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This article, Episode of Bardock Saga (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Episode of Bardock Saga is the third saga of Dragon Ball Advanced (SSJJ). It is the original pre-revamp Saga of the Super Bardock Saga.

Main Events[]

  • Towa transforms
  • Dabura is revived


The Distortions Continue[]

2 years have passed, and Future Trunks, and Dial are training with Whis: Heroes. Whis: Heroes and Beerus: Heroes arrived at the behest of Chronoa and in exchange for delicious treats - they would train the two personally. Whis: Heroes has placed his mark on Future Trunks' Time Patrol outfit, and on Dial's tail. Supreme Kai of Time notices Face is summoned, and goes to investigate. Towa reveals that she already made two wishes one that sent Bardock to 238 Before Age instead of dying, and restoring Miira. Towa reveals Demigra's wishes and that Bardock was sent back as according to history. Towa attempts to make another wish, but Supreme Kai of Time throws one of drawings at Face, and wish the Stick Figure to life. However Towa reveals that it was supposed to be the Supreme Kai of Time to transport Bardock back, and that she changed history so she could use Bardock. Supreme Kai of Time watch a Scroll of Eternity to see Bardock becoming a Super Saiyan.

Bardock throws Chilled across the ground, and than into the sky. He uses his Rebellion Trigger to counter Chilled's attack, and blasts Chilled away. Chilled is back on his ship, and tells his men to warn his family. A member of Chilled's army talks with an unidentified member of Frieza's Race, and dismisses Chilled's warning as a legend. Towa arrives on Chilled's ship, and knocks out the unknown individual, revealing that she controlled him. Psidevilman approaches and destroys the remaining members of army. They leave Towa's former puppet alive on a comet, and fly the ship back to Planet Plant. Towa uses her powers to augment Chilled powers, and powers him up.

Chilled arrives on back on Planet Plant near a cave, and reveals to Bardock in his True Form. Dial arrives in his 1st Form, and help Bardock faces off with Chilled. Chilled fires a barrage of Death Beams, but Dial dodges them all. Dial fires a Galick Blazer at Chilled, and knocks him away. Bardock uses a Rebellion Trigger, and manages injure Chilled. Dial fires a Barrage Death Beam, but Chilled dodges them all. Before Dial can land a decisive blow, Bardock disappears from the battle shocking them both. Chilled leaves the battle as he wants to take vengeance on Bardock.

Miira arrives after Chilled, and battles him. Towa in Age 1000, places a mask on Bardock, and uses her abilities to augment his power.Miira uses his Serious Bomb on Dial, but he dodges it easily. Dial uses his Super Galick Gun, but Miira evades it. Meanwhile, Towa continues to augment Bardock's power, and watches Miira battle Dial. Dial uses a Galick Beam Barrage to slow Miira down, but he counters with Galick Beam Cannon destroying all energy blasts. Bardock as the Masked Saiyan gets off the table, and Towa calls Miira back as he leaves Dial uses an energy blasts that goes through the Time Portal, and damages a wall revealing a tank with an incomplete hand pressed against it. The Time Portal disappears, and Dial remains in 283 Before Age. Later Vados, and Champa appear in this time from Age 784.

Vados reveals to Dial that a prolong stay will confuse the Plants, and go to an uninhabited part of the planet. Champa explains to Dial that Dark Namekians from around Age 900 created Mr. Poko Poko, an eternal dragon for the demons, and used it to increase Towa's power. Champa explains that he knows that him, and Xeno Trunks have trained with Whis, and Beerus. Dial asks what he is getting at, and asks them if Vados could train them. They agree, and he takes them to his planet in age 784 to train. Vados flies up to the sky with Dial, and Xeno Trunks creates massively heavy weights, and gets them to fly upwards while chained to them. Whis appears with Beerus, and asks Champa why he wants them trained only to respond with that Universe 6's Supreme Kai of Time believes that Towa, and Miira are a threat to both universes, and refuses to let them become destroyers like him.

By Age 786, Xeno Trunks had gone back to 238 Before Age with Whis, and Beerus letting Dial to train alone with Vados. She has him fighting an evil fission from him she created known as Ego, and both halves are having trouble with one another. Dial fires a Burning Attack at Ego, and he counters with a Buster Cannon. That enter a short beam struggle until Dial overcomes his evil half, and destroys him. Vados than challenges him to see his new skills, and manages to overcome his new power. Dial uses a Super Galick Gun on Vados, but she manages to brush it off. He manages to slightly wound Vados to which she is pleased about. She than mentions that Towa is still stronger as she was trained by the God of War from Universe 7. She explains that Gods of War maintain balance by inciting wars so that they can pave way to a new life; the Gods of War are usually seen the enablers of war, and are often shun by other gods. She tells them that the God of War in Universe 7 is To, and Gods of War thrive on fighting making them nearly on par with Gods of Destruction. She concludes his training, telling him to go back to 238 Before Age.

Dial arrives back on Planet Plant, and the time patrol is transported to an uninhabited planet in the South Quadrant of Universe 7 by Vados. Dial looks to see a mask saiyan, and attacks Dial. The Masked Saiyan uses Dark Rebellion Trigger on Dial only for him to deflect it back. Supreme Kai of Time arrives on Planet Plant reverting all the damages done after Chilled's return to normal, and travels to Age 1000. Dial shoots a Death Beam at the Masked Saiyan, but he dodges it. Dial tries to attack from behind, but the Masked Saiyan grabs his arm, and kicks him in the abdomen. Towa shifts all fighters back to Planet Plant, and places a barrier around them preventing outside interferences. The Masked Saiyan powers up to Super Saiyan, and attacks him with a Last Riot Javelin. Dial attempts to block it, but the area is destroyed leaving a large crater, and Dial being heavily wounded. Dial looks at the Mask Saiyan with confusion as he as trouble standing himself up.

Dial nearly falls over, but he manages to catch himself, and stand up. Miira arrives to observe the battle. Dial uses Perfect Barrier, and manages to keep the Masked Saiyan at bay for a while until he breaks through with a Heat Phalanx, and kicks him in the head. Dial delivers a ki-infused Punch at the Masked Saiyan, and cracks his new armour. Dial uses a Final Kamehameha on him, but he dodges it. Dial uses Beerus' Judgement, but Towa teleports the attack to the uninhabited planet, and it is obliterated. Dial attempts to fly kick the Masked Saiyan, but again he dodges the attack, the area leveled. They continue to fight, and the Masked Saiyan uses another Last Javelin Riot. Dial briefly transforms into his God Form and manages to stop it with a Buster Cannon, and uses an Energy Punch on the Masked Saiyan's mask, and manages to destroy it. Bardock is revealed to be the Saiyan, and looks at Miira. Enraged at being controlled, Bardock angrily turns into a Super Saiyan 3, and prepares to battle Miira.

Miira becomes angry, and shatters his armour, and transforms into his Runaway form. Bardock attacks Miira, but it's clear that Miira has also gotten stronger. He dodges Bardock's attack, and launches a Serious Bomb Barrage at him, but Bardock destroys each energy spheres with an energy wave. Miira uses a Galick Beam Cannon, and Bardock counters with a Full-Powered Rebellion Trigger. The two beams clash, and begins expanding creating a circular crater. Miira begins slipping as Bardock's rage increases. Bardock's battle armor from the Time Breakers have amplified his power as Towa couldn't fully increase her power as she explains to the Supreme Kai of Time, and finishes with saying that since its damaged the power will decrease. Miira tries to increase the power of his blast, but Dial stumbles to Bardock side as his battle with him when he was masked as severely injured him. He grabs his leg, and transfer some of his ki, allowing Bardock to overcome Miira. Miira is blasted into space.

Bardock rushes over to Dial, as he is in a near-death state. Supreme Kai of Time is trying to free herself from Towa's restraints. Xeno Trunks arrives with a Senzu Bean explaining that he went back to Age 853, and got the them from earth. He proceeds to feed them to Dial, and Bardock restoring their ki, and health back to normal. Dial stands up, and Xeno Trunks tells them about Towa in Age 1000. Towa smiles, and a figure behind her watches the past. Miira heals his wounds, and powers up to his Super form. Xeno Trunks believes that Miira will be back, and it would be best if Bardock didn't interact with the Plants anymore. 'Miira arrives back in his Super form with another individual, and tells them to prepare themselves. Dial, and Bardock get into their fighting stances, and they tell Trunks to make sure the Plants don't venture out in the battle area. Bardock powers up to Super Saiyan 3 as the battle is about to start.

Attack of the Demons[]

Just as the battle is about to begin; the mysterious figure arrives, and is revealed to be Dabura. He powers up to his demonic will form, and blasts both fighters with his Evil Impulse attack. The two manages to survive the attack, and Dial uses his Finish Buster on Miira, but he dodges the attack, and delivers a powerful punch to Dial. Dial flies into a plateau, but he manages to fly up to sky. Bardock activates his Saiyan Soul, and uses a Galick Beam Cannon that he mimicked from Miira, on Dabura. Dabura deflects it back to Bardock, and leaves a massive crater with Bardock whom is injured. Dial uses a Super Galick Gun, and manages to hit both Dabura, and Miira. They both survive, and kicks both of them away. Miira uses a Dark Kamehameha on Bardock, but counters with a Rebellion Edge, and slices through Miira's attack, and cuts off Miira's left fist. Dabura punches Bardock away.

Xeno Trunks flies over to the village, and notices a time sphere appearing. Several fighters appear out of it, and fly away to the village. Xeno Trunks goes after one of them, and follows him to Bardock's cave. Meanwhile, Bardock uses a Dark Kamehameha on Miira, and Miira uses his own entering a beam struggle. Dial kicks Dabura into Miira knocking him, and causing Bardock to overcome Miira, and blasts both demons into a mountain. Xeno Trunks is nearly hit by the debris, and the fighter notices him following him. The fighter speeds up causing Xeno Trunks to speed up. Towa appears in front of two other fighters, and the two identify themselves as Shun Shun, and Haru Haru. She asks where Psidevilman is, and they tell her that some light purple haired guy was after him. Bardock grabs Miira by the wrist, and ascends into the air. Dabura attempts to grab him into Full Nelson, but Bardock easily breaks free, and grabs Dabura's head. He slams both heads together, and finishes with kicking them both away with a kick in the stomach. Miira uses Death Wave on Bardock, but he narrowly dodges it. Miira uses a Dark Kamehameha with his remain hand, and both Bardock and Dial counter with a Combined Buster Cannon. Dabura enters the attack with a Evil Wave, and the four enter a beam Struggle. Xeno Trunks finally catches up with Psidevilman whom has now stopped, and is facing him.

Psidevilman attacks Xeno Trunks with a his own Demon Fork, and Xeno Trunks counters with his sword. Xeno Trunks attacks with a Masenko, and Psidevilman counters with a Steamed Surge entering a clash. Psidevilman overcomes Xeno Trunks, and the attacks destroys the area. Xeno Trunks has stands, but the attack has caused him to be slow. Psidevilman uses Seasoning Arrow on him; Xeno Trunks is unable to move quick enough, and hits Xeno Trunks injuring him. It is followed up with Bloody Sauce, which also manage to hit Xeno Trunks decreases his speed severely, and surrounds him in a dark purple mist. Xeno Trunks attempts to attack him, but Psidevilman counters with Baked Sphere causing to be knocked back. With Xeno Trunks too slow to perform energy attacks to hit him in time, or move he preforms a Roasted Force the energy ball destroys the cave, and area around him paralysing him. Xeno Trunks time patrol outfit is heavily destroyed, and left in the crater by Psidevilman. Psidevilman is disappointed he couldn't fulfil his mission, and flies away.

Bardock, and Dial continue to struggle until they unleash the powers Saiyan Soul, and uses Nature Pulse respectively to increase their power. They overcome the attack, and Dabura dodges it, but Miira takes the full front of the attack destroying his limbs. Miira fires a Death Beam at Bardock mortally wounding, and lands on the ground. Dial gives him a spare Senzu Bean, and receives a Zenkai Boost. Dial claims that he senses Xeno Trunks, and that his power level is fading fast. Bardock uses a Ki Blast to blast Miira away, and knocks Dabura away with a Kiai. Supreme Kai of Time arrives on earth in Age 1000, and meets with several Saiyans. She asks if they can become Super Saiyans, and they shake their head indicating no. She travels to Age 783 of an Alternate Future, and identifies it has timeline4 of 778. She meets someone from Timeline4; meanwhile Bardock, and Dial manage to find Xeno Trunks. Dial attempts to use a Senzu bean on Xeno Trunks, but it crumbles. Dial tries to pick another bean up, but Bardock notices the purple mist on Xeno Trunks, and stops him from touching Trunks. Psidevilman meets with the heavily damaged Miira, and picks him up. Dabura sees him, and greets him. Supreme Kai of Time explains to Old Kai4 in a that there are 4 alternate timeline caused by Xeno Trunks', and Cell's trips to the each past, and its too confusing to explain. She teleports Xeno Trunks to her, and heals him. She explains to Dial, and Bardock her plan.

Dabura arrives with Psidevilman back in Age 1000 where Towa works on Miira. Chilled approaches Towa whom now supports a Time Breaker symbol on his right, and tells Towa he has a plan. Chilled tells Dabura to get Mr. Poko Poko ready, and that Chilled wants to increase his power even further. Supreme Kai of Time explains that she intends to have Future Trunks use the power of Super Saiyan God, and have him develop his powers from there. Chilled explains to Dabura his plan to achieve the Ultimate Evolution state. Mr. Poko Poko is summoned, and explains that he can grant two wishes within his creator's power. Chilled transforms into his True Form, and requests the Eternal Dragon to make an Ultimate Evolution for his race; following an explanation of his desire for an Ultimate Evolution; Mr. Poko Poko states that a form like that already exists, and sense that he can make Towa augment Chilled some more to obtain that form instead. Chilled agrees to the form, and becomes more powerful than before. With his second wish; he wishes for a device that can fuse two people together using the Metamoran Fusion Dance; no matter the race, power level, or age. Once again Mr. Poko Poko explains that a device like that existed, but in an alternate universe, and simply makes several copies and brings them to Chilled. Mr. Poko Poko disperse, and awaits for another summoning for nine months. For the next Nine Months Chilled trains with Miira, and Dabura.

Wanting Revenge for nearly killing him, Chilled has become much stronger have the past 8 months with his Ultimate Evolution state. He uses computer program to make Holograms of Bardock in each of his forms, and uses them to further his training. Bardock, Dial, and Future Trunks train to together while Chronoa puts her plans together. Chronoa meets with her stick figure, and names him Pend. Pend trains with Chronoa, and learns about his existence. Chronoa leaves with Whis, and heads to Universe 6, and 7 to search for the Super Dragon Balls. Pend trains with Xeno Trunks, Dial, and Bardock. Dabura arrives in Age 797 directly after Goku Black travels to Age 780, and saves Future Mai with an elixir. He attempts recruit Future Mai, but she refuses to join. When she refuses a third time; he grabs her Ki Shotgun, and impales her in the stomach with it, killing her again. Dabura channels his Demonic Will, and nearly vaporises Future Mai, but Pend saves her body. He takes her body to Face's Summoning alter, and summons Face using a summoning elixir that can resummon an eternal Dragon before they're natural resummoning time is up, but the elixir can only be used once within six months, and extends the resummoning time by doubling it. He wishes for Future Mai be revived, her body to be indestructible to Dabura, and returned to where she was before in Age 797, and returns her body to where it was before he resurrection.

Pend arrives in Age 797, and transports Dabura to Timeline3 Age 797 (Cell's timeline). He uses his Mystic Attack to extend his arm, and deliver a left hook on Dabura. Dabura attempts kick him, but Pend's physiology works against Dabura, and is able to dodge him without trying. Dabura fires Super Evil Impulse, and hits the ground destroying West City instantly. Dabura attempts to use his Stone Spit on Pend, but Pend manages to deflect everyone of the spit. Pend flies between a small crack, and use his Mystic Attack on Dabura, but Dabura grabs before his arms, and swings him into a cave. Dabura uses his telekinesis to cause the cave to collapse on Pend, but Pend slides from under the rubble, and turns back into his normal form from his flat form. He charges a Kamehameha, and places his hand in front of him as if his firing, but uses his Mystic Attack to extend his arms to using fire his beam at point blank range. He dubs the attack Mystic Kamehameha, and Dabura recovers from the attack. Pend, and Dabura power up to their max stating that the warm-up is finished. Bardock punches Dabura in the face, and joins Pend.

Bardock powers up to Super Saiyan 2, and Pend powers up to his max. Dabura charges his Demonic Will, and battles the duo. Chronoa, and Whis have located 5 of the Super Dragon Balls already. Bardock uses his Full-Powered Rebellion Trigger, and Pend knocks Dabura into Bardock's attack. Bardock, and Pend engage in melee combat with Dabura, and their combined strength is outdoing Dabura's. They continue fight around West City's region, and Pend uses a Dabura fires a Super Evil Impulse, but Bardock' and Pend fire FUll-Powered Rebellion Trigger, and 'Kamehameha respectively. Stopping the attack, and pushes it into space. Bardock attacks Dabura, and Pend slams Dabura into a mountain. Pend powers up, and uses his Mystic Attack to extend his neck, and allow him to headbutt him in the back, and extends his tongue to lasso Dabura into King Castle. Dabura gets back up with an angered look on his face.

Dabura teleports back to Age 1000, and the duo return to the Time Nest. Chronoa, and Whis are with Super Shenron, and Super Shenron grants Chronoa's wish by giving her six Metamo-Rings with powers similar to the Potara fusion, by preformed using the Fusion Dance. Dial returns to Planet Plant, and inspects the damages before undoing it, but Bardock requests him not to fix it until Bardock defeats Chilled. Dabura, and Psidevilman use a device to allow them to go to Universe 1. Towa finds Dabura's Time Breaker belt, and Psidevilman's Time Breaker ring. Dial arrives on Planet Kanassa in Age 738, and uses his appearance to sneak past Frieza's soldiers. He finds Towa on the planet, and she prepares to personally fight Dial.

Dial transport her into the Time Nest, and Towa powers up to her Darkness form. Dial fires a Kamehameha at Towa, but she uses her Position Shift ability to switch places with him; causing him to be hit by his own attack. Towa traps him in a Time Bullet, and Dial tries to use a Super Explosive to free himself, but feels. The Time Bullet explodes, and Dial is injured. He punches her, and uses his new Galick Blast Wave, and destroys the industrial sector. Towa is knocked against the Serpentine Road, and Towa uses her Minus Kiri Zone on Dial. Dial manages to escape before it explodes, but destroys the serpentine road. Dial lands on a floating structure. Towa flies for another assault, and Dial reciprocates. The two clash with one another.

After the clash connects Towa fell to the ground, and before Dial finishes her off. She uses her Time Portal to call forth Shun Shun, and Haru Haru. They battle Dial where he is able to dodge all their separate attacks with ease. He uses his Full Powered Death Beam, but only destroys half of Shun Shun. Shun Shun regenerates and uses her Blizzard Bomb on him, but Dial easily deflects. The injuries he sustain while fighting Towa causes him to be hit by Haru Haru's Volcano Bomb, but he is barely injured. Towa uses her Time Portal to shift the fighters back to Planet Plant, and Dial kneels on the ground in pain. Bardock arrives on the battlefield, and gives him a Senzu Bean. After being restored; Dial fires a Gack! at Shun Shun, and Haru Haru. They are nearly hit by the blast, and manage to dodge it, but Dial appears behind them. He knocks Shun Shun to the ground with a powerful kick to gut, and Haru Haru with a Backslap. Shun Shun puts Dial in a Bear Hug, and Haru Haru fires her Volcano Bomb at them both. Dial breaks free of the Bear Hug, and dodges the attack while Shun Shun is hit full on. He places Haru Haru in a Rear naked choke, and keeps her locked in while Shun Shun regenerates. Haru Haru uses her Volcano Bomb to destroy her own head, and manages to escape. Towa uses her Dark Magic on Shun Shun and Haru Haru causing them to fuse together into Shun Haru.

Shun Haru assaults Dial, and manages to knock him to ground with punch to the gut. Dial gets up, and becomes confused about her sudden power up as individually they were equal to power level of Raditz, and now have jumped to being more powerful than Dial. Dial uses his Death Beam, but Shun Haru easily deflects it. Dial uses his Time Nest Teleportation ability to teleport both him, and Shun Haru into the Time Nest, but she uses her Magic to redirect it to Age 852's Yunzabit Heights instead. With both fighters in the current timeline; Dial lets loose, and transforms into his 2nd Form. Shun Haru uses Mystic Attack to grab him by the tail, and throws into a nearby mountain. Dial uses his Burning Attack on Shun Haru, but she counters with Blizzard Volcano Bomb the attacks connect. An energy clash ensures, and their attacks are almost even. Dial channels his Nature Pulse, and the two energy spheres explode leaving a sizeable crater. Bardock considers using the Namek Dragon Ball to make her weaker, but Future Trunks tells him that New Namek was destroyed by Mira in age 851. Dial charges ki into his fists, and delivers a Super God Fist on Shun Haru and sends her into nearby mountain. Shun Haru is wedged into Mountain and Dial prepares a Super Galick Gun, but before the attack can connect with Shun Haru uses Super Explosive Wave to free herself and cause an energy struggle with Dial. An explosion ensues, and results in a giant crater. Dial attempts to go in for another attack, but Shun Haru uses the Time Freeze technique, and teleports back to Towa.

Return of Chilled[]

Dial, Bardock, Pend, and Future Trunks return to the Time Nest, and begin searching for Chilled. Whis arrives in the Time Nest with five Saiyans, and reveals they are all pure-hearted. He reveals what he knows about Super Saiyan God, and Chilled's progress. Whis tells the Time Patrol that Chilled must but destroyed or the false timeline will remain, which could have disastrous effects. Future Trunks trains with Beerus, while Dial, and Pend train with Whis. Bardock choses to train alone, and goes to Plaza of Time to do so.

Suddenly Face bursts through the ground of the City destroying it, his summoning altar, and forcing Chronoa to transport everything important to an area allowing Supreme Kai, and Old Kai create Conton City in its place. Chronoa explains that Face is permanently summoned dragon created by precedessor after she permanently fused with the former and only Namekian Guardian of Toki Toki City, and that Face translates wishes to create life to Super Shenron from an past or future era. Face can only create Paradox Entities, and not regular life. Although he can bring people from any time to the current time, and grant any power based wishes. The altar is used so that it gives him the image of a regular wish granting dragon, and disappears after a third wish, but due to him being independent form his Dragon Balls, he can actually grant a limitless number of wishes. Before she finishes explaining Face to the Time Patrol Chilled arrives in his true form, and blasts everyone away. Whis stands in front of Future Trunks as he begins the ritual to becoming a Super Saiyan God. Chilled tries to attack Future Trunks, but Beerus holds in a Full-Nelson forcing him to watch the entire ritual. Finally Future Trunks emerges as a Super Saiyan God, and readies to battle using his father's fighting stance.

Chilled instantly transforms into his Golden form, and the two engage in battle. Beerus is surprised that they are fighting equally in the Ajisa District is damaged by their initial assault. Upon realising that their fighting called destroy the Time Nest, Whis drop them off at Skull Valley on of at Age 1000 the time that Towa, and Mira are from. The two enter a beam struggle with a God Final Flash, and Golden Death Ball respectively, and the attacks cause a massive explosive that vaporises Skull Valley, Mount Paozu, and the surrendering areas. After deflecting a 100% Death Ball; Future Trunks empowers his sword with his energy, and uses a technique called Sword of Divinity, Chilled manages to dodge the attack, but the attack destroys Jupiter and all its moons. The two collide with each other in colossal battle, but Beerus is certain that Chilled is holding back. Future Trunks blocks an attack with Chilled, but Chilled blasts a Death Beam through his chest, and nearly kills him. Thanks to his power he manages to heal from his wound, and gains a power boost due to his Saiyan heritage. Future Trunks channels his power boosts into a Super Galick Gun, but Chilled dodges it. Chilled delivers a heavy kick that seems to break his neck, and seemingly kill Trunks. Dial transforms into his God Form, and prepares to fight.

Dial attacks Chilled and manages damage him slightly, but it has realise his isn't powerful enough, and powers up to his God True Form. Even though he is continually delivering heavy blows to him; Chilled remains to have the better power, and Shun Haru arrives making the situation worse by attacking Dial. Just as Dial prepares to attack Chilled he hears Future Trunks gasp for air. The thought of his friend dying cause Dial to go into a fit of rage continually transforms undergoing, and causes the area to shake violently. A sudden thunderstorm occurs along with rapid waves, and the rain turns to hail. Dial's horns recede, and his head reshapes into similar shape to Frieza's head in his True Form/Final Form. His muscle mass slightly increases, and his eyes gain a pupil and the colour changes to Byzantium purple. One of the spikes on his back recedes while the two remaining spikes grow that curl similar to the Ultimate F suit, he gains a red spot on his back, and gains a guard-like bio-armour over his crotch. Spikes grow out his wrist bio-armour in shape of a dorsal fin, and purple spot with lines on wrists. Spikes grow out his ankles, and angled upwards. As he transforms; his bio-armour appears even more like the Ultimate F suit, as he gains lined red spots on throat area, and shoulders. The red spot on his chest vanishes, and his stomach area is exposed. He gains shoulder bows, and the shoulder bows gain dorsal fin-like spikes on them. His transformations caused an explosion, and as the smoke clears it Dial is now has grown the Ultimate F suit. As he moves forward to Chilled, Dial causes the ground to crack, and before Chilled has realised it, Dial delivers a devastating blow to stomach sending him into a cliff.

Dial unleashes a fiery lightning crackling-aura, and roundhouse kicks Shun Haru. Dial delivers an Ultimate Knuckle on Chilled after he recovers, and tries to attack him. Chilled is heavily injured by the attack, and is having trouble standing. He knocks back Shun Haru with the tip of his tail, and completely destroys her left torso with an Energy Punch. Chilled fires two Death Beams towards Dial, but they miss him and it Giran's Village and the nearby Animal Village destroying both villages instantly. Chilled transforms into an Augmented version of the Golden Form, taken on a "Pure Gold" form. He explains how with Mr. Poko Poko's help he was able to use his hatred to create the new form. Chilled attacks Dial, but Dial dodges it and preforms a blackflip kick which knocks him into a building in South City, and the collide punches from both of them cause massive fissures to rip through the cities. Future Trunks is taken to Beerus' Planet with Bardock as Dial continues to fight. Shun Haru tries to use the Rear Naked Choke, but Dial easily dismantles the choke, and knocks her into a nearby truck. Chilled uses a Pure Death Beam, but it's deflect at into spaces destroying 17 asteroids in the process. He tries to attack Dial, but his form is causing him to be slow and is unable to hit Dial. Chilled escapes the battlefield, and Shun Haru attempts to leave, but is stopped by Pend.

Shun Haru attacks Pend, but he dodges it and kicks her in the chin. He preforms a Mystic Attack to knock to the ground, and uses a Ki Blast on her. However she survives, and just as she attacks Pend transforms into his 2D Form makes it hard for her to attack. He uses a 2D Kamehameha to cut off her left arm, and another try and cut off her right arm, but she dodges it. He than uses Mystic 2D Kamehameha, and manages to cut off her head, but she reforms. She attempts to destroy him, and the area with Blizzard Volcano Bomb, but he manages to escape the attack. Sensing that she is losing; Darkness Towa arrive, and uses her Magic to transform Shun Haru into the Super form. She grows her Dynamic Strong Suit in conjunction with her new form, and manages to divide Earth into pieces with her first attack. Pend barely survives her Dark Assault attack, and uses Mystic Double AX Handle knocking Super Shun Haru to ground. Bardock, and Future Trunks train together to master the Godly Ki in with Whis using an accelerated method to allow them to stop Chilled. Bardock is wearing a new set of armour with a dark green jumpsuit, and parries all of Future Trunks' attacks. Super Shun Haru charges a attack called Dark Flames, and incinerates a number of cars, street signs, and several buildings. She uses her Raging Ball to attack Pend, but he manages to escape by returning to his 3D form. She punches him with her Mystic Attack, and knees him in the gut; sending him to the ground. After dodging her Blue Wave of Rage; Super Shun Haru resorts to physical attacks, and manages to get him near the ocean. Before Future Trunks manages to connect his punch Bardock transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue. Finally after numerous of brutal assaults; Super Shun Haru goes for her Ultimate attack, and uses her Tidal of Green Flames. Pend stands in awe as he is about to buried under green fire, and incinerated.

Experiencing great fear and a sense of hopelessness; Pend falls to ground with no idea what to do. As he is overcome by fear; a change in him occurs causing to undergo a transformation, and he obtains his "Great Terror" form. Lost in fear; Pend subconsciously dodges the tidal wave, and it destroys city along with everyone in it. He frantically assaults her, and manages to push her back into the ground with a Mystic Attack Barrage, and fires Continuous Kamehameha at her. He dodges all her attacks, and manages to deflect her Blue Wave of Rage back at her. She uses her attack Continuous Blue Waves, but he manages to out maneuver all her attacks, and knock her into the charred ground. Chronoa tries to get Pend to take control of his new form, but he is able to focus due to in state of great terror. He blasts off one of Super Shun Haru's fingers, and it suddenly disappears. In his frantic assault; Pend nearly wounds Chronoa as he is too frighten to, and his face becomes slightly distorted. Pend eventually gains pupil-less yellow irises, and gains some control on the form. Pend throws a stop sign in her direction, but she manages to dodge it, and uses her Tidal of Green Flames again. Pend works out that her fire-based attacks are magically attacks, and not Ki attacks. Pend reads from Bibidi's grimoire, and manages to use the incantation that sealed Buu away to seal the magically attack into a shard of glass. Pend prepares to attack, but he knocks over a book which turns out to be a Grimoire for humans, and Chronoa explains if anyone but a Human or Human Hybrid reads it, it'll result in their permanent death. Super Shun Haru manages to overpower Pend, and bounds him to the ground concerning Chronoa she tries to find a fighter to help Pend. Super Shun Haru is about to blast Pend, but she is hit in the back by a Ki Blast. She turns around to find that it's Yamcha wearing a baseball outfit, and he picks up the grimoire; as he reads it the content of the book glows, and flows into his eyes causing him to undergo a transformation. As the smoke clears, and Yamcha in a new form appears before Super Shun Haru.

Yamcha dodges every attack fired his way, and uses his new Arcane Wolf Fang Fist destroying the lower half of her body, but she manages to reforms her body back to normal. They collide in an epic battle that causes tremors through out the planet, and are even causing colossal tidal waves to form. Pend kicks her beneath the ocean, and Yamcha use a new technique called Swan Dive Wolf Fang Fist, and manages to destroy most of her body. She easily reforms her body, and uses a Volcano Field Explosion transforming the ocean, and area near South City into a Volcanic Field making it heard for the fighters to concentrate due to the heat. She back hands Pend into the ground, but he manages to teleport away from the lava filled ground; saving himself. Bardock, Future Trunks, and Dial arrive at the ruins of Route 81 to where Chilled is waiting, and transform into Super Saiyan Blue, and Ultimate F form respectively. Super Shun Haru tries to charge a Blue Wave of Rage, but the heat is causing her to lose her focus, and ends up burning herself with her own magic. Yamcha channels his magic into his Azure Dragon Sword, and uses Occult Dragon Slash and knocks her into the ground while severing her at the same time. Super Shun Haru becomes confused, but discovers that he is high enough away from it to allow him to focus his magic correctly. After managing to knock her to the ground after ground with Kiai Cannon, he use Occult Dragon Lunge impaling her with his causing extreme discomfort and pain. he follows uses Occult Dragon Sheathed Lunge into a nearby island, which destroys the island, and vaporises her upper body. She manages to regenerate, and as she rises up from the ground she notes sensing Face locating her via a wish. Her body glows briefly, and Yamcha tries to lunge her with his sword, but it crumbles into dust, and fades away. Towa reveals to her that she wished for her to have an Unfettered Body, and she drags Yamcha along the ground before throwing him into a charred, scalding hot building. Pend uses a Continuous Kamehameha on her, but it does absolutely no damage to her at all, and even tries to punch her. Pend's fear takes over again, and she takes full advantage of it by dodging his frantic attacks, and knocks him into the ground. Yamcha tries to Rear Naked Choke her, but thanks to her Unfettered Body is has absolutely no effect on her, and dispatches him easily. Pend talks Yamcha into sealing her to stop her for good, and he suggests a nearby stop sign as it is the only viable thing around. Chilled explains to Bardock that he is betraying the Time Breakers, and will kill them after to destroying the Time Patrol and powers up to his Pure Gold form. Yamcha holds her off with an energy volley as Pend readies the Sealing Technique, and as he focuses the sign begins to float with a white glow around it. Super Shun Haru blasts Pend with a Volcano Blizzard Bomb, and causes the sign to drop. She snaps off a piece of metal pipes, and impales Yamcha in the chest, and he gasps "not again". Pend regains focus, and the sign is still charged allowing him to launch it directly at her sealing her completely in the sign. Yamcha falls to the ground, and the ground returns to the normal thanks to a wish via Chronoa to Face.

Chilled as reveals his new power by matching Ultimate F form Dial, and manages to dodge his punch, and knocks him to the ground with a kick destroying the road around him. Yamcha stumbles towards Chronoa, but he is noticed by Chilled whom fires a Death Cannon at him, and Pend. Yamcha knocks the worn out Pend out of the way, and takes the full blast. Future Trunks becomes enraged by the attack, and blasts him with a Galick Gun, but it only slightly damages Chilled. Pend feels Yamcha's pulse, and discovers that the blast killed him. He tries to fly off to avenge him, but Chronoa doesn't let him. Dial senses Yamcha's death, and aggressively attacks him until being calmed down by Bardock, and Bardock delivers a barrage of punches before kicking him in the side sending him hurtling into the ground. He teleports behind Bardock, and uses a Pure Death Spike destroying the entire area, and Satan City killing all the inhabitants nearby. Bardock's new armour is damaged, and Future Trunks trench-coat is destroyed completely. Dial collides with Chilled in melee whilst the giant mushroom cloud still covers battlefield. Future Trunks compares the fight to New Future Trunks, and manages to bombard Chilled with Ki Blasts. Future Trunks, and Dial preform Galick Guns, and manages to hold Chilled back, and it seems that he has gotten stronger, and faster. Chilled deflects the blasts at the sky, and knocks them to ground as Bardock fires a new technique called Twin Rebellion Triggers which is a combination of Rebellion Trigger and Dark Rebellion Trigger, but Chilled fires a Death Blaster entering the beam struggle, and eventually the energy waves cause a massive explosion leaving a large crater behind. Dabura, and Psidevilman look on trying to find the Dark Dragon Balls, and already have three.

As the battle rages on; Psidevilman, and Dabura steal Towa's Dark Dragon Ball locator, and steal the Time Pass to allow them to travel freely in any timeline line. They arrive in Age 2000 where most of Earth has changed to the point that it mirrors the real world of the 2010s. Earth has been properly restored, and thriving with Namekians, Humans, Saiyan-Human descendants, and other aliens. They are encountered by Greatdevilman, and has a Dark Dragon Ball embedded in his chest. Dabura prepares to battle him, and engages him with Evil Flame. Bardock knees Chilled in the stomach, and follows up with kicking him the ground. Chilled gets up, and blasts him in the chest damaging his new armour. Dial knocks him to ground with his tail, and Future Trunks manages to cut off half of Chilled's tail. Chilled dislocates Future Trunks' arm to take his sword, and uses it against him. He dodges all of Chilled's attacks, and Future Trunks picks up a nearby stick and uses Lightning Stick Attack. Dabura has just finished Greatdevilman, and has been released from the Dragon Ball's hold. Greatdevilman returns to Towa's Base, and apologies for going rogue. She gives him forgiveness in return he goes with his comrades to find the Dark Dragon Balls. Towa refuses to tell how the Dark Dragon Ball's Dragon works after Dabura stole from her, and orders them to leave. However an unknown individual calls Dabura back, and they leave to an unkown area. Chilled is greatly injured by the attack, and cleans off some blood coming from his mouth, but his nose is also bleeding. Future Trunks parries his own blade with a stick, and manages to match all Chilled's movements. Vados, and Champa meet with Chronoa, Whis, and Beerus to discuss Psidevilman's, and Dabura's sudden disappearance as neither of them can sense them. Future Trunks uses Rapid Stick Stream, and Chilled uses Rapid Sword Stream. Both the Sword, and Stick are shattered by constantly parrying with one another, and Future Trunks kick Chilled in the gut before Dial uses Double Axe Handle to smash him into the ground. Bardock fires a Rebellion Trigger at him before Future Trunks binds him with Thunder Shock Surprise, but Chilled manages to withstand the attack to push it back by mimicking Thunder Shock Surprise. Chilled charges a Golden Death Ball while Dial, and Future Trunks charge a Galick Gun, and Final Flash respectively. Dabura cloaked by a shadow is currently in Age 1200, and is holding both Great Ape Raditz, and Great Ape Nappa, but the tail. It seems that he is a defeated them in battle, and destroys both of them. Stating that reviving them was a mistake; Psidevilman compliment Dabura on his new power, and tells him that the Darkness Form is a good look. Psidevilman compares his power to Towa's, and is amused to found their powers to be equal. They than use the Instantaneous Transmission to teleport somewhere, but not before Dabura looks back at the trail of bodies left on Universe 7's version of Hit's Home plant.

Unable to sense Dabura's, and Psidevilman's energy; Vados, and Chronoa team up to find them worried about the re-use of the Dark Dragon Balls. They head out the last known location of one of the Dark Dragon Balls in Age 639. They find that area is completely destroyed, and Chronoa uses her powers to erase the changes in the timeline. Chronoa, and Vados disguise themselves as Humans, and meet a 209 year old Master Roshi. They pretend to martial arts enthusiasts, and ask him to train them pretending to be weaker, and he agrees to do so. They pretend that they drink a life extending elixir, and spend training with him until Age 700, and are given the Turtle Hermit outfit. After being convinced that the attackers aren't coming back, they head off to 5 Million Before Age, and disguise themselves generic Kais. Thinking they covered more ground if they had more help; Chronoa uses her powers to summon New Future Trunks from Age 797 in Timeline 7. They tell him of the predicament, and he agrees to help them. Chronoa observes Kid Buu fighting her fellow Kais falling, and refrains from helping. However when Kid Buu absorbs Southern Supreme Kai, and later Grand Supreme Kai; New Future Trunks is unable to stand by, and just before Shin is killed he is saved. Meanwhile; Dial, Future Trunks, and Bardock continue to battle against Chilled. Losing energy due to his Pure Gold form; he tries to use more offensive attacks, but Dial whose energy is still higher than his thanks to his Ultimate F form, and Godly ki he manages to deflect all attacks. Dial hits Chilled with a barrage of Roundhouse kicks, and knocks him to the ground with a Spinning Tail Whip. He uses Miniature Death Ball on Chilled, but using a Death Cannon the attack is deflected into space, and at an unknown planet destroy it, and its moon. Dial is shocked that is attack just killed billions of lives, and angrily attacks Chilled for calling it collateral damage. Using Continuous Energy Spheres to hound Chilled; Bardock delivers a powerful punch to the gut, and finishes up with an up close Final Spirit Cannon destroying the area around him. New Future Trunks manages to deflect a blast from Innocent Buu, and manages to knock him down easily defeating him. After defeating him; both Bibidi, and Innocent Buu flee the area. Chronoa reprimands New Future Trunks' interference, but thanks him for saving her fellow Kai.

Final battles[]

Chronoa arrives at Age 767, and watch in the distances as a Super Saiyan Full Power Goku is giving Broly a hard time. New Future Trunks reveals that he doesn't remember that Broly's father came to Earth during the tens after Gohan, and Goku left the tournament around May 21st, and doesn't remember how he was defeated as pretty much everyone was defeated at during the battle. Chronoa reveals that never happened during the Main Timeline and instead they happened in a Parallel Timeline. After Goku is knocked for the final time; Gohan arises from the ground, and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2. New Future Trunks is shocked to see him in form saying that he remembers him transforming during Cell Games, and not here. But witness Gohan defeating Broly, but everyone except Vados, Chronoa, and New Future Trunks suddenly stops. Towa in her Darkness form appears with an unknown Masked Figure, and effectively rewinds to the day before Paragus arrives on Earth erasing the event. New Future Trunks becomes confused, but Chronoa tells him that stopping time doesn't work on the Time Patrol, and that even though the day was rewound, the time nest still stored the events. A ki blast from Towa just misses New Future Trunks, and hits building behind. Towa smirks at him, and leaves, but not before revealing that she just killed Paragus. Broly emerges from the rubble, and powers up to his Super Saiyan form, but his restraining device pigments the colour. Broly breaks it, and his hair becomes normal, and allows him to fight at full power. He engages New Future Trunks, but he easily dodges his attack, and manages to knock him into ground with blast to back. Broly kicks him in the stomach, but New Future Trunks is hardly affect by it, and uses a Galick Gun. Realizing he is completely outmatched in his current form; Broly powers up to Legendary Super Saiyan, and manages to push base form New Future Trunks into Super Saiyan. After several clashes with Broly; he transforms into Future Super Saiyan, and confuses Chronoa because he looks he just dyed his hair, but the form gives him an edge over Broly. Future Trunks, and Bardock assault Chilled as his power begins to dwindle faster. Their clashes cause tremors throughout the planet, and Chilled tries to get the upper-hand again, but keeps losing. Bardock ends up kick him into a cave which turns out to be the Cave of Darkness. Chilled accidentally drinks the Ultra Divine Water after it he collided with the table, and ends up two cups worth of the water. Expecting him to die from it Future Trunks learnt from Goku; they decide to let that be the end of him, but Chilled emerges victorious and unlock his full potential. He unleashes his power, and manages to overwhelm all three of fighters. Chilled is able to maintain his form longer, and his manages to deflect everyone blast from the fighters. New Future Trunks, and Broly continue to battle each in a colossal battle. Vados observe a Comet coming their direction, and points it out to Chronoa. New Future Trunks notices the Comet, and decides end the battle quickly by transforming into a Super Saiyan 3, and knocks him out by punching him in the stomach, and hitting him with a Pressure Point Attack. They leave the planet, and go to another point in time while the planet is destroyed by the comet.

Chilled picks up Bardock by the ankle, and repeatedly punches him the gut. He knocks Dial away with his tail as he tries to hep Bardock. He destroys the mountain, and surrounding area with a Ultra Pure Death Beam, and proceeds to use Burst Rush on Future Trunks and ending the attack with an Ultra Pure Death Beam instead of Ultimate Kamehameha. Bardock tries to help Future Trunks, but Chilled tightens his grip causing tremendous pain to him. Dial tries to blast him in the back, but Chilled swiftly deflects them all with his tail. Bardock gets vision from his Foresight Ability, and observes Goku using Kaio-Ken against Frieza. He stops struggling, and begins to raise his ki within his body. His Divination allows him to see Goku train Kaio-Ken, and mimics his the process. Having to train under the Time Breakers rigorous gravity training he enables his body to access, and uses training to combined Super Saiyan Blue with Kaio-ken x6.5'. He frees himself and tries to attack him, but Chilled easily blocks all his attacks. He increases it to x8.5, but he is still getting blocked. He than preforms a 8.5x Twin Rebellion Trigger while Chilled clashes with Ultra Pure Death Beam. Dial gets up, and uses Nature Pulse to power himself up, and uses Galick Gun. Chilled is managing to push back with his blast, but Bardock increases to 8.72x to increase his attack, but it isn't enough to push back. Future Trunks uses his God Final Flash to aid in the attack, and manages to hold the attack off, but it's not going anywhere. Their hands start to burn from the amount of energy their putting out, but Chilled suddenly teleports next to them, and knocks all three away before kick his own blast to a far away planet destroying it, and the system. Bardock is incapacitated due to using Kaio-ken x8.72, and Dial's body is numb because of Nature Pulse. Future Trunks holds off Chilled while Whis gives Bardock, and Dial a senzu bean each, and they help Future Trunks battle him. Whis stands back, and observes as they battle against the tyrant. However Dial's numbness is still slightly affecting, and he questions the effectiveness of the beans while he is in his Ultimate F form. He attempts to rush Chilled, but he grabs Dial by the tail, and throws him into a destroyed building in West City. Whis senses high God Ki coming towards Earth, and he goes back to the Time Nest to get Beerus. Chilled picks Bardock up by his armour, and throws in towards Future Trunks sending them both into a cliff. Future Trunks recovers, and tries to attack him, but Chilled flies into the vacuum of space where he charges up his new attack Pure Supernova. They try to stop him by firing ki blasts at him, but it just makes the attack bigger, and more powerful. Dial tries to fly, and attack him but an energy shield knocks him back down to Earth. The energy sphere becomes as big as the planet, and Chilled launches it at Earth. The three fire a Twin Rebellion Trigger, Super Galick Gun, and God Final Flash respectively, but the Pure Supernova simply absorbs the Ki blasts, and increases in size. Suddenly two unknown figures appear in front of the blast, and the blue-skinned individual nullifies the attack. The second individual identifies herself as Dori, Universe 1's God of Destruction, and faces Chilled.

Beerus is confused by her statement being the God of Destruction as he doesn't know her, but Whis reminds him that he came from Age 780. Chilled attempts to Dori, but she delivers an extremely hard punch that stops Chilled in his tracks. Dial flies up to Chilled confused about the situation, but becomes shocked to see Chilled dead after a single punch like that. Beerus questions her, and she reveals that she is was a Kōhito a race of beings born with mild levels of godly ki, and the ability to speak God. She explains that after her predecessor was killed in Age 900; she used the Super Dragon Balls to transform herself into a God of Destruction with equal ki to her predecessors, and after a year went by she used again to turn transform her on molecular level into a feminine version of her predecessor. Her best-friend Keela used the Super Dragon Balls herself to gain appearance and power of an Angel, and change her gender from male to female. Keela retains pointy ears of a Kōhito, but is as powerful as Whis. She explains to Beerus that two evildoers from Universe 7 have come to Universe 1, and has started to wreak havoc in the universe. Keela' tells Dial that it should be Universe 7's job to eliminate the threats of their own fellow citizen. Beerus, and Whis agree to go with Dori, and Keela to access the criminals while the three return to Time Nest, and await his word. After 3 days; the Earth of Age 1000 is restored to its original state, and the three warrior return to the Time Nest. They train amongst to improve their skills, and await for changes to the timeline. Meanwhile; Towa enters a cave with Broly, and a fully recovered Mira at her side. She holds a finger from Shun Haru she managed to get before making getting her Unfettered Body, and her pineal gland. She puts the gland, and finger into a machine which merges with a larva in a test tube. Broly asks how she got the pineal gland, and she tells him that she used her magic to extract it, and replace it. She tells him that the pineal gland is the principal seat of the soul, and goes onto say that she already used her magic to replace the brain of Shun Haru as she merged its property, and data into the larva. And further explains that she has used the cells of Demigra as well, but Mira questions to whether adding Chilled is a good idea. She explains that she didn't use Zamasu due to his body being completely destroyed, and couldn't find any body parts from Merged Zamasu. Mira asks the relevance of Zamasu as he asked about Chilled, but Towa reveals that Chilled's DNA will hinder her project. The Dark Magic is about to fade from Broly, but Towa strengthens it. Towa tells Broly that the machine turns flesh, hair, or other forms of DNA into energy which is than fuse into the larva, and merges the DNA from it. Mira questions her logic as Chilled nearly destroyed the planet, and Towa points out that if Chilled succeeded they'd all be dead. Mira scoffs at the notion that Chilled had the capacity to kill him, and tells her that could teach it control. She finally accepts, and uses Chilled's entire body to in fuse his body into the larva, but she finds out that the pineal gland is missing. Mira tells that he integrated it into his body, and shows off his new aura. The monitor says that Project X is 25% complete, and tells them that they need a more DNA. She proceeds to leave the cave, and sends Broly to an unknown time.


Bardock, the Saiyan of Legend[]

  • 074 - Bardock the Super Saiyan!?
  • 075 - Chilled's Warning!!
  • 076 - Chilled Returns!!
  • 077 - Miira Intervenes!! The Masked Saiyan!?
  • 078 - Return of Champa, and Vados!!
  • 079 - Vados Trains Dial!!
  • 080 - Attack of the Masked Saiyan..
  • 081 - ...Attack of the Masked Saiyan
  • 082 - A Broken Mask!! Bardock Enrages
  • 083 - Battle on Planet Plant!! Fight Miira!!

Demonic Assault[]

  • 084 - Revival of Dabura!!
  • 085 - Villains of the Future...
  • 086 - Trunks, Battles!
  • 087 - Supreme Kai of Time's Plea!! Bring Pure-Hearted Saiyans
  • 088 - Chilled's Plan!!
  • 089 - Defeat Bardock..
  • 090 - Enter Pend...
  • 091 - Pend vs. Dabura
  • 092 - Bardock Attacks! Round 2
  • 093 - Dabura Escapes!!
  • 094 - Towa Transforms!! Dial Faces Towa!!
  • 095 - Haru Haru and Shun Shun!! Towa Calls Fighters!!
  • 096 - Shun Haru!! The Fused Majin!

Chilled's Second Assault[]

  • 097 - Back to the Future
  • 098 - Trunks... Super Saiyan God
  • 099 - Chilled Transforms...
  • 100 - Dial Steps In!! Ultimate Battle!!
  • 101 - Ultimate D!! Dial's Rage!!
  • 102 - Pend Steps In!! Bardock the Super Saiyan Blue!!
  • 103 - The Great Terror within Pend!! Fear Unleashed!!
  • 104 - Sealing Shun Haru!!
  • 105 - The Face Off!! Time Patrollers and Bardock!!
  • 106 - Psidevilman and Dabura Search!!
  • 107 - Vados and Supreme Kai of Time Team Up!! Search for Psidevilman and Dabura!

Last Battles[]

  • 108 - Broly - Legendary Super Saiyan!?
  • 109 - Universe 1!! Arrival of Dori!!
  • 110 - The Final Attack!! Chilled is No More!!


Major characters[]





  • Dial (1st Form), and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Whis
  • Bardock (Super Saiyan) vs. Chilled (1st Form)
  • Bardock (Super Saiyan), and Dial (1st Form) vs. Chilled (True Form)
  • Dial (1st Form) vs. Miira
  • Dial (1st Form) vs. Ego (1st Form)
  • Dial (1st Form) vs. Vados
  • Dial (1st Form/God Form) vs. Bardock (Masked; Base, Super Saiyan)
  • Bardock (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Miira (Runaway Form)
  • Dial (1st Form), and Bardock (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Miira (Super Form), and Dabura (Demonic Will)
  • Future Trunks vs. Psidevilman
  • Pend vs. Dabura (Demonic Will)
  • Bardock (Super Saiyan 2), and Pend vs. Dabura (Demonic Will)
  • Dial (1st Form) vs. Towa (Darkness form)
  • Dial (1st Form) vs Haru Haru, and Shun Shun
  • Dial (1st Form/2nd Form) vs. Shun Haru
  • Face vs. Chilled (True Form) (Unseen)
  • Future Trunks (Super Saiyan God) vs. Chilled (Ultimate Evolution)
  • Dial (God Form/God True Form/Ultimate F Form) vs. Chilled (Ultimate Evolution/Augmented Golden Chilled), and Shun Haru
  • Pend (Base/2D Form/Great Terror) vs. Shun Haru (Base/Super Shun Haru)
  • Future Trunks vs. Bardock
  • Pend (Great Terror), and Yamcha (But's Grimoire) vs. Shun Haru (Super Shun Haru)
  • Dial (Ultimate F form/Ultimate Evolution-Ultimate F Form), Future Trunks (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan), and Bardock (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) vs. Chilled (Augmented Golden Chilled)
  • Dabura vs. Greatdevilman (Unseen)
  • Dabura (Darkness form) vs. Great Ape Raditz and Great Ape Nappa (Unseen)
  • New Future Trunks vs. Innocent Buu
  • Gohan (Super Saiyan 2) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan) (Time reverse; Battle never happened)
  • New Future Trunks (Base/Super Saiyan/Future Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 3) vs. Broly (Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan)
  • Dori vs. Chilled