This article, Extermination Force, is the property of BreadRising46. |
The Extermination Force is the name given to the small handful of warriors who are considered the absolute strongest, deadliest and most powerful ever assembled under the banner of the anti god army and their rebellious forces against the divines. The force is composed of just 5 warriors, all of whom were gathered from a 5 different universes and places across creation. They vary in appearance, personality, techniques and ideals, though they are all tied together by one extremely powerful bond; their hatred for the gods, as all of them have been wronged or hurt by the gods at some point or another throughout their lifetimes.
The members of the extermination force are warriors so powerful and skilled that they are considered universally by both other members as well as the leaders of the anti god army forces to be most likely to succeed in killing the gods. They are an invaluable asset to the the vast army, who have proven their powers and strengths to be the absolute greatest among any who exist in the anti god forces. They wield tremendous power, extremely effective battle techniques, and are all generally considered to be living legends within their home universes for one reason or another. They are the first and final lines of offense and defense in the anti god army forces, and as proof of their strength they have already managed to kill and destroy a considerable handful of gods ranging from kais, to gods of destruction and angels as well.