This article, Future Arbo, is the property of RetroGamer02. |
Future Arbo
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1/4 Saiyan, 3/4 Earthling
Date Of Birth:
Date of Death:

Arbo as an Kid in Age 780
Future Arbo is the son of Future Gohan and Future Videl and the twin brother of Future Pan
Sometime in May during Age 776 Arbo and his twin sister Pan were born to Future Gohan & Future Videl. However 1 year later when Gohan was visiting Capsule Corp, the city home Gohan lived in(same location as in DBS) was attacked 17 & 18 and they eventually found Future Videl & the toddlers. She tried her best to defend her children but, to very little avail as both Future Pan and Future Videl were killed, Arbo was barely hanging on to his life when Gohan found him. After the small funeral service for Videl & Pan, Gohan and Arbo returned to Mount Pouzu to live with Chi-Chi. In Age 780 Arbo started training around the time Gohan trained Trunks. After Gohan's death Arbo and Chi-Chi were moved to Capsule Corp. When Trunks was going to the past after 3 years to help with the Androids he snuck in the time machine to meet Goku and every one else. On May 19, Arbo went into the Time Chamber with Trunks and while Trunks struggled to get Grade 4 SSJ Arbo was able to get it because he observed Goku & Gohan in Grade 4. During the Cell Games Arbo fought against Cell instead of Android 16 and was giving Cell some trouble, however Arbo started to get cocky and was caught of guard by Cell and was almost killed, thus triggering Gohan into SSJ2. After the Cell Games Arbo & Trunks returned to the future & killed 17, 18, & Cell. Arbo managed to get SSJ2 sometime between Cell's death and Babadi's arrival.
Arbo has Videl's blue eyes, an afro just like Hercule, and as an adult, he is 6'2.5". Because of his near death experience as a baby Arbo was left with a scar on his face just like Bardock. As a child,4-7 years old, Arbo wore a Gi just like Gohan's in the Saiyan Saga. At ages 8-13 he looks like a pre-teen version of Gokule(Goku & Hercule Potara Fusion). As an adult Arbo looks just like Gokule but wears Future Gohan's old Gi and he wears a bandana around his head.