Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Future Zamasu (Timeline 7), is the property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

Future Zamasu

Mirai no Zamasu
Manga name Zamasu
Alternate names Zamas
Appears in
Race Shinjin
Gender Male
Date of death Before Age 780 or Before Age 797 (Revived)
Age 1780
  • Supreme Kai Apprentice
  • Affiliations
  • Zamasu (SSJJ) (Main Timeline Counterpart)
  • Goku Black (SSJJ) (Alternate Timeline Counterpart)
  • Future Zamasu (Alternate Timeline Counterpart)
  • Towa (SSJJ) (Ally)
  • Future Zamasu is an alternate timeline counterpart of the Zamasu from the main timeline, and the Future Zamasu that was erased by Zen-Oh. Unlike his Timeline 2 version; he was killed before meeting Goku Black, and as ssuch was unable to start the Zero Mortal Plan. After Future Beerus was died after Future Supreme Kai died at the hands of Future Dabura; and Goku Black of Timeline 6 was erased after Present Zamasu was killed by Beerus in the Main timeline; Future Zamasu of this Timeline was revived Towa, and teamed up with Time Breakers in attempt to defeat Future Trunks.


    Future Zamasu attempted to kill Gowasu in past to help Zamasu become Goku Black, and alter the main timeline back to it's original flow, but his plans were foiled by Dial, and Future Trunks. Future Trunks knocked at Present Zamasu, and gave him injecting him with a serum to make him forget about the events, and as well as Gowasu. Before Zamasu could do much Dial destroyed him with a Super Galick Gun, but accidentally destroyed Babari's moon in process.

    Techniques and abilities[]

    • Flight
    • God Split Cut - The only technique that Zamasu is able to pull off before his death.


    Dragon Ball Advanced[]

    • Future Zamasu vs. Dial (1st Form)


    • Future Zamasu is one of three Timeline 7 characters to appear in Dragon Ball Advanced.
      • Of the three; he is the only one to be killed.