
  • Jin Judoka (rival)
  • Kenju Zu ((けんじ) (ゅつ) ) is an Earthling martial artist and one of the most powerful warriors of Earth, as well as one of the two deuteragonists of Dragon Ball Keisho 継承. Born into a martial arts family, he had been a fan of martial arts from an early age, enrolling in the Crane Style Dojo and quickly climbing his way to being the top student.

    His rivalry with Jin Judoka is a center plot-point of Dragon Ball Keisho 継承, with the two earning each other's respect over the course of the series. Nowadays, Kenju Zu spends his time as a senior martial artist and instructor of the Crane Style Dojo.



    Kenju Zu was born in West City on January 27th, Age 979. His parents were both martial artists and had retired by the time he was a toddler, inspiring him to become as great as them once he reached a viable age to begin training. He had enlisted in the Crane Style Dojo at the age of seven with his parents' permission. He quickly climbed his way to the top, becoming a celebrity in West District for his impressive skill at a young age, and quickly becoming the Crane Hermit Master Iguru's top student. Seeing the strict Crane Hermit as a martial arts role model due to him teaching some of his favorite warriors growing up, he began training tirelessly in hopes of making him proud.

    At the age of twelve, Kenju Zu signed up for the 97th Tenkaichi Budokai, training rigorously with Master Iguru and the other students of the dojo in preparation for the event. He became very well-known in the realm of martial arts, especially around West District.

    Dragon Ball Keisho 継承[]

    97th Tenkaichi Budokai Saga[]

    Once the day of the tournament came, he easily made his way through the preliminaries and into the quarter-finals, where he matched up with Turtle School student Kenji, defeating him in an exciting bout. He then clashed with Jin Judoka, a notorious assassin despite being aged twelve, with Kenju Zu having a majority of the fan support due to Jin Judoka's infamy for his reputation as an assassin. Both fighters were gravely injured, and Kenju Zu managed to narrowly squeeze out a victory, advancing to the final of the Tenkaichi Budokai against Sei-Sen, the top student of the Wolf Style Dojo.

    The final battle was known to be one of the greatest in Tenkaichi Budokai history, with both contestants being young of age and leaving the fight with tons of bruises in what was a back-and-forth bout between two prodigies. Eventually, Sei-Sen proved to be the more skilled fighter, defeating Kenju Zu after a long battle that left him on his back outside of the ring. Kenju Zu showed respect to his opponents and much like his master, had no interest in celebrating how far he made it. He immediately returned back to the Crane Style Dojo and continued training alongside the other students, with Master Iguru beginning to feel somewhat proud of them (although he didn't vocalize it). A rivalry with Jin Judoka had formed at this tournament, with Kenju Zu himself stating that he knew that Jin Judoka would train rigorously to beat him in their next clash, saying that he would not let him get the upper hand and won't stop training for anything.


    Kenju Zu's appearance in the first two sagas

    Majin Clan Saga[]

    More coming soon...

    Character Description[]

    Physical Appearance[]

    Kenju Zu has long dreadlocks that are often kept in a bun, with brown highlights throughout his hair. He is of a decently tall stature and has a muscular physique, with bronze-toned skin that has a few scars across it. As an adult, he grows a slight goatee, but his appearance remains mostly the same except for aging differences, and a scar above his left eye.


    In contrast to his rival Jin Judoka, Kenju Zu is a lot more nonchalant and practical about life, taking things at face value and usually remaining calm under pressure. He takes martial arts very serious, but his more "rambunctious" side is shown when participating in sports begging with his friends and rivals. Once he reaches adulthood, he becomes a bit more outspoken and is much more often in a good mood, rather than being quite stoic at times.


    Kenju Zu's primary objective in life is to make his mentor Master Iguru proud, seeing him as a great inspiration ever since the day he enlisted into the Crane Style Dojo. With Master Iguru's strict and aggressive demeanor, the prospect of making him "proud" is one that is extremely difficult and seemingly impossible to achieve, but Kenju Zu wants nothing more than to be seen as a worthy warrior of the Crane Style Dojo in his eyes.

    West City (DBK)

    West City, where Kenju Zu was born and raised

    Powers and Techniques[]

    Fighting Style[]

    Kenju Zu's style of fighting, the Crane Style Dojo "Shiroi Tsuru-Ryū" is heavily reliant on surprise and unpredictability, with his techniques forming around the possibility of confusing or catching an opponent off-guard. Most of his techniques are creations of Crane Style Dojo warriors before him, with him stating that he is more of an "expert learner" and "adapter" than a creator of techniques. Kenju Zu is noted to be quite flashy in battle.


    • Flight
    • Basic Combat
    • Ki Manipulation/Control
    • Ki Sensing
    • Rapid Perception/Analyzation
    • Extreme Endurance
    • Extreme Strength
    • Extreme Speed


    • Kikoho 気功砲: Created by Tien Shinhan, and his signature technique. Gathers energy through chest to hands and forms a blast in a triangle shape, doing devastating blunt damage.
    • Dodon Ray どどん: An ancient Crane Style Dojo ki technique, shooting an extremely fast beam out of the finger. Inferior to most blasts in terms of overall damage, but very lethal when targeting specific areas.
    • Gensōken 幻想拳: Infiltrates the mind of the opponent, causing them to experience hallucinations that keep them distracted, allowing him to move in for a devastating blow.
    • Four Body Fist 四身の拳: Created by Tien Shinhan. He splits himself into four clones, although his power is now divided into four among those clones.
    • Shin Kikoho 新気功砲: A variant of the Kikoho, much more powerful although using life energy. Can possibly kill him if overused, so it is typically a last resort.


    • Kenju Zu's name is a pun off of "kenjutsu", the term for all schools of Japanese swordsmanship, in particular those that predate the Meiji Restoration.
    • Kenju is not his first name and Zu is not a surname; his name is simply Kenju Zu, similar to the way Tien Shinhan's name works.
    • His overall design is inspired off of an iteration of an adult Uub, as well as the personality of Sasuke from Naruto.

