Future Android 22
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Dragon Ball SN
Date of Birth
Age 800
Date of Death
Age 802
Other family
Future Dr. Bronze (creator)
Future 22 is the future counterpart of Android 22 in Dragon Ball SN. He was created in Future Trunks's timeline, and is the main antagonist of the Future 22 Saga.
Dragon Ball SN[]
Early Life[]
In Future Trunks' timeline, Dr. Bronze created 22 for the purpose of destroying Androids 17 and 18. Unlike the real 22, Future 22 was given golden hair and was made much bulkier, allowing him to boost his power up to his Perfect form in the real timeline, and beyond. After Bronze was killed by the Androids, 20 stole Trunks' time machine while he was fighting Cell and went to the present, where he crashed and was torn to pieces. It took him many years to rebuild himself.
Transformations and Power Ups[]
Perfect Android[]
In order to demonstrate his true power, Future 22 briefly transformed into this state. He becomes almost equal in strength to Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, but quickly detransformed, claiming he cannot keep up the form, as it takes even more energy to keep up then the Sun needs to shine.