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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This article, Jack Frost (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

This article, Jack Frost (SSJJ), takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline.
Jack Frost

Manga name Jack Frost
Alternate names Jack
Appears in Zero Presents Plan
Race Elf-type Holiday Figure
Gender Male
Date of death Age 851
Status Deceased
Occupation Embodiment of Winter
Classification God
  • Santa Claus (archnemesis)
  • Jack Frost (ジャックフロスト) is the archnemesis of Santa Claus, a fanatic, and main antagonist of Zero Presents Plan.



    Jack has long spiky ice-like hair, pale blue eyes, snow white skin, long pointy ears, and wears white-purple tuxedo with a single glove on his right hand.


    Jack is cold, sly, and has sharp superiority complex. Jack is known to have ODD, and proudly admits to having it. Jack Frost is joyless and has a snarky nature.


    Jack is substantially powerful as he is able to overpower Hit, Goku, and Future Trunks with ease. Jack Frost is ranked as the 7th most powerful in the Multi-Universe just below Santa, and after obtaining Santa's Jacket was able to defeat the Dragon Team without any difficulty.


    • Flight
    • Ki Sense
    • Magic
      • Winter Magic
        • Frost Beam - A magical energy wave fired from his eyes or hands.
        • Frost Orb - A magical energy sphere fired from his foot
        • Frost Wave - A wave motion blast of magical energy fired from his eyes and hands to cause devastating damage
          • Explosive Frost Wave - A magical explosive wave of Cold energy that freezes everything caught in the blast, and weakens the bonds of its target.
      • Christmas Magic
        • Coal Creation and Manipulation
          • Naughty Flash - A magical energy beam of tectonic energy encircled coal fired from his hands.
            • Great Naughty Flash - A more powerful version of the beam, and his final attack.
          • Dance of the Green Forest - While at Santa's Workshop; Jack is capable of manipulating the christmas trees, and uses them to try and impale his foe.
      • Expulsion - After gaining Santa's Jacket; he gained the ability to expel anyone he didn't want in Santa's Workshop including the inhabitants.
    • Death Inhibitions - Due to him obtaining the powers of Santa; he is also gain the inhibitions in killing, and as result no matter how hard he hits his opponent; he cannot kill them. It is thanks to this Hit survived the impact in the ground that caused a 1000 deep crater.

    Forms and Transformations[]

    Santa's Jacket[]

    After Jack wished Santa's jacket his body morphed as his power grew. He gained a long jagged beard, his hair spikes upwards and becomes larger, his eyes become dark blue, skin becomes tan, and puts on 10 pounds. He gains a snow white aura with snowflakes through it and makes an jingle sound.

    Damaged Jacket[]

    As result of his suit being heavily damaged; his body starts reverting back, his aura is half snow white half ice blue, and his power is severely decreased.


    • Jack Frost is based of Santa Clause 2 and Santa Clause 3; Toy Santa and Jack Frost respectively