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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This article, Future Slug (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Future Slug

Mirai Suraggu
Manga name Future Slug
Alternate names Masked Namekian
Debut Fanga: Time Meddlers Revealled! I Am Miira!!
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Namekian
Date of birth Age 261 (separated from Katas)
Date of death Age 762 (fused with Slug)
Status Alive
Allegiance Time Breakers
Affiliations Slug (main timeline counterpart)
Lord Slug (Parallel World counterpart)
Future Katas (good counterpart)
New Future Nameless Namekian (counterpart's son)
Towa (enthraller)
Mentors Mira

Future Slug (未来のスラッグ Mirai Suraggu) is an alternate timeline counterpart of Slug from the Second Timeline that Beerus caused when he destroyed Zamasu.


Not much is known about Future Slug as throughout each of his encounters his mostly silent and under the control of a Time Breaker mask that Towa placed on him.


Future Slug wears the same outfit as Lord Slug did in the his respective movie including the headpiece, however, his face was covered by an orange/yellow/purple mask with glowing hot pink eyes.


Z/Super Saga[]

Future Slug first appeared alongside his allies as Mira and Towa summoned them with the intention of increasing their power. He later appeared again on the attack on Goku during his Yardrat training but he simply watched the battle with Agnilasa.

Future Slug later went with his present counterpart to Future Trunks' destroyed timeline in order to recruit their counterpart from that Timeline. Future Slug outmatched Super Saiyan 2 Turles but was outmatched by Gohan.

After Gohan wounded Dark Special Beam Cannon with before sending him and Slug flying into a lake. While they were in the lake - Slug used Namekian Fusion on Future Slug leaving nothing of the Namekian behind except the drops of blood from the hole in his stomach as a result of Gohan using Dark Special Beam Cannon against him.


Future Slug's power level is stated to be even above Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's power and required Gohan to use the Golden-Masked to regain the power boost it gave him to battle him.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Corrupted Ki - A form of Darken ki by infusing Towa's Dark Magic with his regular ki.
  • Regeneration - As a Namekian - Future Slug can regenerate so long as his head is intact.