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The Saiyans working for Frieza discovers a secret. Frieza is afraid of them, and he plans to eliminate the Saiyans. Angry at Frieza’s betrayal the Saiyans amass their troops. The start of an all out war with Frieza’s army.
Bardock had recently discovered that Frieza had been keeping a secret from the Saiyans. Bardock had overheard a conversation between Zarbon and Dodoria about Frieza fear of the Saiyans becoming too powerful and his decision to eliminate the entire race for good. Having heard this Bardock raced to King Vegeta and informed him of Frieza’s betrayal. The king along with his son Vegeta, Bardock, and Fasha decided to launch a surprise attack on Frieza’s forces while Frieza and his main forces were away.
The attack began with Vegeta facing off against his rival Cui. Cui battled Vegeta while also trying to figure out a way to tell Frieza fearing that even Frieza himself would be killed in the Saiyan onslaught. Cui was no match for Vegeta’s might and even begged for him to spare his life. But Vegeta showed no mercy and blasted him to bits with ease. Dodoria soon arrived on the scene surprising Vegeta that one of Frieza’s elite warriors was still on the ship. Vegeta knew that they had to destroy the base before Ginyu’s forces returned. Vegeta quickly ordered the Saiyan troops to kill every single one of Frieza’s soldiers and to take control of planet Frieza. Dodoria tried his best to defeat Vegeta even damaging him to an extent, but his power was still not enough to overpower the prince of Saiyans.Video:Dragon_Ball_Z_Budokai_Tenkaichi_3-_Dragon_History-_What_If_Saga-_Galaxy_Battle_1_2|thumb|300px|right
Zarbon, one of Frieza’s other elite warriors managed to get a distress call from Dodoria’s scouter before he was killed and rushed back to the ship. He arrived and quickly made haste in defeating Vegeta who was already weakened from the battle with Dodoria. Vegeta had no choice but to retreat so he could recover. Fasha took his place in fighting Zarbon. Zarbon decided to let Vegeta go and deal with the “ill-mannered female monkey”. Bardock soon realized that Fasha didn’t stand chance against Zarbon and decided to take her place. Even with Bardock not using his full power, Zarbon had to resort to his transformation to overpower Bardock.
Fasha decided to stop hiding behind Bardock and fight Zarbon herself even though Zarbon’s power was way behind her own. Having her Saiyan Pride cloud her judgment, Zarbon delivered a vicious pile driver killing Fasha. Bardock's other comrades Tora, Borgos, and Shugesh were already killed during a mission where Frieza’s soldiers had ambushed them. Fasha begged Bardock with her last breath to make Frieza pay and to win the battle against him and his forces.
Zarbon laughed at her feminine death, but Bardock decided to wipe the smirk of his face. This time Bardock didn’t hold back on his power easily ripping Zarbon apart. At last Frieza had returned to the ship only to find his two elite warriors, Zarbon and Dodoria, dead. He informed Bardock and the other Saiyans that the Ginyu Force should be arriving soon, but in the mean time decided to handle Bardock himself.
Before Frieza could overpower Bardock, King Vegeta decided it was time for him to settle the score with Frieza himself. He soon informed Frieza that he would join his father in the next world, putting in to context that King Vegeta had taken care of King Cold himself before arriving on the scene.
But even the King of Saiyans did not have enough power to put down Frieza and was killed in battle. But Vegeta soon returned after healing and regaining his energy to put Frieza out of his misery. Vegeta could already sense that he was weak and fatigued and decided to end this war. But just like his father, Vegeta was eradicated as well even though he came very close to destroying Frieza. But Bardock still remained, and he planned on finishing to job. He was the last saiyan left, standing in Frieza’s way of domination. With his Final Spirit Canon, Bardock ended Frieza’s reign of terror over the Galaxy. But Bardock was so weak that even he died, but he knew that his son Kakarot would become stronger and do the saiyan race proud.
Vegeta Vs. Cui
Vegeta Vs. Dodoria
Zarbon Vs. Vegeta
Zarbon Vs. Fasha
Bardock Vs. Zarbon
Bardock Vs. Zarbon(Transformed)
Zarbon(Transformed) Vs. Fasha
Bardock Vs. Zarbon(Transformed)
Bardock Vs. Frieza
Frieza Vs. King Vegeta
Frieza Vs. Vegeta
Bardock Vs. Frieza