Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, How Jodenku and Brudikai met., is the property of Jodenku.

Takes place on Episode 3 of DragonBall PD

-Jodenku is at school looking for his class at Age 10-

Jodenku (worried): I wonder where class is, today is my first day,hopefully I get a best friend!

-bullies walk up to him-

Bully 2: Hey dork you got a tail!

Bully 3: MONKEY!!

Jodenku ( holding his hand about to charge a blast): Get away.

Bully 1: What are you gonna do,slap us?

-a random leg of a 9 year old boy comes in and knocks out all of the bullies-

???: Thank me later.

Jodenku: WAIT! Whats your name!

???: Call me Brudikai,the son of Broly,if you know him. This is my third day here.

Jodenku: Cool! Want to be friends?

Brudikai: Sure! The school time of the day just ended, hey, do you know how to fight?

Jodenku: Fight? Yeah! Im great at that!

Brudikai: Ill race you to the desert 5 miles west by flying

Jodenku: Sure!

-they take off-

-jodenku goes fast as heck-


Jodenku: My mom,Colaria calls me "Speed Demon"

Brudikai: I can see why, that should be your nickname!

-Jodenku lands 8.3 seconds before Brudikai-

Brudikai: How bout we spar?

Jodenku: Sure!

Brudikai: Before that,2 things.

Jodenku: Okay! -listens quietly-

Brudikai: 1. We need to find out our current,and birth powerlevel.

Jodenku: 515,000

Brudikai: 495,000

Jodenku: My current is 29 million.

Brudikai: Im only a couple million stronger than you.

Brudikai: And number 2.

Brudikai: I dont have so much friends, besides this girl Bulla I met yesterday.

Jodenku: I have a friend named Celora, I met her just today,well of course its my first day.

Brudikai: Lets be best friends!

Jodenku: Sure!

-they spar and take breaks every 5 minutes,telling jokes and laughing...-

This was the start of the Best Friend Relationship of Jodenku,and Brudikai.

Brudikai and jodenku just meet

Jodenku (age 10 to the left) and Brudikai (age 9.11 to the right) talking 7 minutes after the bully incident. They are super saiyan in normal clothes
