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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Future Gurter, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Future Gurter

Mirai no Guta
Manga name Future Gurta
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga
Appears in
Race 1/2 Burter's race-1/2 Bas mutant Hybrid
Gender Male
Date of death Unknown Time/End of Time
Allegiance Future Ginyu Force
  • Future Guldo (fusee)
  • Future Burter (fusee)
  • Captain Ginyu (leader)
  • Future Jeicoome (comrade)
  • Future Gurter is the EX-Fusion of Future Guldo, and Future Jeice.



    Gurter stands 5 feet tall, and has muscular physique. He has the black pants of both fusees' outfits, and has dark desaturated bluish cian skin with second eyes being blank red, and first two being in Burter's shape. He has Burter's wrist bands, and Guldo's boots.


    Future Gurter is both arrogant and prone to being desperate when things don't go his way. He has inferiority complex, and absolutely despise it when his enemies are either stronger than him or faster than him.


    Future Gurter emerges to face Chilada, and manages to bruise her with his first strike. After several exchanges of attack; he consumes a second Fruit of the Tree of Might from the Dark Planet, and manage gain significant power boost. He manages to outclass her initially, but after she unleashes her Anak Kab Amt he uses his Chamel's Gift power, and managed to hold his own until his destroyed.


    Future Gurter was able to far in a battle with Chilada, and nearly managed to defeat her from the Fruit of Might power-up, but was driven to use Chamel's Gift.


    • Flight
    • Ki Manipulation and Sensory
    • Laser Hurricane - Combination of Eye Laser and Blue Hurricane used to level the area around him.
    • Frozen Power Ball - A Combination of Time Freeze, and a regular energy sphere. Future Gurter creates an energy sphere, and than freezes time to flick his opponent into the energy ball.
    • Regeneration - Future Gurter is capable regenerating some wounds while in his Chamel's Gift form.


    Fruit of Might power-up[]

    After consuming a Fruit from the Tree of Might grown on the Dark Planet; his power grew to point that he was able to survive long enough in a battle with Chilada to be forced to use Chamel's Gift.

    Chamel's Gift[]

    A power given to him by Chamel; it combines his clothes into his body, and increases his overall power by 30x. His Metamo-Ring also fuses with his skin, and his skin colour changes to a darker tone, and becomes the size of a large mountain.
