This article, Fusion Prime(Dragon Ball Cosmic Legends), is the property of SuperGhost5000. |
How he's formed - he is the fusion of virtually every character in the Dragon Ball Universe and Dragon Ball Fanonverse. Once fused, his battle power level reaches 1 Goggle. He was easily defeated by the all powerful Cosmic Multiverse King. After that, he managed to heal the universe to one of his counterparts Shenron and Black Shenron.
Size - 60 Feet (estimated)
Other Info
Normal battles of the Dragon Ball take place on a planet. This fight took place in open space, where he didn't have to hold back.
Anime Fusion[]
When he fuses with the other Animeverses, he gets virtually unlimited power of at least 100,000,000 Goggle.
Virtually Omnipotent
Comic Fusion[]
Becomes merged with Marvel and DC universes
Reality Warping
Super Saiyan Infinity[]