Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Karoly (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Karoli
Alternate names Kalory (Incorrect translation)
Debut Fanga:"Universe 1 Saga"
Game: "Dragon Ball Fusions"
Appears in
Race Saiyan
Gender Male
  • Broly: PW (Fusee)
  • Goku (Fusee)
  • Paragus (Half-Father)
  • Bardock (Half-father)
  • Gine (Half-mother/Mother of Geveta due to Wish)
  • Chi-Chi (Half-wife)
  • Geveta (Half-Son/Quarter-Brother)
  • Gohan (Half-son/student)
  • Goten (Half-son)
  • Videl (Half-daugher-in-law)
  • Ace (student)
  • New Future Trunks (student)
  • Karoly is the EX-Fusion between Goku, and Broly.



    Karoly's appearance in the Fanga is little different due to being a fusion of Goku's Xeno/Time Patrol outfit, and Broly's outfit.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blasts
    • Kamehameha
    • Eraser Cannon
    • Gigantic Spirit Bomb
    • Instant Transmission
      • Instant Eraser Shot - Combination of Instant Transmission, and Eraser Cannon.

    Forms and Transformations[]

    Super Saiyan[]

    Karoly is capable of using Super Saiyan due to his two fusees being able to do so. Whilst in this form; he was able to defeat Ace in his Imperfect Super Saiyan 2 form, Gohan in his Potential Unleashed form, and New Future Trunks in his Super Saiyan 3 form manage with ease.

    Fusion Forms[]

    Super Saiyan-Legendary Super Saiyan[]

    Karoly's form in his first appearance was a mixture of Super Saiyan, and Legendary Super Saiyan. This form is currently inaccessible naturally, and requires fusion to access making it a fusion form, and not a transformation.

    Super Saiyan Blue-Legendary Super Saiyan 3[]

    Karoly is able to use a combination of his fusees' Super Saiyan Blue and Legendary Super Saiyan 3 respectively. While in this fused form; Karoly was strong enough to damage Naraku, but not enough to effectively put him down. Before he was able to any real damage; he was De-fused after Naraku damaged his ring.
