This article, Gohanko vs Gogeta, is the property of JadukoTheSaiyan. |
Jaduko, flying over the city in his leisure time spots Gohan flying to the Kami house. He stops him.
J: Gohan. Where are you going?
G: I'm going to the Kami house to ask Master Roshi if he can make me some new gi. Mine is a bit worn and old.
J: Not so fast.
G: What?
J: How about a bit of a spar? We both haven't fought people in a while. Our parents Goku and Vegeta train a lot together. Why don't we for once? What do you say Gohan?
G: I don't see why not. We should probably fly somewhere far so we don't disturb Satan City
The two fly off into an area with many rocks and mountains, similar to the scene of Goku vs Vegeta.
J: This looks good.
G: Alright. Let's go. Show me what you got!
Jaduko and Gohan burst towards eachother in mid-air and begin punching and kicking eachother in extremely swift motion. Gohan hits first, gut punching Jaduko.
J: Rghr! .. HAA!
Jaduko would stop holding his stomach and kicks Gohan in the abdomen.
Jaduko and Gohan: RGHAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! (They both turn Super Saiyan)
They begin to punch and kick eachother in mid air again. Goku senses the fight and brings Vegeta to watch it.
Goku: The two are fighting? Why?
Vegeta: Calm down Kakarot. They are sparring. Training if you will. Jaduko wants to prove that he is stronger than your son Kakarot! Hahahaha!
Goku: Nonsense! Gohan will defeat Jaduko!
Gohan is distracted by this, looking at Goku and Vegeta. Jaduko catches him off guard and punches his face five times, the fifth blow sending him into a layer of rocks. Gohan quickly gets up, teleports behind Jaduko and knees him higher up into the air. Jaduko teleports behind Gohan and the two engage in a mid air combat again.
Vegeta: Hmph. They are just monkeying around. How about we give them a true test Kakarot?
Goku: What do you mean? Like fighting eachothers son?
Vegeta: No. We will fuse and they will fuse.
Goku: Really?! Well lets try it out! HEY GOHAN! JADUKO!
Jaduko and Gohan: Huh?
Goku and Vegeta would fuse.
Super Saiyan Gogeta: You need a real match to go against. You two, fuse and try to defeat me!
Jaduko: What?! Fuse with g-Gohan? Hmph..I guess it won't hurt to try.
Jaduko and Gohan:
Out would come a human, looking similar to Gogeta, but with longer spikier hair. It would turn out as a Super Saiyan Fusion.
"The ultimate power of Gohan and Jaduko in one. I guess you can call me..Gohanko. Wonder what my name would be if we used the potara earings. Whatever. Lets do this father!"