Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Hino, is the property of Pandalove93.

Hino is one of senseis in Dragon World with Wukong.

Before Hino met Wukong, she was one of fairies in her home planet, but her fighting skills was pit casual in fairies rules. One day she met Wukong who took her as his student and today Hino is one of Dragon World's Senseis and she have her own students to train.


As fairy, Hino is usually gentle and caring. She respect Wukong and she likes him as father figure. But Hino is also taking her role as teacher very seriously. She's also kind of short-tempered and she gets upset when it comes to her size or age. But to her friends, Hino is protective and she's showing her motherly sides, especially for Gohi, Toru and Mark Jr. when they got hurt or into trouble.


Even though Hino isn't as strong as Wukong or Picchio, she's strong enough to battle with Super Saiayn Blue Goku and Vegeta.

She uses her digestible movements in battle and she have magic powers.


  • Flight: Ability to fly by using ki.
  • Ki Blast: Most basic energy wave attack.
  • Fairy Kick: Hino's technique with powerful kicks.
  • Icy Wind: Hino blowing frost in her mouth and freeze her opponent.
  • Energy Blade: Hino forms her ki into a piercing energy blade around her hand.
  • Continuous Energy Bullet: Hino fires many Ki Blast moves from her hands.
  • Fairy Blaster: Hino's ultimate move where she fires her fairy energy as large powerfull energy wave. This move consumes her energy so much that he gets tired.