Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Groly, is the property of SuperSaiyanKrillin.

This article, Groly, takes place in an alternate universe or timeline,
and is not considered a part of the main Dragon Ball Timeline.
{{{series}}} Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: Goku (fusee)

Broly (fusee)

Species: Saiyan
Gender: Male
Father: (Half) Bardock

(Half) Paragus

Brother(s): (Half) Raditz
Spouse(s): (Half) Chi-Chi
Children: (Half) Gohan

(Half) Goten

Grandchildren: (Half) Pan
Personal Weapons Systems
Energy Basic Attacks: Ki Blast
Heavy Energy Attacks: Omega Death Beam
Chronological & Political Information

Groly is the Potara Fusion between Goku and Broly. He is capable of all the forms of Super Saiyan 1-5, including Legendary Super Saiyan.


In his regular form, he looks like Goku but when a Super Saiyan or Legenday Super Saiyan he looks like Broly. In any other forms besides those, he looks like Goku.

Below is a game me and a few of my friends made...In rl not video game...And Gotwelve is a Made up character by me...

Groly is the best of all evil... He will be defeated by Goku and Gotwelve...

One day this beast shalll fall ~Goku

We need an opportunity ~Gotwelve
