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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Intern (SSJJ), is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

Android 21

Jinzōningen Ni Juu Ichi-gō
Manga name Android #21
Alternate names Android 21
Cyborg #21
Debut Dragon Ball AF
Race Warp-Android
Gender Male
Date of birth Age 761
Date of death Age 800 (Revived)
Address Muscle Station
Affiliations General Copper (Creator)
Android 22 (Ally)

Intern is a self-aware Robot designed by General Copper. It was job was to kill Goku and avenge Dr. Gero but he was defeated by Goten, Super Saiyan 3 and later tried to help take down Android 22, but he was defeated and his internal mechanical components from Warp were absorbed by Android 22 while his external mechanical parts were used to reconstruct her.


General Copper secretly designed this Android, after Goku defeated Buu. He used machine parts he was given by the people of Warp, created an identical Android version of himself and then used a hibernation machine to preserve him alongside Android 22.


Intern is a full synthetic humanoid Android, he is a appearance is an Android version of Dr. Flappe, though not the Doctor himself. However his legs have red arrow flight-like triangles near the ankle and red shoulders blades.

Gadget Saga[]

During the Intern Saga, Intern's hibernation machine malfunction due to a meteorite fragment allowing him to escape and awakens General Copper whom assigns him to take down Vegeta, but soon meets Goten. He fights Trunks and Goten and easily defeats them and then fights Amin and Zaiko. He later returns after collecting their fight Data and Patterns to General Copper, which in turn he awaken Android 22



Although he is not a true Deity, his power become almost on par with Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 2. In this form he's left eye becomes red, and is recoloured Magenta in his shoulder plates, and leg plates with arrow flight-like triangles on the side. He obtains this form from absorbing Spiritual energy in Earth's atmosphere.


  • Energy Torpedo - From a cannon behind his wrist he launches an energy sphere. Hitting his opponent and causing enough damage to send them to ground.
  • Energy Quad Missile - From multiple cannons on his chest plate launching a barrage of energy spheres at its opponent
  • Rectractable Spear Missile - He launches his spear towards the enemy and pierces them in the neck sending paralysing shockwaves to them.
  • Rocket Punch
  • Absorption - Intern has the ability to absorb other beings. This increase his strength and allows his CPU to register and assimilate that appearance. He explains that he has such an ability, but never uses it.
    • Warp Absorption - Being a Warp-Android, Intern can only absorb Warp made metal and mechanical parts. This increase his strength and allows his CPU to register and assimilate that mechanical part.
  • Machine Sword Impact - a Rush attack used by Intern. He charges at the opponent seemingly going to knock his opponent down, but then transforms his right into a sword and slash his opponent in stead. Trunks is narrowly missing being slashed thanks to Amin and Zaiko stopping the attack.