Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Geku (Raging Blast DLC), is the property of GekuTheSaiyan.

Bio: Strongest Z-Fighter on Earth. Though was evil for a time

Spieces: Saiyan/Tuffle

Character Type: Medium

Screenshot 2018-11-23 at 12.12

Son Geku!


'To Sakurio':

I won't go easy on you because you're a woman - 50% chance.

Alright! - 50% chance.

Sakurio: Don't hold back! - 50% chance

Sakurio: Come on! - 50% chance

( Victory )

That was full power, heh.

( Defeat )

At the hands of my own wife..........i'm gonna hear this forever.

To Broly:

Stop your evil ways! - 50% chance 

Break free of the control! - 49% chance

DAMN YOU BROLY!!!! - 1% chance

Broly: All want to do is kill Kakarot. What's so wrong?! - 50% chance

Broly: KAKAROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 50% chance

( Victory )

Broly, leave this planet or DIE!

( Defeat )

Beaten. Damn.

To Goku:

You defeated who? - 50% chance 

Go to full power! - 50% chance

Goku: Let's do this! * transforms into Super Saiyan 4 * - 1% chance

Goku: Frieza was the greatest threat, but I took him down. - 49% chance

Goku: I will defeat all bad guys! - 50% chance

( Victory )

I beat the Greatest Saiyan!

( Defeat )

AUGH! Back to training........

To Saiyans:

I am the Saiyan of Legend! - 25% chance

I've reached levels beyond GOD! - 25% chance

Power Level of.....let's see.... 3,900. HA HA AH! - 25% chance

WHAT DOES THE SCOUTER SAY ABOUT HIS POWER LEV- god. I don't wanna talk about it - 25% chance

Saiyan: We're the greatest race. No doubt!

Saiyan: You're a tuffle, you make me sick.

( Victory )

Terrible excuse of saiyans.

( Defeat )

Only 3,000.....ONLY 3,000!

To Majins:

End this war! - 50% chance

The wrong race - 50% chance


Super Attacks

Ion Cannon

Victory Cannon

Galick Blazer

Galick Blazar
