Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Kakarell, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Kakarrell
Alternate names Kucell
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga"
Appears in
Race Saiyan/Bio-Android
Gender Male
Allegiance Time Patrol
  • Goku (fusee)
  • Cell (fusee)
  • Chi-Chi (half-wife)
  • Gohan (half-son)
  • Cell Jrs (half-offsprings)
  • Goten (half-son)
  • Pan (half-granddaughter)
  • Bardock (half-father)
  • Gine (half-mother)
  • Kakarell is the EX-Fusion of Base form Goku, and Great Beyond Cell.


    Kakarell has Goku's eyes, jaw shape, and Goku's skin tone on his face and arms. His exoskeleton is red while his plates are a blue colour while having a dark grey sash around his waist, dark grey wrappings around his ankles, and blue shoes with purple soles. He has dark grey wristbands and dark grey lines on his face. He has spiky gem between his exoskeleton on his head resembling Adult Gohan's hair and has Goku's height.


    Cell and Goku fused into Kakarell in an attempt to overpower Ultra Cooler, but despite their combined power - he still more powerful and is able to thrash them effortless. The two defused after failing to defeat him, and try to battle against him separately instead.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blast and Sense
    • Regeneration
      • EX Regeneration
    • Kamehameha
      • Super Kamehameha
      • God Kamehameha
        • Continuous God Kamehameha
    • Galick Gun
    • Final Flash
    • Death Saucer
    • Death Beam
      • Barrage Death Beam
      • Golden Death Beam
        • Great Death Beam
    • Death Ball

    Forms and Transformations[]

    Great Beyond[]

    As Cell was in his Great Beyond form prior to fusion; he is automatically in the form as his base form, and as full access to godly ki and godly ki sense. He was outclassed in this form, but still was able to do survive Ultra Cooler's onslaught

    Super Saiyan[]

    Kakarell is able to become a Super Saiyan on top of his Great Beyond form, and his spiky gem becomes the colour Super Saiyan hair and his eyes become greenish-blue. He was almost able to break the difference between his power and Ultra Cooler's power. However, his aura is blue-goldish with flame-like appearance similar to Super Saiyan God.

    Super Saiyan Blue[]

    Kakarell managed to take the battle a step further by becoming Super Saiyan Blue, and managed to give flesh wounds to Ultra Cooler while he still able to thrash him. However, his power was able to reach level were he was able to survive each blow.
