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Incomplete Super Saiyan 4 is an alternate form of Super Saiyan 4 exclusive to Saiyan hybrids who never possessed a tail.
Like standard Super Saiyan 4, the user gains a pink-red fur across their body, though not as far spread. Their hair grows longer, just under the length of a Super Saiyan 3's hair. Their body has a constant glow of red ki, which is due to the amount of power being channeled despite not being a true Super Saiyan 4.
Incomplete Super Saiyan 4 users gain the full strength and speed of a Super Saiyan 4, but at the cost of the body not gaining additional durability. Instead, the body is more-so akin to Super Saiyan 3's durability, giving the user far more power than their body possesses. As a result, their ki grows to such a massive degree that they risk burning themselves out if prolonged. While sustainable for far longer than a Saiyan hybrid using Super Saiyan 3, their body will eventually tire out, forcing them back to their base form and draining them of their ki.
One unintentional benefit to the form is that due to the sheer amount of power and ki within, they aren't susceptible to being possessed or mind controled like other Super Saiyan forms, even from the likes of Demigra.
Unlike Super Saiyan 4, the user does not need to obtain the Golden Great Ape form. However, the initial transformation causes the user to temporarily take on the mind of a Golden Great Ape, generally attacking anyone around them. Either through enough time passing or through interference from a strong enough opponent, the Golden Great Ape mindset dissipates and their original personality returns, though still lacking most self-control. While the user can learn some self-control while in the form with enough training, they still lack the means to ever fully control it.
Incomplete Super Saiyan 4 will never truly be able to evolve into the true Super Saiyan 4 form due to all of its Saiyan hybrid users having lacked tails. As a result, they possess enough Saiyan heritage to reach the partial transformation and obtain the strength of a true Super Saiyan 4, but their bodies aren't built to contain the full power and toughness of one and can't sustain itself for long periods of time without burning out.
After having obtained it during training to surpass Super Saiyan 3, Pan would go on to use this form to survive a sparring session with Beerus, as well as stand up to Demigra's final form.