This page, Jaoros, is property of KidVegeta. |
Jaoros | |
character image | |
ジャオロス, Jaorosu | |
Detailed Information: | |
Appearances: | Nineteen Assassins |
Species: | Human |
Gender: | Male |
Birthplace: | Orange Star City, Earth |
Birthdate: | June 29, Age 737 |
Date of Death: | November 6, Age 752 |
Birth Power Level: | 0.0001 |
Maximum Power Level: | 105 |
Personal Pronouns: | オレ |
Height: | 5'9" |
Weight: | 120.4 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Rank: | Martial arts student Assassin |
Organizations: | Crane School (Age 743 - Age 752) |
Favorite Food: | Chicken katsu |
Favorite Vehicle: | n/a |
Hobbies: | Sparring, leaving amateur food reviews, pretending to be a tea connoisseur |
Family: | Master Shen (master) Tien (fellow student) Paik (fellow student) Chiaotzu (fellow student) Yurin (fellow student) |
Jaoros (ジャオロス, Jaorosu) is a Human featured in Nineteen Assassins. A member of the Crane School, he was an incredibly powerful student who had mastered the Dodon Ray and Solar Flare. As a trained assassin, he was the second-strongest Crane featured in Nineteen Assassins (sans Master Shen).
Jaoros is an average-sized boy of fifteen. He's a little on the skinny side. Jaoros is tan-skinned with curly long black hair and brown eyes. Like all of Master Shen's students, he wears the typical clothing of the Crane School. He doesn't like to wear the hat, though. He tends to get rosy-cheeked when straining himself.
Jaoros is highly disciplined for a fifteen-year-old. He's calm for the most part; it takes a lot to agitate him. He's likely the second-strongest Crane during Nineteen Assassins, but he tends to underestimate his abilities, allowing Paik to beat him in sparring matches consistently. His ruthless nature is unlike Paik, Chiaotzu, and Yurin's, as he was (briefly) trained by Tao. Aside from Tien, he's the only student in the story to have been trained by Tao. Jaoros has a lot of pride in his school and as an assassin, though he's not extroverted about it. This is seen in chapter 5 when he leaves Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yurin because Tien ordered them not to pursue the fleeing Zhajiang (after Paik's death). He considered this a failure on Tien's part, not in line with Tao and Shen's teaching style, and so took matters in his own hands. Jaoros never had any qualms with performing assassination missions. He has a laid-back, jokey nature when it comes to those gruesome moments, which is perhaps a coping mechanism. He gets down on himself for his performance in the Suma practice tournament, knowing he could've and should've done much better. Tien considers him a complainer though never outright says that.
Nineteen Assassins[]
In the first scene of chapter 1, Tien, Jaoros, Paik, and Chiaotzu went to Khaffi on a mission to assassinate a man named Tuval, who was the town's train station manager. His bounty was Ƶ1,000,000, which was extremely high for a man living in a small town with a population of less than 2000. This was Chiaotzu's first mission. They reached the train station, searching for the degenerate gambler. They found the man dead in his booth with a sign reading 'punter' hanging around his neck. There was also a sign for the School of the White Tigers (the Crane School's rivals), indicating they had taken the bounty. Tien promised they'd be faster next time. Paik wondered if they'd confront the White Tigers next time, which wasn't out of the question. They were allowed to kill the Tigers if they got the chance. They decided to cut their losses and return to the dojo.
In the second scene, the Crane assassins returned to the town of Suma, where they lived. They met Master Shen on the road with a new recruit named Yurin in tow. Tien informed him they hadn't been able to collect Tuval's bounty. Shen slapped Tien aside, telling him the four could not return to the dojo until they acquired Ƶ1,000,000. He told them Yurin was the newest member of the Crane School. She would accompany them on their next mission. Shen ordered them away; Yurin joined the group.
The Cranes entered Yoshitaro’s, a tea shop. Yurin introduced herself, while Tien made an awkward mess of himself because he was still reeling from Shen's punishment. Yurin explained to them how she'd passed a written exam and an obstacle course to join the Cranes. She admitted she had previously trained at the School of the White Tigers, which was where she'd learned the basics of martial arts. She didn't know how to fly like the Cranes.
Yurin used her phone to find the next bounty, a woman named G.P. Milano who lived in the town of Cardan. Tien agreed to take on the challenge, though he wanted Yurin to take the lead to show them what she was capable of. At that moment, the White Tigers entered the tea shop. Zhajiang, Shumi, and Zadich mocked the Cranes. They were perturbed by Yurin switching sides. Paik threatened to kill them if they tried to attack Yurin. Zadich promised to kill Yurin if he ever ran into her while collecting bounties. Zhajiang agreed, promising to kill the Cranes if they ever ran into them.
From the counter, Yoshitaro yelled at them, threatening to ban them from his shop if they fought. The Tigers moved to the other side of the shop, promising to meet the Cranes in the field soon. Tien decided it was time to leave and check out the bounty in Cardan. They took to the sky, Yurin running behind as she had not yet learned that technique.
In the first scene of chapter 2, Tien, Jaoros, Paik, Chiaotzu, and Yurin entered Cardan. They found G.P. Milano]] soon after at the door of her villa looking for her lover, Archibald Reginald Hertz-FitzPatrick III. He was indisposed at the moment, which made Jaoros laugh (Tien stuffed his face in the mud to silence him).
Yurin attacked Milano while she marched back to her villa while bitching at her boyfriend. She killed J.P. Milano with a single kick to the back of the neck. Chiaotzu was unnerved, hoping he wouldn't have to do something similar on their next mission. Tien confirmed he'd had to steel himself to become a proper Crane. Archibald noticed J.P. Milano lying facedown in the mud and became distraught, rushing to her side from the house. Without being urged on, Yurin attacked Archibald, killing him with a single flying kick. Tien rushed over to her, slapping her and reprimanding her for killing someone who hadn't been a bounty target, thinking Master Shen would give her a right proper punishment for her actions. He soon realized how stupid he'd been afterwards, but internalized his feelings. He told the others they had to dispose of the bodies before returning home. They set off.
In the fourth scene, Tien found the others sparring in the training grounds. He considered Chiaotzu and Yurin to be extremely unskilled. Paik beat Jaoros by pinning him to the ground, which impressed Tien. He ordered them to begin another round. Jaoros used a Dodon Ray on her as they ramped up their training. Satisfied, Tien moved on to the other pair. Not long afterward, Master Shen came over to see how they were doing, whistling Tien over to him, Jaoros, and Paik. Chiaotzu and Yurin did another sparring session in the meantime. Shen told Tien about the practice tournament he had planned with Master Mashiro between the Tigers and Cranes. It would prepare them for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament.
Shen told them that since his arch-rival, Master Roshi, had entered his students in the last tournament and they had performed well, he was going to one-up him by entering the Cranes in the next tournament. Shen promised to only take two students to the tournament, as he didn't want them fighting each other in the knockouts. He would make his decision in four months. Paik promised she'd get one of those spots. Tien promised to win the tournament. Jaoros also swore he'd get a spot. Tien resolved to go to bed early and not take on a bounty that night so they would be well-rested for the practice tournament. Shen bid them goodnight and left. Soon after, the kids walked back to the dorms, Tien thinking he would meditate for a while before sleeping.
In the third scene of chapter 3, the Tigers and Cranes met at the Suma tournament grounds while dozens of onlookers watched. Shen noticed one of the Tigers wasn't with them. Mashiro promised the tournament would go forward with three versus five. He offered Yurin one last chance to rejoin his school, but she refused. She stepped up to fight Zadich. Mashiro read out the rules, which were the same as the World Martial Arts Tournament's.
Then, their fight began. Yurin danced around Zadich, refusing to get too close because she was obviously slower, smaller, and weaker. The crowd jeered, causing Yurin to attack haphazardly. Zadich responded with several kicks and punches that swiftly knocked her out. The spectators went wild. Two men ran off with Yurin on a stretcher. Chiaotzu entered the ring next. He used telekinesis on Zadich before rushing at him. However, the Tiger was able to break free and kick him out of the ring easily. With that, Chiaotzu was eliminated.
Shen sent Paik into the ring next. The crowd chanted Zadich's name. He drank in their passion, hyping himself up. While Chiaotzu was removed from the area on a stretcher, the fight began. They went at each other with a much higher pace than the previous battles, Zadich taking the offensive. Paik withstood his assault, responding with a flying kick that shattered his arm, knocking him to the edge of the ring. He appeared unconscious, so Mashiro began the count. Before he got to seven, Paik grabbed Zadich and threw him out of the ring, ending any hope of him coming back.
Huo-Guo entered the ring. Shen told Jaoros to warm up, as Paik had been wounded in her battle. He didn't have much faith in her to win a second round in a row. The girls played it cautiously early on, circling one another and making superficial attacks. Without warning, Huo-Guo charged Paik, pinning her to the ground, raining punches down upon her. They flipped over, Paik hitting Huo-Guo in the nose, breaking it. Huo-Guo regained the dominant position, battering her foe bloody before Paik shot her in the chest with a Dodon Ray, sending her into the air. Mashiro was outraged, telling Shen they had agreed to not use any lethal attacks. Shen promised Huo-Guo wasn't gravely injured. During the commotion, she rose to her feet and leveled an attack on Paik from behind that knocked her out.
Jaoros was furious, thinking that she'd only lost because of referee interference (which was true). Tien told him to take out Huo-Guo in front of the crowd to protect the Cranes' honor. The cheater deserved it. Shen was pissed, but agreed with Tien. Jaoros ran out to fight Huo-Guo.
In the fourth scene, Jaoros quickly dealt with the worn-out Huo-Guo. Zhajiang entered the stage. Jaoros took the offensive, but Zhajiang responded with a kick that made him bleed. After exchanging hits, the boys broke off, Zhajiang charging up a Denkoken and slapping Jaoros across the face with it. Jaoros retaliated with a Dodon Ray, but he dodged it. He followed that up with a Solar Flare, taking Zhajiang unaware. He fired more Dodon Rays at the Tiger, though Zhajiang was able to dodge them despite being blinded. Jaoros' power was rapidly expending with each energy attack. Zhajiang closed the gap and spun around him, hitting him from behind with another Denkoken. Jaoros fell over, defeated. Zhajiang caught him, mocking him. Jaoros shot him through the ribs with another Dodon Ray, hurting the boy significantly. He elbowed Jaoros in the face then threw him out of the ring, winning the match. Despite that, he had taken tremendous damage. Jaoros was rushed away on a stretcher.
In the fifth scene of chapter 4, Tien, Jaoros, Paik, Chiaotzu, and Yurin left the Suma Hospital, walking to the Ootaji Temple on the edge of town. Tien ordered Chiaotzu to take Yurin over to the ruined shōrō bell tower and teach her how to fly. Jaoros wandered off while Tien and Paik conversed.
Later, Tien found Jaoros in the teahouse. Jaoros handed him a cup and closed the door. Tien realized that Yoshitaro's apprentice was in there with them. He introduced himself as Kyofune, offering them Usucha-grade green tea. He said he had been trying to restore the Ootaji Temple. It would be a complex operation since several buildings would need to be reconstructed. He mentioned both the mayor of Orange Star City and Yoshitaro would donate money to help with the project. Kyofune wanted to become the next head priest.
Before he could, however, he needed the Cranes' help. He wanted to purchase their services. He offered to pay with an antique tamahagane katana, swearing the Masamune/Masamune estate would pay Ƶ10,000,000 for it. Tien wondered why he hadn't sold it to them himself. Kyofune admitted he had a history with the samurai as well and couldn't show his face to them. He revealed his father was Hiramogi Higataro, the yakuza leader of the Chàoxing Gon. Mr. Masamune would know who Higataro was and would be able to tell them more about how to approach the battle against him and his minions. After a moment of hesitation, Jaoros accepted the sword, agreeing to take on the bounty.
In the sixth scene of chapter 5, the Cranes attacked Higataro's compound. The truck driver sneaking them in told them there would be sixteen guards and three lieutenants plus Higataro for a total of twenty yakuza. There would also be two Masamune/Masamune employees inside wearing white shirts (like the truck driver). They were to be spared. He asked the five to try not to damage the saké bottles, as it was valuable stock. If there were any whores inside with the men, he asked they be spared as well. Tien agreed to those terms.
The truck drove into the compound, coming to a stop before the garage. The truck driver opened the back door, inviting Lieutenant Kazakare inside, telling him that he'd brought a shipment of Masamune Kouyou Junmai Daiginjo, a new flavor that hadn't been released to the public yet. A pair of yakuza jumped into the truck. Just as quickly, they went flying out. Paik killed Kazakare with a flying kick. Jaoros killed the other man with a side kick. The driver ran back to the truck's cabin as the Cranes flew out of the back. They took out the remaining yakuza in under five seconds (Yurin, Paik, Tien, and Jaoros all landing kills), bringing the total dead to six. Then, the Cranes ran into the compound through the garage.
Another yakuza ran out, firing wildly at Chiaotzu. The boy caught a bullet with his telekinesis and shot it back at him, killing the man. With that, Tien's mind was eased. He knew Chiaotzu was cut out for this kind of work. Tien flew up to the second story, killing another pair of yakuza who were hanging out up there. He regrouped with Paik at the staircase where six more bodies lay. Only five yakuza remained. They split up, Tien checking the rest of the second floor while Paik covered the first floor. Tien heard a yakuza running. He pursued when another attacked him from behind, hitting his cast with the butt of his gun. Tien winced but nevertheless leveled several punches into the man's face that killed him. Shortly afterward, the other Cranes regrouped with him, saying they'd killed nineteen yakuza. The twentieth lay at Tien's feet. The group realized that had been Higataro. They were gleeful with their victory. Tien was a bit underwhelmed by how easy it had been. Paik said they'd found the Masamune/Masamune employees and brought them to the truck. The prostitutes had gotten away, but Tien didn't care about them. They enjoyed the victory, cracking some jokes before returning to the truck, eager to be paid.
In the seventh scene, the Cranes returned to Cardan at around two in the morning. They received a bag of money from Lord Tonji and an assistant. Tien thanked them for the money before the group departed.
They stopped at the Ootaji Temple before returning to the dojo. Chiaotzu and Tien shared a moment, the boy expressing eagerness to perform additional assassination missions. Jaoros came over, saying there were lights on inside the teahouse. Everyone thought it was Kyofune. They walked to the building when suddenly they were ambushed by the White Tigers. Zhajiang sprung out from the teahouse, hitting Jaoros in the hand with a Denkoken, shattering it. He attacked Paik next, though she jumped aside, firing a Dodon Ray. Her attack missed. Zadich jumped from the shadows, hitting Yurin from behind with a kick. Huo-Guo did likewise, attacking Tien. He noticed, spinning around and blocking the attack. She came at him again but he sent her flying with a reverse roundhouse. Zadich stomped Jaoros, then took Yurin in a hold. Zhajiang parried Paik's attacks and kneed her in the stomach. He used an afterimage to dodge around her and take ahold of her like Zadich had done with Yurin.
Zhajiang screamed at the Cranes, calling them dishonorable for killing his master. Tien and the others didn't know what he was talking about. Tien asked him to release Paik and walk away without fear of reprisal. Zhajiang grew emotional, saying how Mashiro had taken him in from the streets, having been the only person to give him a chance, to help him. He snapped Paik's neck before Tien could utter another word, killing her. Tien retaliated immediately by killing Huo-Guo with a Dodon Ray. Both sides were enraged and hurt deeply. Chiaotzu attacked Zadich with a ki ball, breaking Yurin free. He had killed the boy. Zhajiang was overcome by emotion, calling the Cranes evil before fleeing into the darkness.
Jaoros tried to pursue, but he couldn't. Chiaotzu checked on Yurin. She was still breathing. Tien checked on Paik, but he knew before doing so that she had died. Jaoros wanted to go after him but Tien commanded him to stay behind, as he would only get himself killed. Jaoros wasn't having it. He insulted Tien for not sticking up for Paik. Tien took her pulse, confirming she was dead. Rejecting Tien's authority, Jaoros berated the older Crane. When Tien asked him not to pursue Zhajiang, Jaoros said he wasn't. He was leaving the Crane School. He had had enough. He planned on leaving. He said Tien could kill him if he wanted to. Otherwise, Jaoros was leaving. Tien, overcome by emotion, was unable to respond. Jaoros left.
In the eighth scene, Zhajiang came to Khaffi station, noting only the attendant was on the platform. None of the security cameras were working. He was determined to get revenge for Zadich and Huo-Guo. A few pedestrians entered the station. Zhajiang told them to leave. Before they could react, Jaoros attacked him from the shadows with a Dodon Ray. Zhajiang dodged it. The pedestrians, having witnessed this, fled in terror. They traded Dodon Rays and Denkokens, each dodging the other's attacks. Zhajiang hit him in midair with a kick that sent Jaoros crashing to the ground. He followed that up with an elbow to the face that sent Jaoros reeling. Jaoros tried a Solar Flare, but Zhajiang attacked with his eyes closed, beating him back. Jaoros pleaded for his life. Zhajiang didn't care. He was fighting for his school, for his fallen brethren. He killed Jaoros with a Gisakkou, his ultimate attack.
Non-combative Moves[]
Offensive Moves[]
- Jaoros took three years to master the Dodon Ray.