Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Home of Dying Souls, is the property of MonkeyBoyGoku.

Haunted house

Home of Dying Souls, a house said to lead to the Demon Realm.

Home of Dying Souls[]

Ages ago there was a house that was known to everyone of a small town to be one of the greatest in creation. Once a week large party would be held in honor of the host who helped out the community. The host was mysterious in his actions, never showing his face and always keeping to the dark. The only reason he was so well liked was due to his donations to the people of the town and how well he made their lives. On one night however the host chose to reveal himself to the crowd of people. It was in this moment of revealing his true self did the people find out that the host they had loved so much was in fact a demon. He had been deceiving the people of the town, getting them to like him so that all would attend. The demon was much stronger than any of the guests, he easily overpowered them. He used his powers to lock everyone inside as he fed off of their souls. The souls were never killed and just die a little more each day. Some say you can still hear the wails of the dead coming from inside the basement of the house.


Besides being a large mansion complete with rooms and fascinating structures, deep inside lies a doorway. The doorway is said to be a link between the Living realm and the demon realm. The door can only be opened when a meter is filled. What the meter requires to be filled is unknown, but people rumor that it requires souls to meet its needs. The whole house can be controlled if presented the correct amount of ki and uses a natural aura to deflect good away from it and draw in darkness and evil. The Demon Realm was once thought to be only accessible by a gateway at the edge of the Earth, but it seems as if an artificial portal was made. 


Many people have attempted to destroy the house in the past, but none have managed to overcome its amazing power to stop good chi. The house was designed by an old man who never got the chance to live in it. He was seen to have built it, but went inside only for a short while, never to be seen again.
