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Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Greetra, is the property of Machinedragon123456.

Greetra is the dinosaur-like spawn of King Piccolo, set to appear in Dragon Ball: Descendant.

Design: Greetra resembles an inaccurate depiction of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, specifically the ones from the 1930s. Greetra has two black horns at the back of his head, a snout filled with razor-sharp teeth, one claw on each of his four toes, with four fingers with one claw on each. Greetra is a dark green in color, with a lighter underbelly, with Greetra ending up looking similar to his older brother Cymbal. Greetra has a long, thick tail with three spikes running along it.

Personality: Greetra is extremely fond of Rigeta, never leaving his side, despite spawning from King Piccolos corpse, Greetra is shown to be quite docile, often only showing malevolence when threatened.

Abilites and Techniques:

  • Physical Capabilites.
  • Durability.
  • Agility.
  • Demon Ray, a red ray of destruction, being able to cut through cliffs with ease.


  • Greeta's name is a pun on "guitar".
  • The idea for Greetra was developed before Godzilla(Dragon Ball: Descendant) was implimented into the series, thus many similarities are coincidental.