Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Future Guldo, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Future Guldo

Mirai no Gurudo
Manga name Future Gurd
Debut Fanga: "Tale of Two Coolers Saga"
Appears in
Race Mutant Bas
Gender Male
Date of death December 24th, AGe 762 (Spirited destroyed in AGe 796, but restored and revived in June 27th, Age 854)
Address Dark Planet
Occupation Elite Soldier
Allegiance Future Ginyu Force
  • Guldo (main timeline counterpart)
  • Future Cooler (boss)
  • Captain Ginyu (leader, main timeline)
  • Future Jeice (comrade)
  • Future Recoome (comrade)
  • Future Burter (comrade/fusee)
  • Future Guldo is the alternate timeline counterpart of Guldo from Future Trunks' Timeline


    Guldo arrives to support his comrade against the Time Patrol, and ends fighting Leka. He manages to put up a worthy fight to Leka, and manages to defeat before he faces off with Chilada where he is nearly killed by her before fusing with Future Burter.


    Future Guldo is more powerful than is present self, and is able to fight against Leka.


    • Ki Manipulation and Sensory
    • Flight
    • Bad Breath
    • Eye Lasers
    • Time Freeze



    Main article: Future Gurter

    Gurter (グタ, Guta; Gurta) is the EX-Fusion of Future Guldo, and Future Burter.
