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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Future Jeice, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Future Jeice

Mirai no Jīsu
Manga name Future Jheese
Alternate names Jeice of the Future
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga"
Appears in
Race Male
Gender Mutant Branch-seijin
Date of death December 24th, Age 762 (Spirit destroyed in Age 796, but restored and revived in June 27th, 854)
June 11, Age 855 (erased from existence)
Allegiance Future Ginyu Force
  • Jeice (main timeline counterpart)
  • Future Frieza (boss)
  • Future Cooler (boss)
  • Ginyu (leader, main timeline/fusee)
  • Future Ginyu (leader)
  • Future Burter (comrade)
  • Future Recoome (comrade/fusee)
  • Future Guldo (comrade)
  • Future Jeice is Jeice from Future Trunks' timeline. His spirit was destroyed by Zen-Oh in Age 796, but his spirit wwas restored in Age 854 where he was revived.


    Future Jeice wears Time Breaker version of his armour, and scouter with similar 3D scanning function as the one used by the Androids.


    His spirit restored by Ginyu, and revived in order to serve him and Future Cooler's Temporal Army. He is appointed as Ginyu's second in command, and was powered up by Chamel whom channelled hateful energy from numerous points in time to strengthen his powers. He fights against Vegeta, and is nearly defeated by until he fuses with Future Recoome into Jeicoome.

    After Jeicoome is defeated; Jeice fuses with Ginyu into Jeiyu.


    Unlike his Present self; Jeice is significantly more powerful, and is capable in a battle with Vegeta.


    • Ki Manipulation and Sensory
    • Flight
    • Crusher Ball
      • Crusher Volcano
    • Crasher Cannon



    Main article: Future Jeicoome

    Jeicoome (ジークーム, Jīkūmu; Jheecoom) is the EX-Fusion of Future Jeice and Future Recoome.


    Main article: Jeiyu

    Jeiyu (ジーュー, Jīyū; Jheeyu) is the EX-Fusion of Future Jeice and Present Captain Ginyu.
