Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Galactic Dragon Balls, is the property of Dristar.

Galactic Dragon Balls

The Galactic Dragon balls are extremely powerful artifacts that were made by the Xeno Dominion around Age 101. Like Dragon Balls, there are 7 balls that need to gathered in order to release a dragon-like alien entity. These dragon balls are powerful enough to bring someone back to life at any time and can grant an individual immortality (with mental setback).

Unlike the baseball-sized Earth Dragon Balls, basketball-sized Namekian Dragon balls, or planet-sized Super Dragon Balls, the Galactic Dragon Balls are marble-sized. They are light-blue with silver stars in appearance. They are scattered across the universe and are nearly impossible to find unless you have a special locater that can detect Promethium energy.
