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Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Future trunks vs kid trunks (VORE), is the property of

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One day at the son's house every thing was fine until a portal appeared outside and out of the portal came....future trunks where am I? Said future trunks then flew to the adddress WST 3338926 K (that address leads to Capsule Corp) then when he was almost somebody stop him it was his kid counterpart kid trunks then future trunks blasted him and smell something good to eat kid trunks got up to see that future trunks lunged at him (GULP) now future trunks had eaten kid trunks and BURPED really loud! As he went home.

What do you think post a comment and here's some recreations of the scenes

future trunks blasted him and smell something good to eat: http://heavilyweighted.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Future-Trunks-324811379

kid trunks got up to see that future trunks lunged at him (GULP) now future trunks had eaten kid trunks: http://heavilyweighted.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Future-Trunks-2-327088147

Hope you liked it I tryed my best

Made by robotmonsterfan7
