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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Golden Demon Realm Soldier, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Golden Demon Realm Soldier

Makai-hei Gōruden
Manga name Golden Demon Realm Soldier
Alternate names Golden-Armoured Demon Realm Soldier
Debut Fanga: "Demon Realm Invasion Saga"
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Demon Realm race
Gender Male
Date of death Age 950 (numerous killed)
Status Alive
Occupation Elite Soldiers
Allegiance Demon Realm Army
Classification Fusion
  • 20 Demon Realm Soldiers (fusees)
  • 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ψs (fusees)
  • Gravy (commander)
  • Putine (commander)
  • Towa (general)
  • Mira (general/mentor)
  • 1 Demon Realm Soldier Σ (fusee)
  • 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ω (fusee)
  • 3 Demon Realm Soldier Δ (fusee)
  • 2 Death God Soldiers (fusee)
  • Golden Demon Realm Soldiers are a fusion of 20 Demon Realm Soldiers and 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ψ.


    Golden Demon Realm Soldiers wear golden version of the armour worn by Demon Realm Soldier Deltas, but with barrel-like hole in the centre of their chest piece.


    A Golden soldier battles against Hypabramia during on Conton City, and manages to trick him into thinking he has the edge in the fight by playing weak until manages to exhaust himself and allows them to blast him into the abyss.


    • Flight
    • Ki Blast and Sensing
    • Chest Energy Wave - A large golden energy wave fired from his chest piece.
    • Concrete Foot - A powerful kick enough to kick any Super Saiyan away and cause serious damages
    • Heavy Finish
    • Corrupted Ki Blast - The golden soldiers fire golden Corrupt Ki Blasts at their opponent fired from his chest piece or palms.
    • Demon Realm Soldier Merge - a Merging technique that is activated at any time, and can even be used on wounded soldiers.


    Diamond Demon Realm Soldier[]

    Main article: Diamond Demon Realm Soldier

    The Diamond Demon Realm Soldier is a fusion of 1 Demon Realm Soldier Σ, 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ω, 3 Demon Realm Soldier Δ, 2 Death God Soldiers, and 1 dying Golden Demon Realm Soldier.
