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This article, Future Jeicoome, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Future Jeicoome

Mirai no Jīkūmu
Manga name Future Jheecoom
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga"
Appears in
Race 1/2 Mutant Brench-seijin-1/2 Recoome's race mutant hybrid
Gender Male
  • Future Jeice (fusee)
  • Future Recoome (fusee)
  • Captain Ginyu (leader)
  • Future Gurter (comrade)
  • Future Jeicoome is the EX-Fusion of Future Jeice and Future Recoome.


    He stands 6 feet tall, and has Jeice's skin tone, hair, and Recoome's hair colour. He has Jeice's jaw line, and Recoome's beady eyes. The lower half of his Jumpsuit reaches his knees, and his sleeves reaches his biceps. He is very muscular, and his gloves have only the thumb, index, and middle fingers covered.


    As soon as his fusion was complete; he consumed Fruit of the Tree of Might, and was able to push Vegeta into Pend where they began their fighting, and manages to far in a battle against the two. He puts up a worthy fight against the two before unleashing his gift from Chamel, and left Pend stranded at the beginning of time.

    However after Pend returned; Future Jeicoome found himself in a suicidal battle against him, and brutally assaulted by him to point that his nerves was damaged. He had the right side of his torso blown off, his knee broken, and heavily wounded by lacerations from Pend's relentless attacks. Future Jeicoome was forced to undo his fusion in order to survive his next attack which cost the life of Future Recoome.


    Future Jeicoome was able to far in a battle with Pend and Vegeta, and nearly managed to defeat her from the Fruit of Might power-up, but was driven to use Chamel's Gift.


    • Flight
    • Ki Manipulation and Sensory
    • Crusher Kick - a Combination of Recoome Kick, and Crusher Ball. He uses ki-infused knee strike on his opponent, and releases a red energy sphere from his knee.
      • Ultra Crusher Bomber - A Combination of Recoome Kick, Recoome Ultra Fighting Bomber, and Crusher Ball. He delivers a ki-infused knee strike to the opponent before posing for the Explosive Wave, and firing Crusher Balls from his knees towards the opponent levelling an entire area instantly.
    • Red Magma
    • Finger Blast
    • Energy Rings
    • Regeneration - Jeicoome can only regenerate while using the powers of Chamel's Gift. However the regeneration is much slower than Namekian Regeneration, and he almost died after having the right side of his torso being blown off.


    Fruit of Might power-up[]

    After consuming a Fruit from the Tree of Might grown on the Dark Planet; his power grew to point that he was able to survive long enough in a battle with Chilada to be forced to use Chamel's Gift.

    Chamel's Gift[]

    A power given to him by Chamel; it combines his clothes into his body, and increases his overall power by 30x. He grows slightly in height, his hair becomes black, and his Metamo-Ring and Scouter also merge into his body. He gains a cleft chin, and muscular like Recoome.
