This article, Junior (Kid), is the property of Overpoweredkid321. |
Junior is the adopted son of Vegeta and Bulma but except he wasn't a normal saiyan he was an Ultimate Saiyan
Explained : An Ultimate Saiyan is a Saiyan who is produced from having two legendary super saiyan having an offspring resulting in an Ultimate Saiyan as an Ultimate Saiyan they have tons of S-Cells in them, far greater than a half saiyan and legendary super saiyans combined , which leads to nearly unlimited potential , but the only thing is while Ultimate Saiyans have lots of S-Cells they still have to love for fighting , they love to train and fight just like full blooded saiyans and this caused because of a certain mutation in their genes because of the ki and human energy mixing which resulted in them not losing their desire to fight . And also Ultimate Saiyans have at least 999 Trillion S-Cells and once they become adults their S- Cells Increase to an extreme amount but as kids they have 999 Trillion and as teenagers they have 999 Decillion and as they grow their S-cells stop stockpiling at the age of 15 which will result in them having 999 Vigintillion S-Cells and until they turn 30 they get an extreme amount. Also Ultimate Saiyans gain much larger zenkai boosts at least by 50x ,and they also have the ability to rapidly grow in power as they fight (like broly) The Ultimate Saiyans have unlimited physical potential once they turn 30 but even as children they are insane prodigies
However Junior's S- Cells started off at 999 Decillion and when he became a teenager his S- Cells were 999 quinvigintillion and when he becomes up to 30 years old his S- Cells will be 999 googolplex . not only that but Ultimate Saiyans gain much higher zenkai boosts than regular saiyans and on top of that paragus increased Junior's Physical Potential to 999 Decillion the same amount as his S- Cells and as he ages they grow at the same rate as his S- Cells do
Lastly every timeline has a Ultimate Saiyan , in the present timeline Junior is only Ultimate Saiyan that will ever come , and in different timelines there will be others.
Perks and advantages : Ultimate Saiyans also live for hundreds of centillions of years without their appearance changing at all, and top of that their power never decreases , not even when they are at an extremely old age , their power is at its peak for all time, they change the appearance of their transformation they can master transformations easily , even if an Ultimate Saiyan were to become evil , and their S-Cells wouldn't change nor would their potential change at all
And so it began , Junior was born just 4 years after the time goten was born, and long ago paragus when he was still alive, wanted to experiment on something he traveled across the Universes until he found Universe 6 where he found Kale a beserk saiyan like broly , Paragus asked Broly and Kale to produce an offspring ,at first they were extremely reluctant especially Caulifla who was cursing at paragus for this , the easiest person to convince to do this process was Broly , and eventually Kale and Broly became good friends overtime which lead to the process , Kale and Broly produced an offspring , and named the baby Brastin for his saiyan name but his regular name is Junior afterwards paragus observed Junior , the first thing he noticed is how many S- Cells he had , he had an Paranormal Amount of S- Cells , Paragus immediately write this down , but Paragus wanted to create an extremely powerful offspring , so he even added Frieza's DNA , which caused even more of an already insane mutation inside of Junior , which lead to him gained far more physical potential than a regular Ultimate Saiyan is supposed to have which lead to him gaining 999 Decillion S- Cells, while it was supposed to be in the Trillions , this also allowed Junior's power level as a baby to be 4 Billion , his current power level is 550 million and this scared paragus immensely he knew that he was one day going to be a monster and possibly kill him so Paragus therefore sent him to Earth , Junior was sent in a saiyan pod and was sent crashing inside Capsule . Corp , Where Bulma found Junior in the Saiyan Pod , from on Bulma and Vegeta adopted Junior , and eventually Vegeta wanted to see Junior's power level and he put on a scouter , and read his power level , Junior's power level skyrocketed the point of where his scouter broke , Vegeta was in awe , trying to figure out why the hell he is so powerful, his first assumption was that he was legendary super saiyan but not even a legendary super saiyan is at that level of power , Vegeta immediately told Bulma about Junior's Insane power, and Bulma was scared of Junior, and Junior would usually let out big outbursts of power because of his rage but once he turned 2 this all stopped in fact once he became a 2 year old he even learned how to walk and run, and he even learned how to fly which really is impressive considering how old he was at the time
A FEW YEARS LATER...../ Buu Saga[]
Junior is 3 years old during this time and is much stronger than Trunks and Goten even in their super saiyan forms , which impresses vegeta , and goku who keeps a close eye on Junior
Later on, in the world martial arts tournament , junior joins in that tournament, and he is told to go easy on everyone by Bulma , Junior says that he will try, even though Junior ends up winning the tournament easily , defeating both Goten and Trunks, without even transforming , Junior was vastly superior to the two half saiyans even in their super saiyan forms they were nothing compared to Junior , because Junior's power level surpassed both Super Saiyan 2 Goku and Vegeta and they were stronger than Super Saiyan 2 Gohan from the cell saga , and this power grew the more and more he fought trunks in super saiyan, while suppressing his full power , he was able to go Super Saiyan after fighting for bit, but he didn't showcase the form until he got serious with trunks, and delivered thunderous blows to Trunks , causing Trunks to bleed, then Junior tells Trunks that he was holding back a lot of power and that he shouldn't get so ahead of himself , as Junior stops talking , he starts to power up and his power skyrockets as a golden aura surrounds his body , he yells as he transforms into a Super Saiyan , and his power is so insane that it blows back everyone even Trunks , allowing him to fall outside of the ring , allowing Junior to win the battle , Junior can't control his super saiyan even though this is the regular state of super saiyan due to his immense amount of power he was able to design his form , and Junior's super saiyan aura was like golden frieza , it was more gold than yellow, and his hair was a bit longer not like super saiyan 3 , just a bit longer, and this shocked everyone at the stadium, Goku and Vegeta had never seen this type of transformation before, Junior immediately grows in power while in ssj which allowed Junior to fight the champ Mr. Satan , and Junior in this case delivers a slap to Mr. Satan's face , sending him flying and also causing him bleed which allowed Junior to win the tournament, but Junior is still out of control , all of the Z-Fighters realize this , Junior starts yelling, and his hair starts to change in a different color , and with one final scream, Junior almost transforms into his legendary state but luckily he used up most of his ki , toying with Trunks, that's when Vegeta realized that he was an Ultimate Saiyan , no saiyan could have that much power , it would be abnormal
Afterwards when Junior went home , he asked his father if he could train with him , Vegeta said not yet , Junior was very upset because Junior loves to fight , so Junior basically trains himself , outside of capsule corp , and he trains his super saiyan form so that he doesn't get out of control so easily , he didn't get more powerful but he does now have control over his super saiyan form , Junior showed this to Vegeta but it still didn't change Vegeta's mind , Junior was even infuriated with Vegeta , he then tells Trunks about this but not even he understands , so Junior in a fit of rage , flies away from Capsule .Corp and off to Goku's house , JUnior knocks on the door, Gohan opens the door , and asks if he could be trained by him or Goku, Gohan allows Junior to come in , and both Junior and Gohan spar with each other , with Junior utilizing his Super Saiyan form which impressing considering the fact that he couldn't control his super saiyan form the last time , Gohan and Junior spar for a while with Junior having a higher power level than Gohan , but only thing is that Gohan has higher experience than Junior , allowing him to counter a lot of moves with each attack Junior missed it made him even angrier than before, to the point of where Junior eventually stops for a moment , powers up, his hair starts to turn into a green tint , same thing goes for his aura , his size increases as well as his power level , until Junior lets out a powerful and violent roar, allowing his body to fuel with overflowing ki , and also creating a large crater in the ground , Junior is now shown to be in his Legendary Super Saiyan form , Gohan is amazed by this , and the lssj form gives a 100x multiplier, shocking gohan , with no time to react , Junior charges in, with big powerful blows to the face and gut , until he eventually lands a series of thunderous blows, sending Gohan flying, even making him go Super Saiyan 2 , but the result is still the same with Gohan still losing to Junior , so Gohan uses his experience to his advantage , counterattacking Junior's wild punches and sending him back with his own power, this eventually wears Junior out after a while , until Junior passes out , due to how much damage he has taken , and because Junior cannot maintain the form's insane power for very long , which is something Junior needs to work on , the next day , Junior was brought back to Capsule. Corp , once he woke up , Vegeta was pissed , he didn't follow his orders , not to train , but Junior persists , saying that he knows that he loves to fight it's in his saiyan blood , Junior also gained a huge zenkai boost after training with Gohan , but Junior doesn't use this power just yet , because he wants to save it for any future threats , and he was right to do so because in a few more days the Majin Buu saga began , the same thing happens as usual, Vegeta gets under the control of babidi , Goku and Vegeta still have that amazing ssj2 battle , Majin Buu is hatched and almost kills gohan but the only thing is when Vegeta essentially killed himself , Junior watched whole fight with Goten and Trunks , and after seeing Vegeta's death, this enraged Junior, even though Buu regenerated in seconds , Junior was still pissed and activates his hidden power for the time , and transforms into his Legendary Super Saiyan state , Junior attacks Majin Buu, with all his might, Junior's power has skyrocketed to levels even beyond Buuhan , and is almost at Vegito's power level , as Junior is still beating the literal hell out of Majin Buu , and Majin Buu is having no time to recover , because each blow that Junior throws is at frightening speed , that not even Buu can see , and on top of that Junior uses all of his physical strength to deliver those thunderous blows to Majin Buu , after Buu is nearly dead , Junior almost finishes Buu off , but Gohan calms Junior down and tells him not to kill Buu, but right Gohan warns Junior not to kill Buu, Buu absorbs Junior , Everyone yells NO!!!!!, as Buu goes through a mutation allowing him to get insane amounts of power , Buu is much more powerful than Buuhan , and surpasses Vegito in his super saiyan form , and so now everyone is afraid of Buu, such Goku decides the only way to beat Buu now is with fusion , so Buu is asked to wait for a day from Goku, although Buu doesn't like to wait he likes to fight which was inherited from Junior so Buu decides to wait for this powerful warrior Goku was talking about , what he meant by this was Gohan , because the next day Gohan had his potential unlocked , and Goku had the potara earrings , and they would fuse into Gokhan , which was even stronger than Vegito , as Gokhan arrived , Buu was now happier than before because his challenge had finally arrived , as Gokhan and Buu fought, they were evenly matched, the both of them landing heavy blows on each other , but it was until Gokhan went Super Saiyan that the tables really turned , Gokhan gained a major upper hand on Buu, avoiding all of his attacks , and dealing great damage, Buu looked pretty much finished , until Buu finally utilized Junior's power and went into Junior's Legendary Super Saiyan state , and Buu's power was tremendous he overpowered Gokhan over and over , until Gokhan was just a bloody mess, Hope seemed lost until Gokhan used one final trick , he went SSJ3 and the gap between them was insane , Gokhan overpowering Buu with everything he had , beating him over and over , Gokhan realized that he was burning power and time , so he and finished Buu off with one final attack the Ultimate Kamehameha, disnergrated Buu along with Junior as well, thankfully they used the dragon balls to revive Junior shortly afterwards , and they also revived the good version of buu for an extra hand later on
(Junior also gained a huge zenkai boost after dying his power level used to be 4 Billion and from then it was 8 Billion just in base form making his Legendary Super Saiyan form give him a power level of 800 Billion)
(yes i know it's insane but Vegito's power level is 9 Trillion and this would mean Junior is 2 times stronger than he was fighting Majin Buu initially)
( and in Battle of Gods Junior now has control over his Legendary Super Saiyan form but took lots of practice those four years he was training to control his Legendary Super Saiyan form and even mastered the form along with gaining more power , which gave him a power level of 900 Billion)
( Super Saiyan God Goku's power level is 6 Quadrillion)
Battle of Gods / Beerus Saga[]
Four years later the battle of gods saga begins , Goten and Trunks have learned fusion , so has Junior but decides not to use it often , Gohan still has his ultimate form, and everything is normal until Beerus arrives on King Kai's planet , Goku is still outclassed by Beerus, with one single blow, as Beerus is as usual unhappy that Goku wasn't the Super Saiyan God he was looking for , so Beerus goes to earth , Junior feels a very high power level coming to earth, he thinks that its goku so he really pays no attention to it , and has fun at Bulma's party , until it was shown to be Beerus , and Junior feels the insane power emitting from Beerus, so Junior asks Beerus if he could spar with Beerus for a bit , Beerus tells Junior that he won't be fighting a little boy , Junior gets frustrated about this , and so he showcases his Super Saiyan form to Beerus , and delivers a big right hook across the jaw of Beerus , angering Beerus immensely, Junior delivers lots of blows to Beerus that actually land , and as junior at first seems to be overwhelming beerus , Beerus reveals to only be using 10% and takes it up to 20%, as Beerus begins to pummel Junior, but Junior smirks about this as Junior asks Krillin to give him as senzu bean , as Krillin tosses the senzu bean , Junior eats the bean, powers up , and finally transforms into his Legendary Super Saiyan which gave him even more power than before getting up to 1.8 Trillion but Junior isn't done there , Junior still continues to power up and his power begins to rise even further , Junior keeps on going further and further , Junior's eyes begin changing to green color , and his hair is spikier , his hair color is still green , and with a powerful yell , he transforms into his Legendary Super Saiyan 2 state giving him a power level of 16 Trillion which is a 900x Multiplier , although Junior stands a much better fighting chance , Beerus still happens to be holding back unlike before he is now using 20% of his power , the two are evenly matched with each other, All of the Z-Fighters are watching Junior and Beerus fight , and Goku on the sidelines is watching it all happen and even Goku himself is amazed at Junior's immense power , for Junior has landed multiple blows on Beerus but so has Beerus , and each time Beerus lands a blow , Junior grows a smirk on his face because afterwards Junior takes another senzu bean after delivering a blow to Beerus, as Junior eats this senzu bean , Junior goes even further in power , and powers up again , further and further , his hair started to grow out , and Junior finally transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan 3 , the multiplier was 9000, giving him a power level of 162 Trillion , and unlike the regular Super Saiyan 3 , he has no stamina loss at all, and Junior is shown pummeling Beerus at 20% , Beerus seems defenseless at that point in time , but Beerus decides that he should 50% of his power so that the gap in power between them would close and Junior and Beerus fight to a stalemate and it ended with Junior knocked out , due to him not being able to handle his power , Junior starts to fall from the sky, lasting longer than anyone has against Beerus , " You've amazed me with your power , you are truly an insanely powerful prodigy , I can't even imagine how powerful you would be if you had God Ki " Beerus Said , as Trunks catches Junior in his arms "Krillin, do you have anymore senzu beans " Vegeta asks " Sorry Vegeta I'm out senzu beans" Krillin Said , Beerus still wanted to destroy earth , so he charged a hakai energy ball meant to destroy the whole planet, luckily Goku came to the rescue .
( Goku and the Z-fighters summoned shenron , learned about the super saiyan god and Goku went through the ritual and became a super saiyan god , fought beerus, lost the battle and beerus didn't the destroy it went just like in battle of gods except they didn't need Videl due to Junior being a pure hearted saiyan and having lots of S-Cells)
( and the reason Junior's LSSJ3 power level was at 162 Trillion was because it was due to the lack of control Junior had over the form so it was weakened but if he had control the power level would be 16 Quadrillion)
( SSJB Goku's power level was at 7.5 Quintillion in the Resurrection F saga
Revival of Frieza/ Resurrection 'F' Saga[]
Junior had been training hard as hell on earth after fighting with beerus and after gaining the last zenkai , which was almost enough to grant him a new transformation , which would've put him at the super saiyan god level at least , Junior also trained to control the power of his Legendary Super Saiyan Forms 2 and 3 , which was difficult as first but it gave him massive results , his power level at base form would be 108 trillion, after training for 2 days and gained much more power , even surpassing Super Saiyan God , his power level in LSSJ3 was 981 Quadrillion the only reason why he couldn't train more is because Bulma was worried his health and overtraining, Vegeta disagreed , so did Junior , but there was no arguing with Bulma , so Junior just hanged out with Trunks in meantime and for the rest of Resurrection F saga , Goku and Vegeta were on Beerus's planet , training with Whis, and learning about Super Saiyan Blue, Junior was hanging out Trunks for most of the time, until Frieza was resurrected and for the next four months frieza trained to achieve his golden form , all of the Z-fighters sensed this ki signature, but they weren't too worried about it due to how strong they are currently
Four Months Later......[]
Frieza arrives on earth , and is ready to invade earth , once he does , he bring the frieza force just like before, all of the Z-fighters hear the news , Trunks and Goten stay behind because they aren't experinced , they rely too much on their fusion and frieza is much stronger than them , however they recruit Junior because he is much stronger than Gotenks , he is much more focused , and he has the most potential out of all the Z-Fighters , Gohan doesn't even hold a candle to Junior's potential and although Junior isn't too skillful and has a lot to learn , he can still be a very useful ally in battle
While the Z-Fighters arrive , Gohan is surprised Junior has joined the battle, he is also surprised at Junior's insane power , While Gohan's power has still dropped significantly after not training for while , Frieza's power is higher than most of Z-fighters which is why he isn't afraid, The Z-fighters especially Gohan and Junior take the frieza force with ease which was cut short when frieza attacked gohan , and Junior was specifically told not to fight until goku and vegeta there , so Junior couldn't do a thing he wanted to , but it was for the best ( so yeah goku and vegeta arrives and everything goes according to what happened in the revival of frieza arc)
Universe 6 vs Universe 7 Tournament ( since power levels are bullshit ima change this up)[]
Goku and Vegeta have been training for time chamber for a year , Junior has been doing to training in the gravity chamber once and raised his lssj3 form's power to 2.5 Quintillion and he even unlocked a new transformation in case it wasn't enough but he kept it a secret ( at the tournament first match was the same as usual , vegeta teaches cabba to go ssj and still beats him , vegeta goes against hit and gets beaten to a pulp , only this time Junior was watching and his blood boiled , in rage he told goku to stay back, because he wanted to avenge his father ,Hit was already in his fighting stance, Junior decides not to take it easy on hit , jumping straight to lssj3 which gave hit a decent run for his money but it still wasn't good enough so junior takes it a step further by going into a completely different state called Evolved Legendary Super Saiyan , his hair was shortened and had a vicious aura , and it had a power multiplier of 997,000 while Junior seemed to have this match won , due to hit's time skip , Hit had an upper hand on Junior and kept improving to the point of where Junior was defenseless and couldn't win at all (or so they thought) Junior was holding back for most of the time , " You are very impressive but you have no chance in winning, just forfeit the match and accept that it's over " Hit Said " You are forgetting one thing, i've been holding back this entire time " as Junior releases more of his power and soon overwhelming hit with all of his power (because unlike Super Saiyan Blue , this form doesn't drain stamina at all , more so just leaves it alone , sort of like mastered super saiyan just with a far higher multiplier ) Junior then starts to gain the upper hand on hit , by landing powerful blows to hit's midsection and jaw , Hit is now annoyed with Junior due to be overpowered by a mere child , Hit then starts to power up and improves his fighting ability , which causes a lot of trouble for Junior , Hit turns the tables around on Junior by using his time-skip and Junior couldn't even tell when hit was going to strike and so Junior then tries something different , and thinks about doing something else, right as hit is about strike Junior once more, junior creates a green barrier , blocking hit's attack , then counterattacking by using the barrier to increase the power of his attack, Hit is surprised at this attack ,but he knows it isn't enough to beat him, Junior then decides to use another skill, Hit charges toward Junior using time skip but right as hit uses his time skip , Junior uses his ki to create an green energy ball quickly as he shoots it up in the air ,while as the energy ball is made out of ki, by just looking at the energy , it enhanced his vision for him to see when hit is going to strike him , and the energy ball rotates like a planet but much quicker, while as Junior is using this new skill , Junior can now block hit's attacks and attack him without missing a single blow , as hit realizes that the energy ball that he made was to enhance his vision , he immediately destroys the ball of energy , Junior thinks he is completely helpless now realizing that he only 1 more techinque left , Junior thinks to himself " this guy is tough and unpredictable , i used the energy barrier and Ki-vision only one more move left in my arsenal " Junior Said " Hit starts dominating Junior like he did before , Junior charges up and blows hit away , charging up an attack similar looking to the final flash but this time Junior's energy is green and is much more powerful than the final flash , Junior is using his full power in this attack, and Junior takes a step further and hit is charging up a simple ki blast to stop Junior , Goku in the background is astonished at Junior's attack same with vegeta, anyway as Junior is charging this attack , hit fires the ki blast , and uses instant transmission something he learned from goku and turns out to be right behind hit , Junior then yells out " ROYAL BURST!!!!!!!!" as he blasts hit at point blank range , nearly killing hit , unfortunately hit used his time-skip again , and on top of that the barrier Whis had created , had been shattered due to all the power in that attack Junior didn't realize how much the blast took out of him , it took all of junior's energy just to kill hit which he failed in doing as junior falls to the ground knocked out , hit is declared the winner of that fight ( so yeah Goku then comes in and this time actually wins against Hit after using the blue kaioken and that's because of all the damage sustained by Junior) at the end of the battle Junior is asked to go train with Goku after seeing Junior's immense potential and insane power
Goku Black Arc[]
Junior after the tournament , trains with goku and eventually learns how to use god ki , and control it , to the point of where he learns how to tap into super saiyan god and combine it with super saiyan creating Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan , that form would be used as his second most powerful form , giving him a multiplier of 2,000,000 and junior's most powerful form is LSSJ3E / Legendary Super Saiyan 3 Evolved , because after training with goku , junior increased the multiplier from 997,000 to 9,997,000 , overshadowing super saiyan blue
( as time goes by trunks lands on earth again in the present timeline, gets a senzu bean, spars with goku , gets beaten, goku black shows up, and fights ssj2 goku and then afterwards trunks and the other Z-fighters go to trunk's timeline)