This article, Gigan Rossa, is the property of Brudikai222. |
Gigan Rossa, an eternal dragon from the same race Ryoga and Zikuto is. He calls himself king of the eternal dragons as he is the biggest of them all. He travels around the universe trying to find any other survivors of his planet's destruction to rebuild his kingdom, when he finds Ryoga and Zikuto living on Earth. He asks them to help him find more survivors and a new planet to live on but they refuse saying that they acttually like living on Earth, with their hosts Brudikai and Asonja . Gigan asks how can Earth be a sutible planet for dragons. To which they responded: We've bonded with the bodies of Saiyans and that Earth is filled with meat products and lush green enviornments. Gigan then takes it upon himself to take over Earth to rebuild the planet he lost.

Gigan Rossa | |
character image | |
Dragon Ball PD Character | |
Vital statistics | |
Aliases/Nicknames: | King of the Eternal Dragons |
Birthplace: | unknown |
Power level: | unknown |
Homeworld: | unknown |
Species: | Eternal Dragon |
Gender: | Male |
Birthdate: | unknown |
Height: | 2,404ft 8 inches |
Weight: | 180,000 tons |
Rank: | King |
Family | |
Personal Weapons Systems | |
Chronological & Political Information |
Hell's Flame- Gigan's basic fire breath
Mokoucan Blaster- A high powered lazer from his mouth.
Rock Crusher- A mighty stomp said to be able to crack a moon sized planet
Dragon's rage- a buff that increases his ki blast and strike damage
Ki Ultimate: Kings Roar- A giant Mokoucan Blaster that if unchallenged could destroy a solar system.