Son Goku, born Kakarot, is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the main protagonist of the Earth-Fighter story. He is the youngest child of Bardock and Gine, and the husband of Chastity. Originally sent to Earth by his parents as an infant, Kakarot was adopted by Grandpa Gohan and renamed Son Goku.
Kid Goku appears to wear blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Atop of his shirt, he wears a blue jacket with the word "cloud" written in white on the back of it. He also wears a rice hat atop of his head. He wears wraps around his hands and has a monkey tail coming from his trousers. His school outfit consists of a white shirt, a blue blazer, and black trousers.
In the 21st Tournament Saga, he wears an orange gi with orange pants instead. He wears a black belt on his waist and black wristbands on his arms. He now wears black shoes. During the tournament, he ends up wearing his hair in a style similar to his canonical hairstyle. By the last battle, we see this gi ripped up and Goku covered in bruises. He wears a blue equivalent of this outfit during the Demon King Piccolo Saga.
At the start of Land of Korin Saga, he's seen wearing a brown cloak alongside his rice hat. Underneath the cloak, it's revealed he's wearing a grey tunic, black pants and grey boots. He also covers his hands with brown gloves. The tunic and gloves are removed before his battle with Mercenary Tao. Later on in the arc, post Goku's training with Korin, Goku wears a white gi and pants. He also has blue wrappings covering his, and surrounding his waist as a belt. He keeps his hair in a ponytail using similar blue wrappings as a headband. He wears this outfit until the end of the Saga.
As of the 23rd Tournament Saga, we see Goku in his adult form. In the 3 year gap, he has grown stubble beard and his height has increased significantly. He wears a Blue Kimono and Yellow pants during the start of the saga, and protects his hair with a white turban. During the tournament, he also wears an orange gi over a black shirt, held up by a black belt. On his lower body, he wear black pants and black shoes. We also see him wearing a new rice hat, since the original was destroyed. His casual clothing is a red and black checkered shirt, navy blue jeans, a leather belt and a pair of brown boots.
Goku is more often than not seen as energetic, kindhearted and pure of heart. He was taught to be compassionate and respectful to others by Grandpa Gohan, even to those who don't reciprocate similar behaviour. Being as young as he is however, he's far from wise, and can be easily manipulated by those who play to his empathetic side. He is highly loyal to his friends and family and is extremely protective of them as a result, a trait which stems from his inability to protect his Grandpa Gohan from the Pilaf Gang.
After his Grandpa Gohan was killed, Goku developed serious internal conflict. Without his mentor there to guide him, he fell into a constant state of loss and confusion. He often snapped when provoked, letting his anger blind him during combat. Goku was also dealing with a loss of determination, and he became prone to giving up easily and believing things were helpless. After his imprisonment by the Pilaf Gang and accepting his Grandpa's passing, Goku starts to realise how his grief has affected and makes an effort throughout the rest of the story to move past these feelings.
Goku is very dedicated to martial arts and he adores the thrill of combat, a trait he picks up his first experience of the World Martial Arts Tournament. He finds the experience of fighting others exhilarating and takes great pleasure in studying his opponents tactics. Despite this fighting spirit, he is a pacifist at heart, and he often tries to avoid hurting his opponents and never uses more strength than necessary. However, despite Goku's passion for fighting, he doesn't let it blind him to the threat many of his enemies may pose. Goku shows a clear understanding of good and evil, and he will not hesitate to show no mercy towards those who threaten the innocent.
Goku shows great humility, and feels no interest in how others label him. Even when his opponents mock him, he never lets it phase him. Goku places great value on the lives of others, a trait that he adopted from his Grandpa Gohan. This trait of Goku's only develops further as he witnesses the adversities plaguing those he meets on his journey. He is shown to be very selfless and is even willing to sacrifice himself to save others.